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This is Report 4 of the 5 June 2009 meeting of the Equality and Diversity Sub-committee, describing the development of the MPS Diversity Strategy for 2009-2012.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Development of the MPS diversity strategy

Report: 4
Date: 5 June 2009
By: T/Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner


This report describes the development of the MPS Diversity Strategy for 2009-2012. The latest version of the strategy, revised as a result of consultation is attached at Appendix 1.

A. Recommendation


  1. Members note the progress to date in developing the MPS Diversity and Equality Strategy
  2. Comment on the draft strategy.

B. Supporting information


1. This report outlines the work completed to date to develop the MPS Diversity and Equality Strategy for 2009-2012. The strategy sets out what the MPS aims to achieve in diversity and equality over the coming three years in both service delivery and employment practices.

2. The strategy recognises the progress that the MPS has made over recent years but identifies those areas where more work still needs to be done. In drafting the strategy we have taken account of a number of developments at national and London level, these include:

  • the move to a single top down performance measure for all police forces based on public confidence
  • the Commissioners 5 Ps: Presence, Performance, Productivity, Professionalism and Pride
  • the national Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Strategy for the Police Service
  • the ongoing MPA Race and Faith Inquiry
  • the evolution of the legal framework for equality through the Equality Bill.

3. The strategy has been designed to provide a simple framework for managing diversity and equality in the MPS, ensuring a more consistent approach to managing these issues across the organisation.

4. It is recognised that a number of external developments will impact on the strategy. For example, the Equality Bill was published on 26 April 2009 with two main purposes: to harmonise discrimination law and to strengthen the law to support progress on equality. The MPS will continue to monitor the developing situation and take account of changes in the law, integrating appropriate actions into the MPS Equalities Scheme.

Consultation on the Strategy

5. In drafting the strategy we have recognised that we are not ‘starting from scratch’ but that the MPS approach to managing diversity and equality has developed over many years. The draft strategy reflects the key issues identified in the MPS Equalities Scheme and the wide ranging consultation processes that informed the actions contained within the Scheme.

6. Consultation on the strategy commenced on 2 April 2009. A consultation version of the strategy has been circulated to a range of internal and external stakeholders to elicit views and comment. The approach to consultation has included:

  • The opportunity for face to consultation with MPS strategic leaders and stakeholders, including Management Board members and other MPS Senior Managers, Chairs of relevant MPA Committees, Chairs of Corporate Independent Advisory Groups.
  • Two consultation workshops held in early May. A wide range of stakeholders were invited including diversity leads and practitioners across the MPS, representatives of Staff and Staff Support Associations, ‘critical friends’ in external organisations such as the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Home Office, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Greater London Authority. A number of those unable to attend provided written feedback.
  • Written consultation including (B)OCU Commanders and Chairs of Community and Police Engagement Groups.

7. The consultation process was designed to gain feedback on the following areas:

  • Whether the broad themes, aims and direction of the strategy are right for the MPS / London at this time.
  • Whether the key actions proposed within each theme are meaningful an appropriate for business areas in the MPS and will deliver improved diversity and equality performance.
  • Whether the necessary governance, infrastructure and support are in place to deliver the aspirations identified in the strategy.

8. The latest draft of the strategy is attached at Appendix 1 that has been updated to reflect the issues raised during consultation.

9. The key feedback and changes that have been made are summarised below:

  • Support for the key themes of the strategy and for having a small number of simple themes that have resonance within the MPS.
  • Support that the strategy reflects the key actions for the MPS at this time.
  • As a result of the feedback received, the updated version has strengthened the relationship between the strategy and improving public confidence.
  • We have revised the themes relating to community engagement and service delivery to ensure that both have an internal as well as an external dimension.
  • We have ensured that there is clear alignment between the MPS strategy and the national strategy being developed by ACPO.

Governance and Delivery

10. The strategy includes a clear governance framework for delivery. The MPS Diversity Board, chaired by the Deputy Commissioner, will oversee the delivery of the strategy across the MPS, monitoring the achievement of the outcomes described in the strategy and the delivery of its key actions. The MPS Equalities Scheme will be updated to provide a single overall delivery plan for the strategy. Diversity Forums (or equivalents) at Business Group and Command Unit level will continue to oversee work at local level. Priority diversity and equality actions will continue to be identified and reported through the MPS business planning process. The Deputy Commissioner has asked all business groups to identify their priority actions for the coming year for monitoring by Diversity Board.

11. The strategy provides a consistent framework for coordinating, driving and monitoring activity across the MPS. It is sufficiently flexible to reflect new and emerging issues as they arise. Recommendations and actions for the MPS arising from the MPA Race and Faith Inquiry can be reflected in actions plans and monitored internally through these governance arrangements. It is proposed that the strategy is formally launched following the conclusion of the MPA Race and Faith Inquiry so that it can properly reflect issues raised by the inquiry.

12. Work to develop a communication plan for the strategy has commenced. This will raise awareness of the strategy, its purpose and the responsibilities of staff across the organisation.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The revised strategy is intended to improve MPS performance in equality and diversity within the MPS in order to achieve further progress in equality outcomes.

2. The draft Equality Impact Assessment for the strategy is attached at Appendix 2.

D. Financial implications

There are no immediate financial implications arising from this report. There may be financial implications as action plans are developed to deliver the aims described in the strategy.

E. Background papers

  • None

F. Contact details

Report author(s): David Skelton, Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate, MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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