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Terms of reference, establishment of sub committees  and memberships, and the appointment of Chairmen and vice Chairmen

Report: 3
Date: 6 November 2008
By: the Chief Executive


This report invites the Committee to note its terms of reference and agree its Sub Committee structure, membership and the frequency of the meetings.

A. Recommendation

That members
(i) note the detailed terms of reference for CE&PC and its Sub Committees.
(ii) establish the Sub Committee structure and membership.
(iii) appoint the Chairman and Vice Chairmen of the Sub Committees
(iii) agree the frequency for the Sub Committees to meet.

B. Supporting information

Terms of reference

1.1 Members have indicated that the Communities, Equalities & People Committee (CE&PC) should be supported by the following Sub Committees:

  • Community Engagement Citizen Focus
  • Equalities
  • Remuneration

1.2 In addition to the terms of reference for the CE&PC, agreed at the meeting of the authority held on 6 October, the detailed terms of reference for CE&PC and the Sub Committees are attached to this report.

Sub committee structure and membership

2.1 The Committee is requested to formally establish the Sub Committees and appoint the membership. Members do not have to sit on CE&PC in order to serve on the Sub Committees.

2.2 The following expressions of interest for serving on the Sub Committees have been received:

  • Community Engagement Citizen Focus: Valerie Brasse and Clive Lawton.
  • Equalities: Kirsten Hearn, Faith Boardman and Clive Lawton.
  • Remuneration: Reshard Auladin and Faith Boardman.

2.3 It is suggested that the membership of the Sub Committees is five with a quorum of 3.

Nomination and election of Chairmen and vice Chairmen of the sub committees

3.1 Nominations for Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Sub Committees will be sought from the members of the Sub Committees.

Frequency of sub committee meetings

4.1 The Committee is asked to agree the frequency at which the Sub Committees should meet. Given that the CE&PC meets on a monthly basis, and the existing pressure on member’s diaries, it is recommended that the Sub Committees meet on a two month cycle, subject to review after six months. It is suggested that the Remuneration Committee continues to meet quarterly.

C. Race and equality impact

None arising directly from the report.

D. Financial implications

None arising directly from the report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Chris Benson, MPA Committee Services

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix A

Communities, Equalities and People Committee

The Committee has a range of responsibilities including:· MPS Human Resource policies and strategies· Leading on the integration of equality and diversity work within mainstream MPS service areas· The MPA / MPS’s consultation and community engagement responsibilities


1. To consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to MPS HR policy and strategy, including:

  1. workforce modernisation.
  2. the HR Strategy and annual business plan.
  3.  pay strategy.
  4. recruitment and retention issues.
  5. training and development (including the Annual Costed Training Plan.
  6. national issues, including implementation of Police Negotiating Board agreements.

2. To arrange for the selection of ACPO ranks, subject to police regulations and/or Home Office determinations.

3. To consider high profile and sensitive cases in line with the MPA/MPS protocol. Where a claim for compensation has been made, the Committee will:

  1. receive a quarterly information report on compensation cases settled by the Commissioner; and
  2. consider, for recommendation to the Authority, those cases which require a decision by the Authority to settle a claim for compensation. (However, where a decision cannot wait for the next meeting of the Authority, the Committee is authorised to agree terms for a settlement).

4. To monitor MPS activity in relation to Employment Tribunals and grievances and to agree any proposed financial settlements.

5. To consider any matters relating to Police Appeal Tribunals and to arrange for the appointment of Authority Members to serve on Tribunals as and when required.

Equality and Diversity

6. To lead on the integration of equality and diversity work within the MPS, including:

  1. ensuring that the MPA meets its statutory responsibilities under anti-discrimination legislation and monitoring the MPS’s response to this legislation.
  2. reviewing and scrutinising MPS performance on equality and diversity issues against agreed targets and policing plan objectives.

5. To advise other MPA committees on equality and diversity issues relevant to their responsibilities.

Community Engagement and Citizen Focus

6. To ensure the effective discharge of the Authority’s consultative and community engagement responsibilities, including:

  1. the implementation and review of the MPA / MPS Community Engagement Strategy
  2. oversight of the MPS’s Citizen Focus programme and strategies
    monitoring and reviewing how the MPA undertakes its statutory duties as a responsible authority of borough Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
  3. the development and delivery of borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
  4. pan London community engagement and partnership initiatives
  5. the Hate Crime Forum and Domestic Violence Forum
  6. the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme

7. To liaise with the Strategy and Operational Policing Committee with regard to consultative arrangements in the development of policing plan priorities.

