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Report 11 of the 23 September 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee, considers the transfer of the front counter services on Kingston borough from Surbiton police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth wards at Millbank House.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Transfer of front counter facilities - Kingston borough

Report: 11
Date: 23 September 2010
By: Director of Operational Resourcing, Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner


This report is for the consideration of the Finance and Resources Committee for the transfer of the front counter services on Kingston Borough Operational Command Unit from Surbiton police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth wards at Millbank House.

The proposal is supported by the MPA Estate Review Panel.

A. Recommendations

That members

  1. Consider the transfer of the front counter service from Surbiton police station to new accommodation within the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth wards
  2. Note the Front Counter footfall survey results
  3. Note the future review of Surbiton police station

B. Supporting information

1. On 21 January 2010 the Finance and Resource Committee approved the process for agreeing changes to the public facing estate. This report follows that process, and sets out the position on Kingston Borough, specifically in relation to front counter services at Surbiton police station and the future plans for that site.

2. The MPA Link member Graham Speed has expressed his support for the transfer of front counter facilities to the Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth wards Safer Neighbourhoods Base at Millbank House.

3. The local community who attended the opening of the SN base when the Safer Neighbourhoods teams moved from Surbiton police station is fully supportive of the transfer of the front counter facilities to the modern facility at Millbank House. There is some local concern that the new front counter is currently unused.

Kingston Borough Asset Management Plan

4. Modernisation of the estate in Kingston BOCU began through the delivery of Safer Neighbourhoods bases and in November 2007 the Kingston Asset Management Plan (AMP) was published. At the time of publication operational policing in Kingston was supported from:-

Kingston Police Station - This is the main site for accommodating staff and delivery of services. The current custody facility at Kingston police station is inadequate. Plans have been identified to improve the custody and interview facilities at Kingston police station. This is currently being evaluated.

Surbiton Police Station - Currently accommodates 2 Safer Neighbourhoods teams operating from this site, Chessington North and Chessington South. New premises have been identified for these teams at 391 Hook Road, Chessington. Fit out of the site commenced on 23rd August 2010 anticipated completion is November 2010. A new replacement front counter has been provided less than 200m away at Millbank House.

Eagle House - Currently accommodates the Community Safety Unit, Integrated Prosecution Team, Human Resources and Serious Crime Directorate. The Safer Neighbourhoods teams moved to a new SN base at in July 2010.

New front counters - a new front counter has been provided at Millbank House and is the subject of this report.

5. In addition to the sites above, operational policing is also delivered from the following Safer Neighbourhoods bases

  • CI Tower, St Georges Square - Beverley and Coombe Vale Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • 122 Malden Road - Old Malden and St James Safer Neighbourhoods Teams
  • YMCA - St Marks and Surbiton Hill Safer Neighbourhoods Teams
  • MillBank House - Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth Safer Neighbourhoods Teams

6. The transfer of front counter facilities to Millbank House Safer Neighbourhoods base will move the borough towards the overall modernisation of the estate in Kingston.

Surbiton police station front counter

7. Surbiton police station currently offers adequate front counter facilities. However due to the age and design of the front counter it is not Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant with no low level counter facility. It does not have a separate interview area away from the waiting area so there is no guarantee of privacy when talking to front counter staff. This facility is open 10am-6pm Monday to Friday (closed 1pm-2pm). However in light of the review of the future of Surbiton Police Station the relocation of the front counter facilities to Millbank House would seem an appropriate option. Appendix A-1 - Surbiton police station shows Surbiton police station and Appendices A-2 & A-3 -Current front counter facilities highlight the current front counter facilities at this site.

8. Transport links to Surbiton police station are adequate with buses stopping nearby the police station. Some parking is available in the local vicinity.

Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth Safer Neighbourhoods base at Millbank House

9. Millbank is a newly built Safer Neighbourhoods base with modern front counter facilities to provide an improved environment as a replacement front counter service for Surbiton police station. It is DDA compliant and includes a hearing loop facility. The interview area is separate from the waiting area thereby ensuring privacy for visitors. There are 2 dedicated parking spaces for the public. Appendix B-1 Millbank House Safer Neighbourhoods base shows Millbank House, Appendices B-2 & B-3 Replacement front counter facilities highlight the new front counter facilities available at this site.

10. The new facility will be open 10am-6pm Monday to Friday (closed between 1pm-2pm). It is situated with good transport links with public parking close by. Millbank House is located approximately 200 metres from the current facility.

Appendix C - Proximity Map shows the proximity of the new front counter facilities at Millbank House in relation to Surbiton police station.

