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Report 5 of the 19 June 2006 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee and updates on the MPS’s Health and Safety performance.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Update on MPS health and safety performance

Report: 5
Date: 19 June 2006
By: Commissioner


This report updates the Metropolitan Police Authority with respect to the MPS’s Health and Safety performance.

A. Recommendation

That Members note the contents of the report.

B. Supporting information

Incidents reported on MetAir

1. A summary of the injuries reported on MetAir between April 2005 and April 2006 is attached at Appendix 1. In summary:

  • The number of major accidents and more than 3-day injury shows a fall.
  • Although the total number of accident reports and reportable injuries over the past twelve months has remained fairly constant overall, with approximately two reportable (i.e. to the Health and Safety Executive) incidents per 1000 employees we have seen a notable fall in reportable accidents over the past three months.
  • The same pattern of accident causation is indicated again this quarter namely; assaults, PolColls and slips, trips and falls. No additional significant causation factors were noted.
  • Of the seven major accidents:
    • Two minor fractures (nose and wrist) from assault
    • One minor fracture (wrist) while assisting in the removal of a rack out of a delivery van
    • Two officers sustained chemical burns when confronting a suspect (one with burns to the face and one with burns to the arm)
    • One minor fracture (wrist) from a slip whilst pursuing a suspect
    • One minor fracture (rib) sustain during officer safety training (OST)
  • Of the 66 over three day accidents:
    • Another kind of accident – 29
    • Contact with moving machinery or materials being machined – 1
    • Exposed to an explosion – 1
    • Fell from a height – 1
    • Hit by a moving vehicle – 14
    • Hit by a moving, flying or falling object – 1
    • Physically assaulted by a person – 10
    • Slipped tripped or fell on the same level – 9

Reduction of accidents to police officers and police staff - improvement targets for financial year 2005/06

2. The Safety and Health Risk Management Team (SHRMT) are currently reviewing the accident data for financial year 2005/2006 against the accident reduction targets and will advise the committee of their findings once available.

Reduction of accidents to police officers and police staff - improvement targets for financial year 2006/07

3. In March 2006, the Management Board endorsed new accident reduction targets for the forthcoming financial year (2006/07). Each Business Group and their respective BOCUs have been set the following improvement targets of:

  • 5% reduction in all accidents
  • 10% reduction in major injuries
  • 5% reduction in over 3-day injuries
  • 15% reduction in slips/trips/falls

4. The reduction target will be based on financial year 2005/06 data and indicated as a rate per 1,000 staff. Performance against this target will be periodically monitored throughout the year.

Flu contingency planning

5. SHRMT has been working closely with CO3 (London Resilience) and Occupational Health to assist with guidance to officers and staff on the hazards posed by avian flu, and also contingency planning for pandemic flu. Generic risk assessments have been produced by SHRMT to aid BOCUs and OCUs to produce local risk assessments.

Future health and safety training strategy and performance needs analysis

6. The SHRMT with the support of the Training Support Unit (TSU) have developed (under a framework agreement) a performance matrix for core health and safety training. The matrix is based on six levels of safety performance required from induction, general role (operational/non operational), supervisory, local trainer, specialist and leader. It is intended that these six levels will replace and enhance existing training. In accordance with the consultation strategy of the Performance Needs Analysis (PNA) both external and internal stakeholders were invited to comment. Many positive views were expressed on the proposed matrix resulting in minimal changes to the proposed model. Work is underway to produce an implementation plan reviewing options for phased introduction of courses over the next financial year.

Slips, trips, falls education campaign

7. In February 2006, the team began a poster campaign to raise awareness about potential slips, trips and fall hazards and accidents. The first of a three-phase poster campaign is displayed on notice boards across the MPS. Large wing banners are also displayed in the entrance foyers of major buildings.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) contacts

8. The MPS has had no Improvement or Prohibition Notices served and no notification of notices or litigation yet to be served in the period since the last Corporate Governance meeting.

9. SHRMT was advised by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of a possible unauthorised removal of asbestos from a site in London that they had had under surveillance. Subsequent liaison between HSE, SHRMT and the local BOCU developed a series of protocols designed to minimise any exposure to asbestos should such a removal be attempted and/or discovered.

10. At the last meeting, it was reported that the HSE had been in contact with the SHRMT regarding an incident on 9 January 2006. The incident involved several officers from CO19 (Force Firearms Unit) in a Trident Operation chasing after a suspect into a rail tunnel. The power was requested to be turned off, but this apparently did not happen, a train subsequently had to perform an emergency stop in an attempt to avoid hitting officers on the tracks. No officers were injured. The HSE are content with the action taken and progress made to enhance awareness, training and post incident control measures. The HSE will be visiting the units concerned to sample and verify the training/awareness received around this subject.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct implications on equalities and diversity arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

There are no immediate financial implications arising from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Nick Kettle, Acting Head of Safety and Health Risk Management, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

  • Appendix 1 [PDF]
    Summary of the injuries reported on MetAir between Apr 05-Apr 06

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