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Report 7 of the 14 March 2008 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee informing members that the Audit Commission Board has appointed the Audit Commission’s in-house audit practice as the MPA’s external auditor for four years from 2008

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Appointment of the authority's external auditor

Report: 7
Date: 14 March 2008
By: the Treasurer


This report informs members that the Audit Commission Board has appointed the Audit Commission’s in-house audit practice as the MPA’s external auditor for four years from 2008/09. Les Kidner has been nominated as the Engagement Lead (District Auditor) for 2008-09.

A. Recommendation


1. members note the Audit Commission’s appointment of the Audit Commission’s in-house audit practice as the Authority’s external auditor for four years from 2008/09; and

2. that Les Kidner has been appointed Engagement Lead (District Auditor) for the audit of the accounts for 2008/09.

B. Supporting information

1. The Chief Executive has now received a letter from the Audit Commission (Appendix 1) appointing the Commission’s in-house audit practice as the MPA’s external auditor for four years from 2008/09. Les Kidner has been nominated as the Engagement Lead (District Auditor) for 2008-09.

2. The Audit Commission state that the introduction of Comprehensive Area Assessment from 2009 will require changes in the way that the Commission operates. Consequently, the District Auditor may change but the Commission has indicated that the audit practice will consult fully on this at a later date if necessary.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no adverse impacts on race and equality

D. Financial implications

The 2008/09 audit fee has not yet been notified and will be subject to consultation. The present 2007/08 fee agreed at the June 2007 meeting of this committee is £510,000.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Ken Hunt, Treasurer, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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