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Report 3 of the 27 March 2009 meeting of the Equality and Diversity Sub-committee and provides the terms of reference for the Equality and Diversity Sub-committee.

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The Sub-committee's terms of reference, operation and work plan

Report: 3
Date: 27 March 2009
By: Chief Executive


The Sub-committee is asked to agree its terms of reference, its method of operation and its work plan.

A. Recommendation

To agree

  1. the Sub-committee Terms of Reference as agreed by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee on 6 November 2008, now amended.
  2. the method of operation of the Sub-committee
  3. a Sub-committee workplan

B. Supporting information

1. Terms of reference for the Equality & Diversity Sub-committee

2. To lead on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA

  1. To monitor the implementation of the MPA and MPS generic equality schemes
  2. To approve the MPA’s annual equal opportunities and diversity work programme
  3. To consider and advise on the equalities and diversity implications of major policy proposals and initiatives
  4. To keep under review the MPA and MPS equal opportunities statement and strategies which put this statement into practice

3. To review and scrutinise MPS performance data on diversity issues, including trends and performance against policing plan objectives.

4. To propose the development of performance indicators and target setting in relation to diversity issues.

5. To consider areas of diversity where new or improved performance monitoring is required.

6. To co-ordinate action on issues arising from relevant inquiries and investigations (i.e. Stephen Lawrence Inquiry; Morris Inquiry and MPA Scrutiny reports).

7. To assist other MPA committees on equalities and diversity issues of relevance to their responsibilities.

8. To propose to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee at least one review of the MPS diversity strategy or other relevant issues annually, depending on the staffing resources available. These reviews could range from a formal scrutiny to one or more themed meetings on a particular subject.

9. To monitor and review the MPS and MPA annual diversity budgets to ensure efficiency of spend against performance and to respond to the budget requirements of the Mayor’s Office.

10. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

11. Operation of the Sub-committee

12. At each meeting the EDS will focus on one or two key issues in order to establish an in-depth understanding of how equality and diversity are mainstreamed into service delivery across the MPS. The EDS will also oversee the equality progress of the MPA through an annual equality paper.

13. Themes, issues or OCUs to be explored at EDS will be determined by a combination of factors including:

  • Metforward;
  • referrals from other MPA committees; and
  • areas of interest identified by MPA members or officers - including potential ‘hot topics’.

14. A commissioning brief will be submitted by MPA officers to the relevant MPS department.

15. The relevant Operational Command Unit (OCU) will then submit a report and present this to the EDS for discussion by MPA members and community constituents. This discussion will be supported by:

  • Agenda Planning and Chair’s Briefing meetings with MPA and MPS officers;
  • data analysis provided by the MPA Planning & Performance Unit;
  • oral or, if anonymity is required, written evidence submissions from individuals who can provide firsthand experience. For example MPS staff, managers or members of the public;
  • any relevant MPA audits or HMIC reports; and
  • input from MPS Staff Associations and Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs).

16. MPA members will provide both scrutiny and support, with the intention of highlighting good practice and providing recommendations for improvement and change where necessary.

17. A letter containing points of interest or recommendations will be dispatched by MPA officers following the meeting. A response from the MPS will be expected before the following EDS meeting as to how these recommendations will be met, within what timescale and how the process will be implemented and reviewed.

18. Sub-committee work plan

19. To enable the CEP Committee and its Sub-committees to best use the resources at hand and to make the greatest impact on service improvement within its remit, the CEP Committee requested, at its meeting of the 11 December, that a draft business plan be developed which would enable it to focus its work in a systematic way. At its meeting of 15 January 2009 this business plan was tendered and adopted.

20. The next stage was then to produce work plans for both the CEP Committee itself and its sub committees. These work plans will reflect the range of activities delegated by the main committee to its identified sub committees.

21. Appendix 1 is the draft workplan for the Equalities & Diversity Sub-committee. It is intended to include, when it is finalised, the programme of activity for the committee which will offer a full opportunity to review and oversee the key projects, programmes and areas of responsibility covered by the committee. The workplan will be flexible in order to meet the needs of priority issues that may become apparent during the year.

22. In order to populate the workplan, members will need to decide the focus items for each meeting. Suggested topics for consideration are in the workplan at Appendix 1 but members may feel that other subjects have greater priority or will enable them better to exercise their duty of scrutiny and advice.

C. Race and equality impact

This Sub-committee is an important part of the MPA’s ability to scrutinise the MPS in carrying out its duties, both legislative and policy-led, in the areas of equality and diversity. It also has a significant role in assisting the MPS to improve its equality and diversity performance both in relation to its own workforce and in its service provision. The terms of reference, mode of operation and a flexible workplan will guide and assist the Sub-committee’s work.

D. Financial implications

 There are no projected financial implications beyond the expenses of facilitating the meetings of the Sub-committee and meeting any access needs of those involved.

E. Background papers

  • “Terms of reference, establishment of sub committees and memberships, and the appointment of Chairmen and vice Chairmen.” Paper to Communities, Equalities and People Committee 6 November 2008

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Doug Lewins, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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