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Report 10 of the 14 September 2007 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee and outlines a workplan by which the committee will fulfil its role as agreed in its terms of reference.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Corporate Governance Committee work programme

Report: 10
Date: 14 September 2007
By: Chief Executive


This report outlines a workplan by which the committee will fulfil its role as agreed in its terms of reference (see appendix 1).

A. Recommendation

That members agree the proposed work programme.

B. Supporting information


1. At its annual meeting on 8 July 2004, the Authority established the Corporate Governance Committee. It terms of reference are attached at Appendix 1.

Summary of work programme

2. Below can be found a table outlining a proposed work plan for the Corporate Governance Committee:

Friday 7 December 2007, 10.00am
Audit Internal Audit quarterly progress report
Internal Audit programme of work for 2008-09
External audit annual letter 2006-07
External audit reports (if any)
Statement of internal control – quarterly update
Audit of MPS Risk Management
Business Risk Management Business Risk Team quarterly update
High risk recommendations / MPS/MPA risk register
Health and Safety Update on health and safety performance in the MPS 
Police health and safety - management benchmarking standard
How MPS will respond to a Pandemic Flu outbreak
Annual report' from the HR Evaluation Unit on the results of their evaluation of health and safety issues at BOCUs and OCUs
H&S reports (as required)
MPA responsibility for H&S at work –strategic oversight mechanisms - proposals for joint independent review of MPS safety management
Issues arising from the health and safety audits of the sports clubs
Friday 14 March 2008, 10.00am
Audit Internal Audit quarterly progress report
External audit reports (if any)
Statement of internal control – quarterly update
Business Risk Management Business Risk Team quarterly update
High risk recommendations / MPS/MPA risk register
Corporate Governance Response to recommendations in the annual governance letter
Health and Safety Update on health and safety performance in the MPS
Issues raised by Business Groups, trade unions and staff associations at Strategic Health and Safety Committee - and how they have been dealt with
Health and safety reports (as required)
MPA responsibility for health and safety at work –strategic oversight mechanisms - review of assurances to Commissioner from Management Board Members
Issues arising from the health and safety audits of the sports clubs
Thursday 26 June 2008, 2.00pm
Audit Internal Audit quarterly progress report
Draft Internal Audit report 2006/07
External audit reports (if any)
MPA statement of accounts for year end 31 March 2007
Draft statement of internal control
Business Risk Management Business Risk Team quarterly update
High risk recommendations / MPS/MPA risk register
Health and Safety Update on health and safety performance in the MPS
Annual report from MPS Accident Claims Department about the nature, type and cost of claims against the MPA
H&S reports (as required)
MPA responsibility for health and safety at work – strategic oversight mechanisms
Issues arising from the health and safety audits of the sports clubs
Other Annual report
Appointment of co-opted members (so can be ratified at the full Authority in time for first Committee of new committee year)
Committee work plan

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct equality and diversity implications arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Ken Hunt, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Corporate Governance Committee - terms of reference


  1. To advise the Authority on the appropriate arrangements for internal audit and the appointment of external auditors.
  2. To approve internal and external audit programmes and fees
  3. To review the external auditor’s management letter and any other reports and to report on these to the Authority as appropriate.
  4. To oversee the provision of an adequate and effective internal audit; to receive progress reports on the internal audit work plan and to consider appropriate action arising from these.
  5. To satisfy itself generally as to the effectiveness of the control systems in operation.
  6. To review the Authority’s annual accounts and to make recommendations as appropriate to the Authority.

Health and Safety

  1. To agree the MPS priorities for health and safety in its strategy.
  2. To satisfy itself, on behalf of the MPA, that the MPS discharges its legal duties in relation to health and safety matters with particular regard to the safety, health and welfare of police officers and police staff, people in the care and custody of the MPS, and all members of the public on police premises or property.
  3. To satisfy itself, on behalf of the MPA, that the MPS has in place appropriate health and safety, management systems, arrangements and procedures both to meet legal requirements and to assess and control risks.
  4. To review, and exceptionally to request, the carrying out of audits and reviews of health and safety management systems, policies, arrangements and procedures, as necessary, and to review progress with the implementation of recommendations arising from such audits.
  5. To provide a conduit for the expression of health and safety concerns.
  6. To report annually to the full Authority on performance and compliance in relation to the above.

Risk management

  1. To consider the financial risks to which the Authority is exposed and to approve measures to reduce or eliminate them or to insure against them.
  2. To consider proposed corporate programmes of risk management activity and receive reports monitoring progress.
  3. To consider and approve an annual statement of internal control and risk management for publication with the Authority’s annual accounts.

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