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Report 5 of the 15 July 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee, with a summary of the business considered by the sub committees.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Report on the sub committees of the Finance and Resources Committee

Report: 05
Date: 15 July 2010
By: Chief Executive


This report contains a summary of the business considered by the sub committees of the Finance and Resources Committee. It includes a reference to the Routine Contract Programme which is on the agenda for this meeting of the Committee.

A. Recommendations

That members note the report

B. Supporting information

1. This report covers the following meetings:

  • Estate Panel – 17 June 2010
  • Resources and Productivity Sub-Committee – 5 July 2010

Estate Panel – 17 June 2010

2. Amongst the matters discussed was the draft estate strategy. After further development it is expected that the strategy will be submitted to the September meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee The next meeting of the Panel is on 15 July immediately following the Finance and Resources Committee. A visit to the estate at Hendon and Colindale police station was made on 30 June.

Resources and Productivity Sub-Committee – 5 July 2010

Comments on a report on the agenda for today’s Finance and Resources Committee - Routine Contracts Programme

3. This report sets out the latest version of the Routine Contracts Programme, which provides Members with detail on the contracts above £1m that the MPS wishes to let over the next twelve months on a rolling programme, the details of those contracts let since the last report. The rolling programme covers routine renewals/re-tenders and all known new or emergent requirements. Members noted that there had been changes in the detail provided in the exempt appendix 1 and were pleased to note the progress on contract compliance shown in exempt appendix 2. The Sub-Committee supported the recommendations.

Other reports considered not on the agenda for today’s FRC meeting

Capital programme monitoring 2009/10 quarter 4

4. This report provided a detailed review of the MPS capital programme as at the end of March 2010. Members considered the reasons for slippage, the effects this had on the programme and the question of over-programming. Consideration will be given to changes in the presentation of the information in future quarterly reports so that members can more effectively monitor those cases where there are particular issues of concern.

Overtime 2009/10 quarter 4

5. This was a regular monitoring report which provided analysis on overtime paid to Police Officers, Police Staff and Police Community Support Officers during the year to 31 March 2010. Members noted that there has been a 13.6% reduction in overtime expenditure since 2005/06 despite 6.9% growth in officer numbers over the same period. It was also noted that a significant proportion of overtime is as a result of officers working normal duties on bank holidays and that in Territorial Policing for example it is estimated that approximately 21% of overtime expenditure is due to such holiday working. The report detailed the action taken in the Business Groups to ensure that the outturn was closely aligned to budget and provided an explanation for the variances.

6. In the discussion on the report members noted that there is a national drive to contain expenditure on overtime and that consideration would be given as to how this might be achieved through changes in the current arrangements

Independent review of MPS IS/IT strategy–action plan

6. At its meeting on 10 June 2010 the Sub-Committee received a report on the independent review of the MPS ICT Strategy which had been carried out by the by the National Policing Improvement Agency. At that time it was agreed that an action plan be provided to take forward the 10 recommendations in the report which range from clearly mapping out capital investments proposals to consideration of streamlining the approvals process for investment, with the key recommendation relating to the need to update the existing IS/IT strategy. The action plan and progress to date has now been considered by the Sub-Committee.

Requests for contract action

7. This report sets out the summary of requests for contract action received in Procurement Services within the last quarter (January 2010 - March 2010), with a particular focus on the requests that fall under the remit of Single Tender Actions (STA)

C. Race and equality impact

There are no race and diversity impact issues directly arising from this report. Race and diversity impact is a standing item on reports submitted to committees and sub committees.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications directly arising from this report although there could be financial implications arising from items discussed by sub committees.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): John Crompton

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