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Report 6 of the 05 Feb 04 meeting of the Remuneration Sub-committee and outlines the processes already in place for Authority involvement in the new national personal development review structure for officers of ACPO rank and flags up the need to revisit the processes in the light of the draft PNB agreement.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Personal Development Reviews: ACPO ranks

Report: 6
Date: 05 February 2004
By: Clerk


This report outlines the processes already in place for Authority involvement in the new national personal development review structure for officers of ACPO rank and flags up the need to revisit the processes in the light of the draft PNB agreement.

A. Recommendations

That members

  1. note the involvement to date
  2. commission a further paper to be prepared once the outcome of the PNB negotiations is known

B. Supporting information

1. The new national scheme for performance and development reviews (PDRs) for chief police officers was introduced to take effect from 1 April 2003. The new forms are underpinned by guidance which was agreed by the Home Office, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, the Association of Police Authorities and the Chief Police Officers’ Staff Association. The principal aim of the new scheme is to foster and support the performance of individual chief officers within the police service, both in the interests of the individuals and to the benefit of the service as a whole. PDRs should help chief officers identify and develop further skills and experiences to enhance their performance in their present roles, and where appropriate, increase their potential for high performance in future roles – whether at the same rank or a higher one.

2. The scheme applies to chief officers in all forty-three forces in England and Wales with the exception of the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. The process for completion of PDRs for Assistant Commissioners is at Annex A. At Annex B is the process for DACs and commanders.

3. The national scheme provides for the chair of the police authority to become involved in the process. Annex C sets out the normal processes for chief officers outside London which has the clear involvement of the chair of the police authority at several stages. Clearly, different arrangements have to apply in the Metropolitan Police Service and for year one of the scheme, which will see the first reviews written up in April 2004, provision has been made for the Chair of the MPA to discuss with the Commissioner the personal contribution assistant commissioners, deputy assistant commissioners and commanders have made to the delivery of the local policing plan and any other factors that may seem relevant. PDRs for DACs and commanders will be copied to the HMI and may be copied to the Chair of the MPA. PDRs for the four assistant commissioners will be copied to the Chair of the MPA.

4. As part of the process the Chair held a meeting on 10 December with the Commissioner to discuss the performance of ACPO officers within the MPS. The discussion was semi-formal and the objectives set for ACs and DACs were not at that time available for discussion at the meeting.

5. The Commissioner and Chair also discussed the performance of all the commanders within the MPS. The discussion focussed on the extent of and quality of interaction with the Authority. Both the Commissioner and the Chair recognised that it was important to ensure that those ACPO officers who had less contact than others with Authority members because of the nature of their role, should not be disadvantaged by that fact.

6. It would be important that for the next review session the PDRs, with objectives and assessment by the Commissioner, should be available for the Chair to comment on and feed into.

Future developments

7. It may be possible at the meeting of the Remuneration Committee to comment on the PNB agreement for chief officers, which is in the process of being finalised. If the draft agreement is agreed there are potentially significant changes to the remuneration arrangements, linking to the way in which the Authority contributes to the review process. Depending on the outcome of the PNB agreements, and in the light of the experience of the first year of the PDR process, members may want to commission a further paper to come to this sub committee at an appropriate point.

C. Equality opportunity and diversity implications

1. PDRs must be carried out fairly and objectively for all chief officers, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor. The introduction of a formal, transparent, development review process must increase the confidence of all officers in the appraisal and promotion systems.

D. Financial implications


E. Background papers

  • Guidance on performance and development reviews for chief officers
  • National competency framework ACPO behavioural competencies

F. Contact details

Report author: Catherine Crawford, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Annex A, B and C

Annex A, B and C are available from the MPA in hard copy only.

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