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Report 6 of the 13 September 2010 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee, updates on the outstanding high-risk MPA Directorate of Audit, Risk and Assurance (DARA) recommendations, as at 30 July 2010.

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Outstanding high risk DARA recommendations

Report: 6
Date: 13 September 2010
By: Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


This report updates members in relation to the outstanding high-risk MPA Directorate of Audit, Risk and Assurance (DARA) recommendations, as at 30 July 2010.

A. Recommendation


  1. Note the status of all outstanding high-risk recommendations made in relation to MPS control systems by the Directorate of Audit, Risk and Assurance.

B. Supporting information

1. This report summarises the present status of accepted high-risk recommendations made by the Directorate of Audit, Risk and Assurance and details the ongoing process by which the MPS responds to audit recommendations.

Progress report on high-risk audit recommendations

2. Since the last report to Corporate Governance Committee (CGC) on 14 June 2010, two further high risk audit recommendations have been made by DARA and accepted by MPS. One of these has been implemented within the target date. Details of all of the high risk audit recommendations can be found in Appendix 1, with details of exempt audit recommendations at Exempt Appendix 2. Progress to ensure the outstanding recommendations are addressed as a high priority continues to be co-ordinated by the Compliance and Assurance Team (CaAT) in Finance Services.

Current position

3. Including the new recommendations, there are now 12 DARA high-risk recommendations outstanding to the MPS, with a further two outstanding to the MPA Treasurer.

4. The table below provides detail of the outstanding recommendations, comparing the current position with that reported to the previous two CGC meetings in March 2010 and June 2010.

Table 1: High-Risk DARA recommendations

Ref Nos. (see table at App. 2) Audit Title (responsible Business Group) No of High-Risk Recommendations outstanding to MPS Comment
May10 Change (additional and/or implemented) July10
1 Crime Related Property - (TP) 1 - 1 See progress in Appendix 1
2 Palace Of Westminster - (SO) 1 - 1 See progress in Appendix 1
3 Security Vetting and Clearance - (SO) 2 - 2 See progress in Appendix 1
4 B/OCU - Corporate Issues - (DoR) 2 - 2 See progress in Appendix 1
5 H & S Legislation Implementation - (HR) 1 - 1 See progress in Appendix 1
6 IS/IT Access & Usage - (DoI) 1 - 1 See progress in Appendix 1
7 Crime Reporting Information System - (DoI) 2 - 2 See progress in Appendix 1
8 Royalty and Specialist Protection - (SO) 0 -    0 Outstanding to MPA Treasurer
9 Diplomatic Protection Group - (SO) 0 -    0 Outstanding to MPA Treasurer
10 National Public Order Intelligence Unit - Conflict Policing - (SO)   0 Report received since May’s meeting with 1 high risk   1 See progress in Appendix 2
11 Resourcing and Management of Specials - (TP) 0 1 high risk reported as implemented prior to issue of report 1 See progress in Appendix 1
  Total 10  + 2 12  

Process by which the MPS responds to audit recommendations

5. The Audit and Inspection Protocol agreed between the MPS and the audit and inspection services in November 2008 enables all parties to work together to enhance delivery and response to audit and inspection programmes and ensure that maximum benefit is achieved. The CaAT in MPS Finance Services has recently reviewed the protocol in consultation with MPS Business Groups, MPA DARA, HMIC and the Audit Commission. It is anticipated that a refreshed protocol will be published shortly.

6. Outstanding high-risk recommendations are reported on a quarterly basis to the MPS Performance Board. Additionally, MPA DARA is updated at meetings with Finance Services in relation to the development of audit recommendation tracking and reporting.

C. Other organisational and community implications

Equality and diversity impact

1. There are no direct implications for equality and diversity arising from this report.

Consideration of MET Forward

2. Any implications for the delivery of Met Forward will form part of the respective inspection and audit reports by the external inspection and audit services. In addition, any of the key outcomes will be addressed through completion of the recommendations and areas for improvement identified.

Financial implications

3. The direct costs associated with the audit activity outlined within this report are covered within existing budgets. Any additional financial implications will form part of the individual audit reports. In addition, any financial matters highlighted will be addressed through completion of the recommendations and areas for improvement identified.

Legal implications

4. Regulation 4 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 (‘the Regulations’), as amended by the 2006 Regulations, states that the MPA are required to have a sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of that body’s functions, including arrangements for the management of risk, and the conduct of an annual review. There is also a legal requirement under the Regulations for a Committee to review the effectiveness of the system of control.

5. This report assists the MPA’s/MPS’ compliance with the requirements referred to above.

6. The Corporate Governance Committee is in receipt of delegated powers in respect of the internal system of control procedures including risk management and is in receipt of the appropriate authority to approve the contents of this report.

Environmental implications

7. There are no direct implications on environmental issues arising from this report.

Risk implications

8. Any risk implications will form part of the respective inspection and audit reports by the external inspection and audit services. In addition, any recommendations by the MPA DARA will be graded ‘high’; ‘’medium’ or ‘low’ risk as appropriate.

D . Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Nick Rogers, Director of Finance, Finance Services, MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Part 2: Exempt section of the report

Appendix 2 is not for publication as it contains exempt information by virtue of Part 1 of Schedule 12a to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

Supporting material

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