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Report 4 of the 12 February 2009 meeting of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee and introduces the draft CECF Work Plan.

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Introduction to the Sub-committee draft work plan 2009-10

Report: 4
Date: 12 February 2009
By: Head of Engagement & Partnerships on behalf of the Chief Executive


The report introduces the draft CECF Work Plan. This is a ‘living document’ (in a state of early development) which will form the foundation of the work programme for the CECF sub-committee over the next year.

A. Recommendation

That Members

  1. review the proposed activities contained in appendix 1.
  2. agree the draft frame work for the proposed Work Plan (appendix 1).

B. Supporting information

1. To enable the CEP Committees to best use the resources at hand, to make the greatest impact on service improvement within its remit, the CEP Committee requested, at its meeting of the 11 December, that a draft business plan be developed which would enable it to focus its work in a systematic way. At its meeting of 15 January 2009 this business plan was tendered and adopted.

2. The next stage was then to produce work plans for both the CEP Committee itself and its sub committees. These work plans will reflect the range of activities delegated by the main committee to its identified sub committees.

3. Appendix 1 is the draft workplan for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus sub-committee. It is intended to include, when it is finalised, the programme of activity for the committee which will offer a full opportunity to review and oversee the key projects, programmes and areas of responsibility covered by the committee.

Next steps

4. After the CECF have reviewed appendix 1; officers will develop the work plan and implement the actions proposed.

C. Race and equality impact

The work plan has the potential to highlight, as one of its objectives, equalities and diversity work and then to clearly identify key actions and targets.

D. Financial implications

The business planning method should enable a better use of resources and a greater focus on agreed corporate priorities.

E. Background papers

  • MPA Work Plan Template

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Martin Davis – Head of Engagement and Partnerships, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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