Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Minutes - draft

These minutes are draft and are to be agreed.

Minutes of the meeting of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus held on 21 June 2010 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Valerie Brasse
  • Victoria Borwick (Chair for this meeting)
  • Joanne McCartney

Co-Opted Member: Richard Hunt (London Communities’ Policing Partnership)

MPA officers

  • Natasha Plummer (Engagement & Partnerships Manager)

MPS officers

  • Chief Superintendant George Clarke

23. Apologies for absence

17.1 No apologies for absence were received.

24. Declarations of interest

18.1 There were no declarations of interest.

25. Minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2010

25.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2010 were approved and signed as a correct record.

Resolved: that the minutes of the Sub-committee held on 29 April be approved and signed as correct record.

26. Annual report of the Sub-committee 2009/10

26.1 Members were advised that due to an administrative error there had been some confusion about the timing of this meeting and that as a result the chair would not be in attendance. Officers apologized for the inconvenience and in the chair’s absence, Victoria Borwick assumed the chair.

26.2 Members reviewed the annual report and draft work plan and concurred with the view that to date very little work had been presented to the committee in relation to the citizen focus agenda.

Resolved: - that

  1. the annual report be noted;
  2. the draft work plan be agreed; and
  3. the Communities, Equalities and People Committee be asked to approve the Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-committee’s work plan for 2010/11.

27. Terms of reference for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee 2010/11

27.1 Members were advised that the terms of reference had been reviewed in line with good practice, which would suggest that an annual review is useful. However, in addition officers had amended the terms of reference to ensure greater clarity between the different remits of each committee and Sub-committee and to reduce unnecessary duplication.

27.2 Members recognised the apparent duplication, particularly between the work of the Strategic and Operational Policing (SOP) committee and that of this Sub-committee, which they felt was unnecessary and unhelpful. Officers advised that this concern could be addressed by ensuring that where similar subject areas were being considered SOP could lead on performance issues and this Sub-committee on the community engagement and citizen focus issues. However, members did not accept this resolution, suggesting that the Sub-committee ought to have complete ownership and jurisdiction over particular matters, rather than having them split across two different committees. Officers, therefore undertook to amend the draft terms of reference to ensure that the oversight of both stop and search and of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme fell within this Sub-committee’s terms of reference.

Resolved that:

  1. the revised terms of reference be remitted to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee for approval; and
  2. the matter of duplication between committees be referred to the Business Management Group for further consideration.

28 Appointment of Co-opted Member

28.1 Members were reminded that during the preceding committee year, Richard Hunt of the London Communities’ Policing Partnership had served as the Sub-committee’s co-opted member. Officers were of the view that this had been helpful and advised that this arrangement be continued for the 2010/11.

Resolved that:

  1. Richard Hunt be re-appointed as the co-opted member to the Sub-committee; and
  2. The decision be remitted to CEP for approval.

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