Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Notes of the meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 22 September 2006 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, Westminster, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA officers

  • Keith Dickinson (Policy Officer)
  • Ken Hunt (Treasurer)
  • David Riddle (Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Clerk)
  • Peter Ticker (Director, Internal Audit)
  • Ruth Hastings Iqball (Committee Section)

MPS officers

  • Sharon Burd (Director of Finance)
  • Nick Chown (Director of Risk Management)
  • Richard Gargini (Head, international Crime Co-ordination Unit)
  • Stephen Rimmer (Director, Strategy, Modernisation and Performance)
  • Nick Kettle (Head, Safety and Health Risk Management)
  • Paul Stock (Director, Strategic Finance)

Co-opted member

  • Richard Stephenson (Director, Group Health, Safety and Environment, Transport for London)

Also in attendance: Martin Evans (Auditor, Audit Commission) and (Michael Haworth–Maden (District Auditor, Audit Commission)

1. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

No apologies for absence were received.

2. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations of interest were received.

3. Notes of the inquorate Corporate Governance Committee – 19 June 2006

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved – That the notes of the inquorate Corporate Governance Committee held on 19 June were confirmed and the recommendations ratified.

4. Chair and members update

(Agenda item 4)

No updates were provided.

5. Update on MPS health and safety performance

(Agenda item 5)

Members received a report updating them on the MPS’s Health and Safety performance. The number of major accidents and the number of more than 3-day injuries showed a downward trend when compared to the annual rolling average.

The MPS had been advised that it was to be prosecuted in respect of alleged breaches of the health and safety legislation relating to the incident at Hendon pool and the shooting in Stockwell.

Members were asked their views on the new format of the report. They felt it would be helpful if the line graphs included comparisons with similar organisations, such as another public sector employer or police service (although it was noted that police services did not all collect data in the same way).

Members asked for a briefing paper on the MPS’s work in relation to the Control of Noise at Work Regulations (2005).

In answer to questions, members were informed that the average 57.6% score for the first eight formal safety and health risk management audits was middle of the range, the actual scores ranging between 40 to 88%. Members also asked questions about the review by Property Services Health and Safety Team following complaints about the air conditioning system at Dean Farrar Street.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be noted; and
  2. a briefing paper be received on the MPS’s work in relation to the Control of Noise at Work Regulations (2005) on the MPS.

6. Health and safety at work inspection of the MPA

(Agenda item 6)

This report informed members that the MPA had been inspected by the MPS’s Health and Safety Branch to provide assurance in relation to the MPA’s Health and Safety at Work Policy and in relation to the management of health and safety within the MPA in general. Details of action taken in relation to the recommendations were tabled at the meeting.

Resolved – That

  1. the outcome of the inspection be received and noted; and
  2. the actions proposed by the MPA Senior Management Team to implement recommendations be endorsed.

7. Annual review of Internal Audit effectiveness

(Agenda item 7)

Changes to the Accounts and Audit Regulations from 1 April 2006 included a requirement for the Authority to carry out an annual review of the effectiveness of Internal Audit. To assist the Committee in discharging this requirement on behalf of the Authority, this report summarised the measures currently in place to monitor Internal Audit effectiveness, a proposed approach for the future and the role that the Audit Commission played in this process.

Resolved – That

  1. the current arrangements for measuring Internal Audit effectiveness be endorsed; and
  2. the proposed way forward to enable the Authority to conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of Internal Audit, using the information on performance and effectiveness provided by the Director of Internal Audit together with any relevant opinion from the Commissioner and the Audit Commission’s appointed Auditor be agreed.

8. Internal Audit progress report

(Agenda item 8)

Members received a report summarising the work of Internal Audit for the period April to September 2006. It also summarised the results of significant Internal Audit work to date and the adequacy and effectiveness of control in MPS systems where Internal Audit has issued final reports since April 2006. In answer to questions, the Director of Internal Audit stated his staff shortfall of two represented 10% of his auditors. Members asked about the progress of the investigation into estate procurement issues surrounding Safer Neighbourhoods, whereby approved budgets were dramatically overspent. They were informed that it was to have finished in September but, due to the difficulty in interviewing relevant ACPO officers, it was unlikely to be completed until December. The Chair requested the finalised report at the next meeting of this committee, so that there might be a better understanding of how such overspending could be avoided in the future.

Resolved – That

  1. the progress made in achieving the 2006/07 Internal Audit Plan be noted;
  2. the current Internal Audit evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control in the MPS be noted; and
  3. a report on the audit of estate procurement issues surrounding Safer Neighbourhoods be received at the next meeting

9. Internal Audit and external audit – joint working

(Agenda item 9)

This report set out how the District Auditor (appointed by the Audit Commission) and MPA Internal Audit planned to work together to ensure that there was optimum audit coverage and effective coordination of audit activity during 2006/7 and future years. It also explained the steps being taken to ensure that the District Auditor could rely on the work of MPA Internal Audit in the future, having regard to the recently introduced International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).

Resolved – That

  1. the respective roles of the District Auditor and MPA Internal Audit be noted; and
  2. their proposals for working together from 2006/7 onwards be endorsed.

10. CIPFA/SOLACE consultation – good governance in local government

(Agenda item 10)

A Working Group set up by CIPFA and SOLACE had revised their 2001 guidance ‘Corporate Governance in Local Government: a keystone for Community Governance’. Members received a report summarising the proposals for a new corporate governance framework and the MPA’s response to consultation.

Resolved – That

  1. the content of the draft Framework be noted and the MPA’s response endorsed; and
  2. once the Framework had been finalised, a further report be received on how it could be used to further the Authority’s corporate governance work.

