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Report 6 of the 18 November 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee, seeks approval to the allocation of POCA funds to the Safer London Foundation.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Allocation of Proceeds of Crime Act funds to the Safer London Foundation

Report: 6
Date: 18 November 2010
By: Treasurer


 The Committee is asked to note the allocation of grants made by the Safer London Foundation through funds provided by the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) in 2009/10 and approve a further allocation of funds to the Safer London Foundation (SLF) for 2010/11 for use to fund community projects for crime reduction.

A. Recommendations

That members

  1. note the grant funding provided by the Safer London Foundation during 2009/10 to community projects through the allocation of £500,000 of POCA funds; and
  2. Approve a further £500,000 of POCA funds be allocated to the SLF to be used for grants to community organizations for crime reduction projects.

B. Supporting information

1. The primary function of POCA legislation is to reduce crime, it also provides the side benefit of funding provided by the Asset Recovery Incentive Scheme (ARIS). This not only provides the opportunity to increase resources within the MPS to maximise the use of POCA as a crime reduction tool, but also provides the opportunity to put something back into London’s Communities in line with Home Office spending guidance.

2. Therefore since 2006 the MPA have provided the SLF with an annual allocation of POCA funds for the disbursement to community groups and initiatives, providing an auditable process for the disbursement of funds with a recognised governance structure and avoiding the need for the MPA/MPS to put in place its own separate administrative processes.

3. Appendix 1 provides details of how the allocation of £500K was disbursed during 2009/10 which members are asked to note. Subject to members being content with the allocation of funds during 2009/10 it is proposed that a further £500K is donated to the SLF in 2010/11 for disbursement to community groups and initiatives, with an update to the Finance and Resources Committee on how funds were disbursed at the end of the financial year.

4. The present ARIS runs until 31 March 2011, and options for the future are currently being considered. Therefore this will be the final allocation of funding of POCA funds to SLF from the current scheme. Future proposals for allocating POCA funds to community projects will be considered once it is known what the future arrangements will be.

C. Other organisational and community implications

Equalities Impact

The allocation of POCA funds will increase access to funding for community organisations, and will provide opportunities to fund a wide variety of projects from diverse communities in London.

Met Forward

The allocation of POCA funds will help in delivering MetForward especially MetPeople through increasing opportunities to fund community based projects

Financial Implications

For 2010/11 the projected POCA income is £10.9m with expenditure predicted at £10.7m. The £500K donation for has been built into current budget assumptions for 2010/11 as reported to Finance and Resources Committee in September 2010.

Legal Implications

This report raises no specific legal implications

Environmental Implications

This report raises no environmental implications

Risk Implications

This is the last year that the current funding arrangements for community projects will be in place, therefore there is a risk to organisations in future years who are reliant on this as a funding stream.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report authors:  Annabel Adams – Deputy Treasurer, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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