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This is Report 4 of the 31 July 2009 meeting of the Equality and Diversity Sub-committee, introducing the MPS Older People Strategy 2009-2012 with its focus on what the MPS intends to do over the next three years to reduce crime, the fear of crime and make London a safer place for older people.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Progress Report on the MPS Older People (Engagement) Strategy

Report: 4
Date: 31 July 2009
By: T/Assistant Commissioner TP Rose Fitzpatrick on behalf of the Commissioner


The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Older People’s Strategy has been formulated to cater for the needs of older people in line with the MPS Equalities Scheme key objectives, the Mayor of London older people’s strategy ; Appreciating Our Seniors,’ the strategic outcomes and objectives of the Policing London Business Plan 2009/12 and delivering the MPS Policing Pledge.

This report introduces the MPS Older People Strategy 2009 - 2012 with its focus on what the MPS intends to do over the next three years to reduce crime, the fear of crime and make London a safer place for older people.

A. Recommendation


  1. Members note progress of work to date
  2. Comment on the draft strategy.

B. Supporting information


1. The strategy is derived from the MPS Equalities Scheme, specifically in relation to Objective A6 - to implement the relevant policies contained in the Mayor of London’s Older People Strategy (MLOPS). The strategy demonstrates the MPS commitment to older people in our communities, by ensuring that their needs and aspirations are taken into account in the planning and delivery of MPS services.

Consultation on the Strategy

2. The MPS has been involved in extensive consultation in the development of this strategy. Starting with its work in developing the Age element of the MPS Equalities Scheme through to more recent activity at the Greater London Authority (GLA) Older People and Crime Conference on the 6th of March 2009. The event served to identify the current needs of London’s communities and the relevant aspects of the GLA Action Plan are embedded in the MPS Older People Strategy.

3. A broad selection of views from the consultation undertaken by the GLA, MPA, and the London Older People’s Strategy Group) LOPSG) have been utilized in the compilation of both the strategy and the Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) process, and includes feedback from a series of seminars designed to capture older people’s expectations of the MPS and further work with LOPSG in capturing the views of older people who could not attend the formal consultation process.

Governance and Delivery

4. An action plan will be developed in partnership with all of the relevant MPS Business Groups, to deliver the strategy. This will be monitored at the strategic level through the MPS Diversity Board chaired by the Deputy Commissioner and the Equalities Scheme Programme Board chaired by the Director of the Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate. At a more local level, oversight and coordination of action plans will be by Business Group and (B)OCU/unit level Diversity Forums and other mechanisms.

5. The draft strategy is attached at Annex A.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate have completed an Initial Equality Impact Assessment screening for the strategy. This has highlight areas of disproportionate impact on specific older people groups. These issues have been incorporated into the Older people’s strategy and will be the subject of further consultation as the MPS completes its EIA and develops appropriate action plans.

D. Financial implications

There are no immediate financial implications arising from this report. There may be financial implications as action plans are developed to deliver the aims described in the strategy. Any such proposals will be subject to the MPA/MPS budget and decision making processes.

E. Background papers

  • None

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Nilima Solanki, Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate, MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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