
Report 3 of the 12 February 2009 meeting of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee and provides the terms of reference for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Terms of reference for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee

Report: 3
Date: 12 February 2009
By: Chief Executive


This report provides the terms of reference for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee.

A. Recommendation

To note the Sub Committee’s Terms of Reference

B. Supporting information

1. To ensure the effective discharge and development of the Authority’s consultative and community engagement responsibilities, including:

  1. the implementation and review of the MPA/MPS joint Community Engagement Strategy
  2. oversight of the MPS’ Citizen Focus programme and strategies
  3. monitoring and reviewing how the MPA undertakes its statutory duties as a responsible authority of borough Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
  4. the development of borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
  5. pan London community engagement initiatives, including the Hate Crime Forum and Domestic Violence Forum
  6. the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme
  7. Stop and Search Monitoring and Review
  8. CDRP’s and partnership groups
  9. Funding processes for community engagement and partnership work

2. To contribute to national policy development, national events or Association of Police Authority networks or initiatives in relation to community engagement.

3. To inform and support assist other MPA committees on community engagement issues of relevance to their responsibilities and identify best practice with a view for dissemination amongst the service

4. Provide advice to the Authority and MPS staff in developing and managing the community engagement work stream.

5. To monitor and review the MPA undertaking of its duties as a responsible authority of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships of London.

6. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities Equalities and People Committee.

C. Race and equality impact

None provided

D. Financial implications

None provided

E. Background papers

None provided

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Chris Benson, Committee Services, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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