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Proposed 2010/11 work plan and co-opted member for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee

Report: 11
Date: 8 July 2010
By: Natasha Plummer on behalf of the Chief Executive


This report presents two recommendations proposed by the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus sub-committee at its meeting on 21 June 2010 for ratification by this committee.

A. Recommendation


  1. members approve the 2010/11 work programme for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus (CECF) sub-committee; and
  2. members approve the co-option of Richard Hunt from the London Communities Policing Partnership (LCP2) to the sub-committee membership.

B. Supporting information

1. Each sub-committee is required to propose an annual work programme for approval by its parent committee. CECF most recently met on 21 June 2010 and it seemed opportune to consider its programme of work for the forthcoming year at that time, rather than await the next meeting, which will not take place until October 2010.

2. The proposed work programme is attached at appendix 1. It should be noted that this is a living document and may be subject to amendment throughout the committee year.

3. Members also gave consideration to the role of the co-opted member. The sub-committee thanked Richard Hunt for his constructive participation in the work of the committee, which has assisted the sub-committee by providing representation for those directly involved in the delivery of community and police engagement, and agreed that he should continue in that role in 2010/11.

C. Other organisational and community implications

1. Equalities Impact

The appointment of co-opted members enables committees to draw upon a wider range of independent expertise. By ensuring that there is independent view point discrimination is eliminated as part of the positive duty the MPA has under the GLA Act 1999 and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act and more recently the Disability Discrimination Act 2005).

2. Met Forward

There are no Met Forward implications arising from this report.

3. Financial Implications

Co-opted members are entitled to claim travel expenses incurred while carrying out their duties as a co-opted member. No claims were received from the co-opted member of CECF during the 2009/10 committee year. However, any potential costs will be based on attendance at bi-monthly meetings of the sub-committee and will therefore be minimal and contained within existing budgets.

4. Legal Implications

There are no legal implications arising from this report.

5. Environmental Implications

There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

6. Risk Implications

There are no risk implications arising from this report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report authors: Natasha Plummer, MPA Engagement & Partnerships Manager

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-Committee Draft Work Plan 2010/11

4 October 2010

  • Community Engagement Strategy
    A report discussing progress against the MPA and MPS community engagement strategy action plans
  • Review of MPA/CPEG relationship
    Report considering the future directions with regard to delivery of community engagement through the CPEGs
  • Stop and Search Community Monitoring
    A report discussing the community monitoring framework for stop and search
  • Citizen Focus Oversight Role
    Report considering the Authority’s citizen focus oversight role and the sub-committee’s role in that work, including an update from the Association of Police Authority’s Citizen Focus and Partnerships Policy Network
  • Citizen Focus Report
    A report discussing MPS arrangements for delivery of citizen focus and impact of changed structure
  • Stop and Search Monitoring
    A report discussing the MPS’ use of stop and search powers and how it relates to community engagement/citizen focus matters

13 December 2010

  • Community & Police Engagement Groups
    A report detailing the proposed arrangements and allocations for 2011/12
  • ICV Scheme Update
    A report discussing the Scheme’s performance as related to community engagement and citizen focus issues
  • London Communities Policing Partnership (LCP2) Report
    A report providing an update on LCP2’s work and on providing feedback to the Sub-Committee on the London-wide community engagement issues as identified through the LC3 database
  • MPA Partnerships Fund
    A report discussing the future management arrangements for the 2010/11 Partnerships Fund
  • Citizen Focus Report
    A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing

14 February 2011

  • Community & Police Engagement Group Delivery and Funding 2011/12
    A report detailing the proposed arrangements and allocations for 2011/12
  • Update on the Association of Police Authority’s (APA) Citizen Focus and Partnerships Policy Network
    An update from the APA Citizen Focus and Partnerships Policy Network discussing relevant issues for the Sub-Committee
  • Update on the Review of MPA Role on Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs)
    A report providing an updated assessment of the Authority’s delivery of its statutory functions with respect to CSPs
  • Citizen Focus Report
    A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing

11 April 2011

  • Community & Police Engagement Groups
    A report detailing the proposed arrangements and allocations for 2011/12
  • ICV Scheme Update
    A report discussing the Scheme’s performance as related to community engagement and citizen focus issues
  • Community Engagement Strategy
    A report discussing progress against the MPA and MPS community engagement strategy action plans
  • Citizen Focus Report
    A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing
  • Stop and Search Monitoring
    A report discussing the MPS’ use of stop and search powers and how it relates to community engagement/citizen focus matters

13 June 2011

Annual Report and Review of Terms of Reference
A report reviewing the past year and proposing any necessary amendments to the terms of reference

Citizen Focus Report
A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing

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