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Report 2a of the 09 Apr 02 meeting of the Remuneration Subcommittee and setting out how the sub-committee meeting dates coincide with key milestones in the ACPO recruitment calendar.

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ACPO appointments timetable

Report: 2a
Date: 09 April 2002
By: Commissioner


At the last meeting of the Remuneration Sub-Committee it was resolved that future meetings would be held in January, April, July and October. The Sub-Committee sought a report setting out how these dates coincide with key milestones in the ACPO recruitment calendar.

A. Recommendations

That members note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. At the meeting of the Remuneration Sub-Committee held on 15 January 2002, it was agreed that future Sub-Committee meetings should be arranged for January, April, July and October each year to fit in with the timetable for ACPO appointment decisions. The principal issues for consideration at each of these meetings is set out below.


2. Formal review of the number of ACPO posts, categorised according to command functions as well as the number of current and projected vacancies. The discussion will be informed by the budgetary settlement and will allow sufficient time to plan for the annual ACPO recruitment exercise which has been regularly held in October to coincide with the end of the Strategic Command Course. Consideration will also be given to the need for additional recruitment exercises outside the October timeframe. The April review of ACPO numbers will not adversely affect the need to vary ACPO posts during the year, through further appointments or temporary promotion, should unanticipated requirements arise.


3. Planning for the October ACPO recruitment exercise which will anticipate future requirements in terms of skills and overall numbers, and project the number of new appointments at Commander and DAC level. A provisional timetable will be set for the exercise taking account of dates specified by HMIC and necessary co-ordination with the Senior Appointments Panel.


4. The ACPO selection exercise will be underway and depending on the timing of the meeting, the opportunity will be taken to review progress in respect of the advertising programme, expressions of interest, number of applications and the short listing process. The number of vacancies will be confirmed and a discussion will take place about the options for postings, which will take account of the potential for career development moves for existing MPS ACPO officers. The timing of appointments and the potential for a reserve list can also be considered.


5. The outcome of the October exercise will be formally reviewed. The MPS will provide details of the postings for ACPO appointees and any outstanding issues relating to the length of FTAs or conditions of appointment will be discussed. The ACPO retirement calendar for the forthcoming 12 months will also be discussed, which will take account of the timings of anticipated vacancies, retirements and possible applications for extensions to existing FTAs. The MPS has a procedure whereby FTAs are reviewed seven months prior to expiry to enable sufficient time for applications for extension to be considered by the Remuneration Sub-Committee.


6. The timetable outlined above provides a structured approach to the ACPO recruitment process but is not intended to constrain the need to discuss pertinent issues at future meetings of the Sub-Committee. It is anticipated that matters relating to temporary promotions, early release from FTAs secondments, the Senior Appointments Panel etc will arise throughout the year. Where decisions are made through the 'urgent business' protocol, the Sub-Committee will be consulted at the earliest opportunity.

To facilitate the discussion about the number of ACPO posts, a full list of MPS ACPO officers and their current postings is attached at Appendix 1.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from the adoption of the timetable set out in this report.

The budget will be influenced by decisions about the numbers of ACPO positions, recruitment exercises and temporary promotions.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Michael Shurety, Director of HR Services, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: MPS ACPO as at March 2002

Post Name
Commissioner Sir John Stevens
DAC Chief of Staff Suzanna Becks
DAC Northern Ireland Hugh Orde

Deputy Commissioner command

Post Name
Deputy Commissioner Ian Blair
DAC Diversity John Grieve
DAC DPA Andy Hayman
Commander DPS Phil Hagon
Commander C3I Ron McPherson
Commander CAT Cressida Dick
Commander Police Reform Steve Otter

Territorial policing

Post Name
AC Michael Todd
DAC Deputy to AC Tim Godwin
DAC Westminster Andy Trotter
Commander Pan London Michael Messinger
Commander Crime Robert Quick
Commander NW Richard Bryan
Commander SE Shabir Hussain
Commander SW Alan Shave
Commander NE Duncan Croll
Commander Brian Paddick
Commander CW Security Jonathon Kaye

Specialist operations

Post Name
AC David Veness
DAC S013 Alan Fry
DAC Security Barbara Wilding
DAC SCG Bill Griffiths
DAC Drugs Direct' Michael Fuller
DAC Child Protection Carole Howlett
Commander SCG Alan Brown
Commander SCG Andy Baker
Commander SCG David Armond
Commander SCG Acting:  John Yates
Commander Intelligence  Roger Pearce
Commander Royalty Kevin O'Connell

Policy, review and standards

Post Name
AC Tarique Ghaffur
DAC Steven House
Commander PRS Stephen Roberts

Directorate of human resources

Post Name
AC Bernard Hogan-Howe
Commander DTD Peter Loughborough

Directorate of resources

Post Name Comments
Commander Alan Given Budget Savings Team


Post Name Comments
DAC RCDS Peter Clarke -
Commander Prisons Martin Gerrard -
Commander Northern Ireland David Wood -
Commander Immigration Graham James T/P DAC

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