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Report 4 of the 3 March 2005 meeting of the Remuneration Sub-committee and proposes a re-designation of the posts of Clerk and Deputy Clerk with consequential clarification of post responsibilities and changes to the reporting lines of other senior managers.

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MPA senior management – re-designation of posts

Report: 4
Date: 3 March 2005
By: Head of Human Resources


This report proposes a re-designation of the posts of Clerk and Deputy Clerk with consequential clarification of post responsibilities and changes to the reporting lines of other senior managers.

A. Recommendations

  1. That the Sub-Committee approves the changes detailed in paragraph 4 of this report, with immediate effect;
  2. that revised job descriptions for the Chief Executive & Clerk and the Deputy Chief Executive & Deputy Clerk be brought to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee for approval; and
  3. that the Clerk be authorised to agree consequential changes to the job descriptions of the other senior officers concerned, unless she considers that these need to be brought to the attention of the Sub-Committee.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA was established in 2000. The structure envisaged as fit for purpose then has necessarily evolved as the demands on the organisation have become clearer and have grown. At a senior level, for instance, this led to the creation of the post of Deputy Clerk & Solicitor to the Authority.

2. The outcome of the Audit Commission’s Initial Performance Assessment (which in this context echoed the Authority’s own assessment) pointed to the need for more robust management arrangements and clearer reporting lines internally. The departure of the Authority’s first Treasurer provides an opportunity to make some necessary changes.

3. The title ‘Clerk’ is a statutory designation. However it does not adequately describe the function, particularly to other organisations where ‘Chief Executive’ is a more common, and more readily understood, title.

4. Bringing these issues together, the following changes are proposed, with immediate effect:

  1. That the Clerk be re-designated ‘Chief Executive & Clerk to the Authority’ with specific responsibility for corporate leadership, relations with the MPS and other key external partners and agencies
  2. That the Deputy Clerk be re-designated ‘Deputy Chief Executive & Deputy Clerk and Solicitor to the Authority’
  3. That the Treasurer, Deputy Chief Executive & Deputy Clerk and Director of Internal Audit all report to the Chief Executive & Clerk (subject to their statutory and professional accountability to the Authority)
  4. That the Deputy Chief Executive & Deputy Clerk be responsible for MPA operations on a day to day basis, including internal HR functions

5. The senior officers affected by these proposals have been consulted and support them. It is proposed to bring revised job descriptions for the Clerk & Chief Executive and the Deputy Clerk & Chief Executive to a future Remuneration Sub-Committee for approval. The Sub-Committee is asked to authorise the Clerk to make any consequential changes to the job descriptions of the other senior officers (these will primarily be in relation to reporting lines) unless she feels that there are issues that the Sub-Committee needs to consider.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct implications although this provides the opportunity to ensure that the MPA’s commitment to equal opportunities, both internally and in its oversight of the MPS, is made explicit in its management structure.

D. Financial implications

These proposals will not affect the salary levels of the senior officers concerned and there are, therefore, no financial implications

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile

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