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Report 8 of the 22 April 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee, considering the transfer of the front counter service on Greenwich Borough Operational Command Unit from Thamesmead police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base at Joyce Dawson Way.

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Transfer of front counter facilities - Greenwich Borough

Report: 08
Date: 22 April 2010
By: Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner


This report asks the Committee to consider for the transfer of the front counter service on Greenwich Borough Operational Command Unit (BOCU) from Thamesmead police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base at Joyce Dawson Way.

The Committee is also asked to support the future plans for Thamesmead police station.

The proposals are supported by the MPA member led Estate Panel.

A. Recommendations

that Members

  1. Approve the proposed transfer of the front counter service from Thamesmead police station to new accommodation within the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Thamesmead Moorings and Abbey Wood wards, known as Joyce Dawson Way;
  2. Support the proposal for holding over the lease for Thamesmead police station until the Borough is in a position to transfer the front counter facility to Joyce Dawson Way; and
  3. Support the plans for Thamesmead police station following the transfer of the front counter service

B. Supporting information

1. Thamesmead police station is a leasehold premises with a contractual end date in March 2010. The building currently accommodates a front counter service only, with the Safer Neighbourhoods teams having transferred to the new Safer Neighbourhoods base at Joyce Dawson Way.

2. Following consultation with Property Services and in agreement with the landlord it is proposed that the lease continues on a ‘holding over’ basis. This will continue until the MPA is in a position to serve notice on the lease, which is three months’ notice at any time.

3. The transfer of the front counter is supported by the MPA link member and discussions have taken place with the Local Authority Chief Executive and other stakeholders and support for the move has been expressed. The Borough Commander held a public meeting on 23 March 2010 which was publicised through the local media. Although the turnout was low, the proposal for the transfer of the front counter from Thamesmead police station received unanimous support.

Greenwich Borough Asset Management Plan

4. Modernisation of the estate on Greenwich BOCU began through the delivery of Safer Neighbourhoods bases and in November 2007 the Greenwich Asset Management Plan was published.

5. In support of operational policing, modernisation of the estate in Greenwich continued in January 2009 when building commenced on a Patrol Base at Warspite Rd to accommodate all patrolling functions. In addition to the provision of a Patrol Base, the Asset Management Plan published in 2007 identified the future of the estate as:

  • Plumstead police station – to be retained and assessed to provide a better use of space following the provision of a new Patrol Base and Custody Centre in the borough
  • Eltham police station – to be retained and assessed to provide a better use of space following the provision of a new Patrol Base and Custody Centre in the borough
  • Greenwich police station – to be retained and assessed to provide a better use of space following the provision of a new Patrol Base and Custody Centre in the borough
  • Thamesmead police station – to be consulted on further by Greenwich and Bexley police to ensure that the best facilities are provided for both boroughs. (The front counter at this site is subject of this report and if the transfer is approved the building is no longer required for operational purposes. The potential release of this building is also covered in this paper).
  • Eltham Co-op - home to 2 Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • 31 Herbert Road – home to 1 Safer Neighbourhoods team
  • The Gatehouse, Frances Street – home to 1 Safer Neighbourhoods team
  • 3 Mar House – home to 1 Safer Neighbourhoods team
  • New Custody Centre – will accommodate all custody cells and related facilities in the borough. (It has been agreed that the custody function at Plumstead police station is adequate for Borough requirements and no further custody facility is required - see paragraph 5 below)
  • New Patrol Base – will accommodate all of the operational officers and facilities in the borough. (This has been provided and awaits transfer of officers to the new facility).
  • New Safer Neighbourhoods bases – will provide accommodation for each Safer Neighbourhoods team currently housed in temporary accommodation in permanent bases, easily accessible to their wards. (MPS Property Services has identified 4 new sites which, when completed, will complete the Safer Neighbourhoods roll out for Greenwich)
  • New front counters - to be available in a wide mix of police accommodation in the borough and provide enhanced accessibility and a sense of reassurance for every member of the local community. (There is a future requirement for a front counter facility to replace Woolwich police station. There are plans to relocate this within the Woolwich Town Centre redevelopment)
  • Improved office accommodation –The office accommodation at Plumstead, Greenwich and Eltham is currently overcrowded and the Information Technology infrastructure is over capacity. With the delivery of the Patrol Base and Custody Centre, this will give us the opportunity to review and improve upon the space and facilities we have available. (See comment above. No new custody provision is required, however transfer of staff to the new patrol base will ease overcrowding across the BOCU).

