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Update on MPA/MPS assurance process

Report: 10
Date: 14 June 2010
By: Director of Human Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


During the second phase of the assurance process Central Operations (CO), Directorate of Resources (DoR), Specialist Operations (SO), Serious Crime Directorate (SCD) and Department of Information (DOI) were required to submit letters of assurance for Financial Year (FY) 2009/10. These letters were received by the Commissioner in April and May 2010.

To achieve complete roll out of the annual assurance process across the MPS before 2012 Management Board agreed that TP, HR, Deputy Commissioners Portfolio and DPA will also submit letters of assurance at the end of FY 2010/11.

A. Recommendation

That Members note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information


1. In accordance with the MPA/MPS Corporate Health and Safety Policy Management Board Members are required to provide a letter of assurance to the Commissioner who will subsequently provide appropriate assurance to the MPA.

2. During the second phase of the assurance process Central Operations (CO), Directorate of Resources (DoR), Specialist Operations (SO), Serious Crime Directorate (SCD) and Department of Information (DoI) were required to submit letters of assurance for Financial Year (FY) 2009/10. These letters were received by the Commissioner in April and May 2010. Appropriate assurance will be given by the Commissioner to the MPA by June 2010.

3. The MPA Corporate Governance Committee at their meeting on 14 September 2009 stated that they should now also receive the Business Group Assurance letters. These letters of Assurance for FY 2009/10 are attached at Appendix 1 - 6. These letters capture relevant business group shortfalls, areas of safety concern, ongoing proactive work and associated action plans.

4. To achieve complete roll out of the annual assurance process across the MPS before 2012 Management Board agreed that TP, HR, Deputy Commissioners Portfolio and DPA will also submit letters of assurance at the end of FY 2010/11.

5. The following programme is proposed to meet this timeline:

  • December 2010 - OCU Commanders and HoDs will submit their letter of assurance to their relevant AC/Business Group Director (BGD);
  • January/February 2011 - the SHRMT (senior safety advisors) will verify the draft letters of assurance by dip sampling. This will, where appropriate, be supported by the Property Service Compliance Team.
  • March 2011 - the senior safety advisors will report their findings to relevant ACs and BGDs.
  • April 2011 - business groups will submit their letter of assurance to the Commissioner;
  • June 2011 - the Commissioner will issue a letter of assurance to the MPA.

Organisational Learning

6. The process has proved to be an invaluable tool for identifying, monitoring and closing out safety related risks. The process has also helped further develop a maturing H&S culture throughout the organisation.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no immediate implications on equality and diversity arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

1. There are no immediate financial implications from this report. Although there are no direct financial implications this process will increase the reporting burden on (B)OCUs, Departments and Business Groups. This assurance process is resource intensive for the SHRMT and further work prioritisation may be required. The current costs associated with the delivery of this process, at this stage, are being contained within existing central and local budgets.

2. Costs associated with any additional work arising out of the assurance process will be subject to a business case and submitted via the appropriate approval channel for consideration as part of the budget planning process.

E. Legal implications

The information in this report assists the MPA in the performance of its duties under health and safety legislation and in respect of its strategic oversight role as set out in the joint MPA/MPS Corporate Health and Safety Policy.

The Corporate Governance Committee is in receipt of the appropriate authority to approve the contents of this report.

F. Background papers

  • Appendix 1 – Director of Resources Letter of Assurance
  • Appendix 2 – Assistant Commissioner Central Operations Letter of Assurance
  • Appendix 3 – Assistant Commissioner Specialist Operations Letter of Assurance
  • Appendix 4 – Assistant Commissioner Serious Crime Directorate Letter of Assurance
  • Appendix 5 – Director of Department of Information Letter of Assurance

G. Contact details

Report author: Annabel Adams

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Abbreviations and acronyms

Central Operations Business Group
Directorate of Resources Business Group
Specialist Operations
Specialist Crime Directorate
Department of Information
Corporate Governance Committee
Heads of Department (HoD)
Assistant Commissioner
Business Group Director (BGD)
Operational Command Unit
Safety and Health Risk Management Team

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