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Finance and Resources Committee work programme and equality objective

Report: 4
Date: 30 July 2009
By: Chief Executive


This report outlines a workplan by which the committee will fulfil its role as agreed in its terms of reference.

A. Recommendation


  1. the Committee agrees the proposed work programme; and
  2. agrees to retain the equality objective for the Committee.

B. Supporting information

Terms of reference

1. The Committee’s terms of reference are set out at Appendix 1.

Summary of work programme

2. Below can be found a table outlining a proposed work plan for the Committee: Procurement and contract reports are considered in the first instance by the Resources Sub-Committee. In addition to the reports listed below other reports will be submitted on, for example, specific contract awards and property disposals and other subjects within the Committee’s remit.

17 September 2009

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 4
  • Budget and business plan 2010-2013 (joint session with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
  • Insurance and liability provision
  • Efficiency plan monitoring
  • Mutual aid
  • Real time communications –award of contract
  • Event Management Futures
  • Property Services update

22 October 2009

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 5
  • Budget and business plan 2010-2013 (joint session with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
  • Annual statement of minimum revenue provision
  • Routine Contracts Programme
    Electric Vehicles Project
  • none

19 November 2009

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 6
  • Budget and business plan 2010-2013 (joint session with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
  • Draft borrowing and capital spending plan (may be dealt with in the joint session with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
  • Proceeds of Crime Act
  • Treasury Management policy – mid year report
  • none
  • Property Services update

17 December 2009

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 7
  • Efficiency plan monitoring
  • none
  • none

21 January 2010

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 8
  • Personal Insurance Indemnity Policy
  • Routine Contracts Programme
  • Property Services update

11 February 2010

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 9
  • 2010/11 grant settlement
  • Annual review of fees and charges
  • Treasury Management and Investment Strategy 2010/11
  • none
  • none

18 March 2010

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 10
  • Efficiency plan monitoring
  • Efficiency plan for 2010/11
  • Treasury Management Investment Strategy
  • none
  • Property Services update
  • Safer Neighbourhood 2 Property Programme

22 April 2010

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 period 11
  • Police Property Act Fund
  • London European Office partnership annual update
  • Treasury Management policy statement
  • Routine Contracts Programme
  • none

17 June 2010

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 provisional outturn
  • Efficiency plan outturn 2009/10
  • Mayoral budget guidance
  • none
  • Property Services update

115 July 2010

  • Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2010/11 period 2
  • Cost of Policing Public Order Events 2009/10
  • Routine Contracts Programme
  • none

Equality Objective for the Committee

Each committee is required to have an equality objective which is to be reviewed. The current objectives as follows:
To monitor progress in implementing the Responsible Procurement Policy especially:

  • Embedding the policy throughout the MPS
  • Increasing the number of diverse suppliers we procure goods and services from implementation of the London Living Wage

It is suggested that this objective be retained.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct equality and diversity implications arising from this report, other than that outlined above.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Crompton, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Finance and Resources Committee –Terms of Reference

The Committee is responsible for:

  • oversight and management of the capital and revenue budgets and other resources such as estates and ISIT

  • monitoring policing performance against policing plan and other targets

  • achieving an integrated approach to the development of policing and financial plans


1. To consider and recommend to the Authority:

  1. medium term financial strategy

  2. the annual revenue and capital budgets for submission to the Mayor.

2. To receive regular monitoring reports from the Treasurer and Commissioner on revenue and capital budget performance.

3. To consider and review the Authority’s financial reserves.

4. To consider and approve major revenue business cases. However, where the committee considers major policy or significant additional or reduced expenditure is involved the committee may make recommendations to the Authority for decision.

5. To consider and approve, or recommend to the Authority, major capital programme scheme financial appraisals, justifications and briefs.

6. To consider and award, or recommend to the Authority, major procurement contracts as detailed in financial and procurement regulations.

7. To consider, either directly or by reference from other committees, any policy proposals with significant financial implications.

8. To approve the Authority’s annual Treasury Management policy and strategy, and to receive reports on performance.

9. To consider and determine issues in respect of the MPA estate and other resource issues.

10. To consider financial and strategic issues relating to the provision of information systems and information technology.

Performance and Resources

11. In liaison with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee, to develop an approach that achieves better integration between the MPA /MPS policing and financial plans.

Equality and diversity

12. To have due regard, in exercising the committee’s responsibilities, to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

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