6. Since the publication of the Asset Management Plan in November 2007 the proposal for the provision of a Custody Centre for Greenwich is no longer an operational requirement as there is adequate custody provision at Plumstead Police Station. The MPA has provided new facilities to support operational policing at:

  • Joyce Dawson Way Safer Neighbourhoods base - accommodation for Thamesmead Moorings ward and Abbey Wood ward. This site has also been provided with a front counter facility, which is subject of this report
  • Lakedale Road Safer Neighbourhoods base - accommodation for Plumstead ward and Glyndon ward Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • Old Dover Road Safer Neighbourhoods Base - accommodation for Kidbrooke and Hornfair ward and Blackheath and Westcombe ward Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • William Barefoot Drive Safer Neighbourhoods Base - accommodation for Coldharbour and New Eltham ward Safer Neighbourhoods team

7. The transfer of front counter facilities to Joyce Dawson Way Safer Neighbourhoods base and the surrender of the lease of Thamesmead police station will move towards delivery of the modernisation of the Greenwich BOCU estate.

Thamesmead police station front counter facilities

8. The current pre-fabricated built police station does not offer adequate or appropriate front counter facilities. The building is in a poor state of repair and there are inadequate IT facilities available in the front counter area. The contractual end date for the lease on this building is March 2010. The proposal is to hold over on the lease until such a time as the Borough is in a position to transfer the front counter facility (see paragraph 2).

9. The transfer of the front counter services would mean that Thamesmead police station would no longer be required for operational policing purposes.

10. Appendix A identifies the conditions at Thamesmead police station and highlights the front counter facility at this site.

Joyce Dawson Way Safer Neighbourhoods base

11. The front counter at Joyce Dawson Way will provide a front counter environment as a replacement for the front counter in Thamesmead police station. The site is compliant with Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) legislation. It is situated within the shopping precinct at Thamesmead Town Centre, Twin Tumps Way and is serviced by five bus routes, one of which is 24 hours. Appendix B highlights the facilities available at Joyce Dawson Way, which is within 0.7 of a mile of Thamesmead police station.

12. The map attached at Appendix C - Proximity Map - shows the proximity of the new front counter facilities at Joyce Dawson Way to Thamesmead police station.

Opening hours

13. A recent footfall survey carried out at Thamesmead police station over a two week period during December 2009 identified that between the hours of 10pm and 6am there were eight visitors. There are two other 24/7 station offices on the Borough (Greenwich police station and Plumstead police station) with Plumstead being within a reasonable distance of Thamesmead.

14. The opening hours for Thamesmead police station are currently 24/7. These hours were agreed by the BOCU Commander to ensure security of the building. It is proposed that the opening hours for the front counter within the Joyce Dawson Way Safer Neighbourhoods base will be 24/7. The BOCU would like to review this after a settling in period and public assessment of the usage of the new facility.

15. No decision to change the opening hours will be taken without MPA link member, key stakeholder and local community engagement.

Principles to govern the transfer of front counter facilities

16. The MPA Member Led Estate Panel has directed that a number of principles should be met prior to Finance & Resources Committee approving transfer of front counter facilities and these are outlined below for Greenwich BOCU.

  • The new front counter at Joyce Dawson Way is DDA compliant. It is easily accessible and has a hearing loop fitted.
  • Joyce Dawson Way is located within 0.7 of a mile from Thamesmead police station.
  • The front counter at Thamesmead police station is open 24/7 for security reasons. It is proposed that the front counter at Joyce Dawson Way is open 24/7 as identified in paragraph 12.