Principles to govern the transfer of front counter facilities

11. The MPA Estate Panel has directed that a number of principles should be met prior to Finance & Resource Committee approving transfer of front counter facilities and these are outlined below for Kingston BOCU.

  • The new front counter facility at Millbank House was completed in July 2009
  • Millbank House is located within approximately 200 metres of Surbiton police station
  • The front counter facility will be open for the same opening hours as Surbiton police station front counter on Monday to Friday 10am-6pm (closed between 1pm-2pm)

Engagement activity

12. Engagement activity has been undertaken by the Borough Commander to incorporate key community leaders and the general public for the modernisation plans for Kingston. Overall there is a general awareness and support.

  • The MPA Link member Graham Speed has been consulted and is supportive of the transfer of front counter facilities to the Alexandra, Berrylands and Tolworth wards Safer Neighbourhoods base at Millbank House.
  • This has been widely discussed at Consultative Group, Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership and the Safer Kingston Partnership and is fully supported.
  • The SN base was officially opened on 14th May 2009. If approval is given and the front counter is relocated, then a further ceremony will be held. This will be supported by leaflets and posters explaining the changes and the benefits to local residents and publicised through local media and Safer Neighbourhoods teams.

Future of Surbiton Police Station.

13. Once all the Safer Neighbourhood teams currently housed in Surbiton Police Station have moved to accommodation that is easily accessible for their wards, the use of Surbiton Police Station will be reviewed.

Other information

14. Kingston borough has a number of operational policing facilities across the estate as outlined in paragraph 4. Appendix D - Operational Policing Bases identifies locations across Kingston borough where operational policing is delivered.

15. A review of other evidence provides further background that is useful context for decision making. The MPS Quarter 4 2009/10 key performance indicators for Kingston show that:

  • 61% of Kingston residents feel local police are doing an excellent/good job
  • 79% are satisfied with overall service
  • 80% feel that police treat them with respect.

16. Footfall surveys were carried out at Surbiton Police Station over two separate two week periods in March and June 2010. The following data was obtained:

Total Footfall - 15 March to 28 March 2010 = 57 visitors

Total Footfall - 14 June to 27 June 2010 = 65 visitors

C. Other organisational & community implications

Equality and diversity impact.

1. The needs of members of the community have been taken into consideration through the engagement activity, which is covered in the body of this report.
2. Surbiton Police Station has limited disabled access. The new facility at Millbank house is easily accessible and complies with Disability Discrimination Act legislation.

Consideration of MET Forward

3. The transfer of the front counter service supports MET Support through more efficient use of the estate. The transfer of the front counter service also supports confidence by providing a visible presence in the community.

Financial Implications

4. The provision of the new facilities at Millbank House was funded under phase 2 of the Safer Neighbourhoods programme.

Legal Implications

5. S21(3) and (4) of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended by the Disability Discrimination Act 2005) require a public authority to take reasonable steps to allow disabled persons the benefit of a function of a public authority. In this case, the new premises would allow disabled persons access to front counter facilities without disadvantage and therefore the recommendation complies with this provision.

6. S96 Police Act 1996 requires the MPA, in consultation with the Commissioner, to obtain the views of people in that area about matters concerning the policing of the area. Arguably, the transfer of front counter facilities is a matter concerning policing but, in any event, this requirement has been satisfied in this case.

7. On the basis of the information contained in this report, the recommendation can be lawfully approved.

Environmental Implications

8. The transfer of front counter services to new facilities at Millbank House would have required the input of Property Services, including design and fit out using design standards based on the applicable design guides. As a result of technological enhancements (e.g. lighting controls) the facilities would be expected to be more resource efficient with regard to energy and water consumption etc. Further to this, day to day operational activities involve the use of resources including energy, water and paper, and generate emissions (e.g. carbon dioxide) and waste. The MPS Environmental objectives, outlined in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy 2010-13 (currently in development), and delivered through the annual Environmental Management Plan (EMP) seek to create awareness of these issues and to mitigate impacts through behavioural change among police officers and staff.

Risk Implications

9. There are no risks associated with this report.


Appendix A-1 - Surbiton Police Station
Appendix A-2 & A-3- Current front counter facilities
Appendix B-1 - Millbank House Safer Neighbourhoods Base
Appendices B-2 & B-3 - Replacement front counter facilities
Appendix C - Proximity Map
Appendix D - Kingston borough Operational Policing bases

D. Background papers

  • Kingston Asset Management Plan
  • MPA report 21 January 2010 - Process for agreeing changes to public facing estate.

E. Contact details

Report author(s): Diana Marchant - Director of Operational Resourcing, Territorial Policing, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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