Appendix B

Detailed Terms of Reference of the MPa's Communities, Equalities and People Committee and its sub Committees 

1. Communities, Equalities and People Committee

To be the lead committee for:

  1. The MPS/MPA citizen focus, consultation and community engagement work and responsibilities
  2. Matters related to the MPA’s statutory duties in crime and disorder reduction partnerships
  3. Matters related to the MPA’s statutory duties for the management of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme and the monitoring of the MPS delivery of Stop and Search
  4. Matters related to the effective delivery of shared MPS/MPA priorities, such as the hate crime and domestic violence
  5. Equality and diversity work matters within the MPS/MPA service areas
  6. MPS/MPA Human Resources policy and strategy.

1.1. To initiate, receive and commission work and reports from the reporting sub committees.

1.2. To commission and approve the annual work plans of its subcommittees.

1.3. To consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to :

  1. MPS, MPA and national resource and workforce issues;
  2. National Human Resources issues, including any national negotiations and agreements.

1.4. To provide guidance, advice and leadership by liaising closely with the Authority and MPS staff in developing and managing the community engagement, equalities and diversity and human resources work streams to ensure that the vision is embedded in the ethos and practices of both the MPS and MPA.

1.5. To ensure that the MPA meets its statutory responsibilities under all relevant anti-discrimination legislation; and to monitor the MPS’ response to this legislation.

1.6. The Communities, Equalities and People Committee (and its sub committees) will have due regard, in exercising its responsibilities to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

2. Community engagement and citizen focus sub committee

To ensure the effective discharge of the Authority’s consultative and community engagement responsibilities, including:

  1. a) the implementation and review of the MPA/MPS joint Community Engagement Strategy
  2. oversight of the MPS’ Citizen Focus programme and strategies
  3. monitoring and reviewing how the MPA undertakes its statutory duties as a responsible authority of borough Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
  4. the development and delivery of borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
  5. pan London community engagement initiatives, including the Hate Crime Forum and Domestic Violence Forum
  6. the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme
  7. Stop and Search Monitoring and Review

2.1. To contribute to national policy development, national events or Association of Police Authority networks or initiatives in relation to community engagement.

2.2. To assist other MPA committees on community engagement issues of relevance to their responsibilities

2.3. Provide advice to the Authority and MPS staff in developing and managing the community engagement work stream.

2.4. To monitor and review the MPA undertaking of its duties as a responsible authority of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships of London.

2.5. Oversee the development and delivery of:

  1. Borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels).
  2. Funding processes for community engagement and partnership work
  3. The Independent Custody Visitor programme
  4. Work on the monitoring of Stop and Search
  5. Pan London community engagement

2.6. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities Equalities and People Committee.

3. Equalities and diversity sub committee

To lead on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA

  1. To monitor the implementation of the MPA’s race equality action plan.
  2. To approve the MPA’s annual equal opportunities and diversity work programme.
  3. To consider and advise on the equalities and diversity implications of major policy proposals and initiatives.
  4. To keep under review the Authority’s equal opportunities statement and strategies which put this statement into practice

3.1 To review and scrutinise MPS performance data on diversity issues, including
trends and performance against policing plan objectives.

3.2 To propose the development of performance indicators and target setting in areas of diversity issues.

3.3 To consider areas of diversity where new or improved performance monitoring is required.

3.4 To co-ordinate action on issues arising from the Lawrence Report.

3.5 To assist other MPA committees on equalities and diversity issues of relevance to their responsibilities.

3.6 To propose to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee at least one review of the MPS diversity strategy or other relevant issues annually, depending on the staffing resources available. These reviews could range from a formal scrutiny to one or more themed meetings on a particular subject.

3.7 To monitor and review the MPS and MPA annual diversity budgets to ensure efficiency of spend against performance and to respond to the budget requirements of the Mayor’s Office.

3.8 To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

4. Human resources and remuneration sub Committee

To consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to:

4.1 Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
To be responsible for all ACPO Human Resources issues, excluding conduct and performance.

4.2 Senior Police Staff
To be responsible for all Senior Police Staff Human Resources issues (unless otherwise covered by protocols with the MPS), excluding conduct and performance.

4.3 Senior MPA staff
In consultation with the Chair or first deputy chair of the Authority, to be responsible for all senior MPA staff Human Resources issues. This covers the Chief Executive, Treasurer, Director of Internal Audit and Assistant Chief Executive.

4.4 Other
To consider any relevant matters in respect of all national Human Resources issues and activities referred to it by the parent committee.

4.5 Through delegated authority the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Authority and the Chair of the Remuneration Sub Committee, to agree, in cases of urgency, any HR issues in respect of individual ACPO officers, senior MPS police staff or senior MPA staff.

4.6 To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

14 October 2008

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