Engagement Activity

17. The MPA link member has confirmed in writing his support for the transfer of front counter facilities from Thamesmead police station. The Local Authority Chief Executive and other stakeholders are aware of the new facility and have expressed an interest in when the front counter at Joyce Dawson Way will be operational. A meeting was held with local councillors and stakeholders on 25 February 2010 to discuss the transfer and there was full support for the transfer and the release of Thamesmead police station.

18. The BOCU Commander undertook further engagement activity on 23 March 2010 by way of a public meeting. The transfer of the front counter facilities from Thamesmead Police Station to Joyce Dawson Way Safer Neighbourhoods base and the release of Thamesmead police station was unanimously supported at that meeting.

Future of Thamesmead police station

19. With the transfer of the front counter from Thamesmead police station to Joyce Dawson Way Safer Neighbourhoods base, the police station would be surplus to the operational needs of Greenwich police. The MPA Member Led Estate Panel has directed that a number of principles should be met governing the future of police stations and these apply to Thamesmead police station as follows:

  • Thamesmead police station will no longer be required for operational use once the front counter services are transferred
  • The transfer of the services and the release of Thamesmead forms part of the overall asset management plans for Greenwich Borough
  • External markings that identify Thamesmead police station as a police building will be removed wherever possible. Those markings that cannot be removed will be covered
  • The BOCU Commander has engaged with the local community and stakeholders in respect of the future of the property.
  • This site borders Bexley borough police estate and consultation has taken place with the borough commander at Bexley who is in agreement in relation to the future of this site.
  • The MPA link member is aware that this building can now be released as it will be empty once the front counter moves
  • The contractual end date for the lease on Thamesmead is March 2010. It is proposed that the building is held on ‘holding over’ until the Borough has an opportunity to transfer the front counter facility. Release of the building will result in savings for the MPA through rent, rates and utilities.

Other information

20. A review of other evidence provides further background that is useful context for decision making. The MPS 2009/10 Quarter 3 Key Performance areas for Greenwich show that:

  • 53% of Greenwich residents feel local police are doing a good job
  • 49% are satisfied with overall service
  • 78% feel that police treat them with respect
  • 24% are satisfied with the visibility of the SN teams

Environmental implications

The new site at Joyce Dawson Way would have required the input of Property Services, including the design and fit out using design standards based on the applicable design guides. As a result of technological enhancements (e.g. lighting controls) the facilities would be expected to be more resource efficient with regard to energy and water consumption etc. Further to this, day to day operational activities involve the use of resources including energy, water and paper, and generate emissions (e.g. carbon dioxide) and waste. The MPS Environmental Strategy 2005 - 10 seeks to create awareness of these issues and to mitigate impacts through behavioural change amongst police officers and staff.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The design of the new front counter facility at Joyce Dawson Way is fully compliant with legislation covering the Disability Discrimination Act.

D. Financial implications

1. Once the front counter services are transferred to the new site, there is no operational requirement for Thamesmead police station. The cessation of the lease for Thamesmead police station will release approximately £54,000 annual revenue funding for the MPS.

2. It should be noted that modernisation of the estate brings cost savings through reduced maintenance costs and more efficient buildings.

E. Legal implications

Engagement with key stakeholders and members of the public is in keeping with the duty set out in S96 of the Police Act 1996, which requires arrangements to be made for obtaining the views of the community on policing. This report describes the community engagement that has taken place fulfilling the obligations set out in the Police Act.

The Greenwich Asset Management Plan describes a model for future policing service provision and requires engagement on proposals with stakeholders and members of the public. The proposals suggested in this report are in accordance with the content of the Greenwich Asset Management Plan.

F. Background papers

  • Greenwich Asset Management Plan published in November 2007.


  • Appendix A - Thamesmead Police Station
  • Appendix B - Joyce Dawson Way SN base
  • Appendix C - Proximity Map
  • Appendix D - BOCU Operational Sites

G. Contact details

Report author(s): Diana Marchant, Director of Operational Resourcing, Territorial Policing

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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