11. Extension of appointment of external auditor

(Agenda item 11)

This report informed members that the appointment of Mike Haworth-Maden as auditor to the MPA had been extended for the 2006/07 financial year.

Resolved – That the report be noted

12. Audit Commission annual governance report – MPA audit 2005-06

(Agenda item 12)

This report brought to the attention of the Committee the Audit Commission’s Annual Governance report on the MPA audit 2005/06. The Chair asked how the Committee would consider the recommendations in the report relating to corporate governance. The Treasurer undertook to bring the action plan to the Committee on a regular basis.

Resolved – That

  1. the Audit Commission’s annual governance report MPA audit 2005/ 06 be noted; and
  2. that an action plan relating to the recommendations in the Audit Commission’s Annual Governance report on the MPA audit 2005/06 be bought to this committee on a regular basis

13. High risk audit recommendations

(Agenda item 13)

A report was received confirming the status of outstanding high-risk accepted recommendations made by MPA Internal Audit as at the end of August 2006 and giving details of ongoing work to enhance the process by which the MPS respond to audit recommendations.

Resolved – That the status of all outstanding high-risk recommendations made in relation to MPS control systems by MPA Internal Audit be noted.

14. Business risk team update

(Agenda item 14)

Members received a report on progress made by the MPS in the areas of corporate governance, business risk management, insurance management and the personal insurance indemnity policy. The Chair welcomed the direction of the report and was pleased that the MPS was getting to grips with the subject. Members agreed that the issue of personal insurance indemnity was unlikely to be resolved in the short term, as the Government preferred to deal the issue after the event. However they agreed that enlisting the support of the Association of Police Authorities (APA) was the right approach.

Resolved – That

  1. progress to end July 2006 on corporate governance, business risk management, and insurance management (appendix 1) be noted;
  2. progress as captured by the Audit Commission / ALARM (the national forum for risk management in the public sector) risk management Key Performance Indicators (Appendix 2) be noted; and
  3. the Treasurer write to the APA asking for its support in seeking assistance from central Government in relation to the personal insurance indemnity policy.

15. Statement on internal control update

(Agenda item 15)

The MPA had been required to include a Statement of Internal Control (SIC) in its financial statements since 2003/04, including details of the system of internal control and risk management highlighting any significant internal control issues and the relevant actions being taken to address them. In addition the MPS produced its own SIC, which provided details of controls it had in place to support internal control and risk management. A report was received providing an update on progress in addressing the significant internal control issues included in the statement of accounts for 2005/06.

Resolved – That the progress in addressing the significant internal control issues included in the 2005/06 Statement of Internal Control for the MPA be noted.

16. Provision of police advice and assistance to international agencies

(Agenda item 16)

This report, which would also be submitted to the Coordination and Policing Committee on 5 October, outlined existing corporate governance for international activity within the MPS. It highlighted the legal requirement to incorporate the Authority into this process and sought from the Coordination and Policing Committee a decision on how this might best be achieved.

Members were informed that overseas travel by ACPO officers was subject to further consultation between the MPS and MPA. The Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Clerk however stated that it was the MPA’s aim to bring section 26 travel by ACPO officers into the MPA’s purview.

It was requested that further details of the issues outlined in paragraph 4 be made available to the Coordination and Policing Committee. It was also felt that that Committee should request details of all foreign travel by police officers and staff at a future meeting.

Resolved – That the existing MPS process for managing overseas assistance deployments be recognised.

17. Corporate Governance Committee work programme

(Agenda item 17)

A report was received outlining a work plan by which the Committee would fulfil its role as agreed in its terms of reference.

Resolved – That the proposed work programme be agreed.

18. Appointment of co-opted member

(Agenda item 18)

This report proposed the appointment of a co-opted member to the Corporate Governance Committee for 2006/07.

Resolved – That the nomination of Linda Duncan as a co-opted member of the Corporate Governance Committee be approved, subject to ratification by the full Authority.

19. Change of committee meeting date

(Agenda item 19)

This report sought the Committee’s agreement to changing the date of the Corporate Governance Committee scheduled for 2.00 pm, 9 January 2007 to 10.00 am, 15 December 2006.

Resolved – That the Corporate Governance Committee timetabled for 2.00 pm, 9 January 2007 be rescheduled to 10.00 am 15 December 2006.

20. Exclusion of Press and Public

(Agenda item 20)

Resolved – That the press and public be asked to leave the meeting during discussion of the remaining item of business because exempt information as defined in of Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) was likely to be made known.

Summary of items

21. Health and Safety at Work Act - prosecution of the MPA and MPS

(Agenda item 21)

The Committee note the position outlined in the report and agree to the arrangements proposed. The Committee authorised the Chief Executive to indicate that the Authority was not in a position to plead to the charge at this stage It was also agreed that the Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Clerk would report to the next meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee on ways in which the MPA’s might satisfying itself that the MPS’s Health and Safety mechanisms were adequate.

22. Sports and social clubs – responsibilities for health and safety (oral update)

(Agenda item 22)

The Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Clerk reported that external risk audits of the sports and social clubs had taken place with the assistance of Property Services Directorate. When more detail on some of the recommendations had been received, the clubs would be informed of the risks identified. In the interim, the MPS, as part of its budget deliberations, had decided to consider if the clubs could serve any purpose to the MPS, as perhaps training centres. He was therefore awaiting the outcome of this process before reporting to the Co-ordination and Policing or Finance Committee.

23. High risk audit recommendations, exempt appendix (see agenda item 13

(Agenda item 23)

Peter Tickner advised that some recommendations shown had been completed. However there were more outstanding recommendations that should be added to the list.

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