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Report 5 of the 15 September 2005 meeting of the Remuneration Sub-committee and submits the MPA Senior Management job descriptions for approval.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA Senior Management job descriptions

Report: 5
Date: 15 September 2005
By: Head of Human Resources


The Remuneration Sub-Committee considered a report on the re-designation of posts of the Chief Executive & Clerk and the Deputy Chief Executive & Deputy Clerk with consequential changes to the reporting lines of other senior managers. The revised job descriptions are brought to the Sub-Committee for approval.

A. Recommendations

  1. That the Sub-Committee approves the changes of the revised job descriptions for the Chief Executive & Clerk and the Deputy Chief Executive & Deputy Clerk & Solicitor to the Authority with immediate effect.

B. Supporting information

1. It was agreed at the previous committee that the title ‘Clerk’ does not adequately describe the function and that the title ‘Chief Executive’ is more readily understood.

2. It was also agreed that the title ‘Deputy Clerk’ should also be re-titled ‘Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Clerk and Solicitor to the Authority’.

3. The Committee are asked to agree the proposed job descriptions set out in Appendix 1 and 2.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct implications although this provides the opportunity to ensure that the MPA’s commitment to equal opportunities, both internally and in its oversight of the MPS, is made explicit in its management structure.

D. Financial implications

These proposals will not affect the salary levels of these officers and there are, therefore, no financial implications.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Pamela Standley, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Chief Executive & Clerk of the Metropolitan Police Authority

The Authority has re-designated the Clerk as Chief Executive and Clerk of the organisation to reflect the development of the Authority’s role since it was set up in 2000, and the development and growth in the organisation, and to signify the strategic and managerial leadership responsibilities of the most senior post in the organisation.

Job description

  • To provide dynamic leadership and objective advice to support the Authority in its statutory role of securing the maintenance of an efficient, effective and improving police force for London.· To provide an effective strategic and operational interface with the Commissioner and his Management Board and to ensure that the MPA is fully engaged with the Met.· To provide leadership for the Authority’s staff.· To drive the delivery of the Authority’s strategies and programmes.· To secure collaboration and effective working with the GLA and other functional bodies.

Main duties & responsibilities


1. To carry out the duties of Clerk to the Authority appointed under Section 16 of the Police Act 1996 so as to enable and assist the Authority to fulfil all its functions effectively and efficiently.

2. To advise and support the Authority on the development of its vision, policies and corporate strategies.

3. To give objective and timely advice to the Authority on its functions, duties, powers and procedures, and to identify matters requiring the Authority’s decision, discussion or action together with potential solutions and/or action required.

4. To drive implementation of the Authority’s corporate strategies, and of its day-to-day business.

5. To create a performance culture within the organisation and to ensure that effective systems and processes are in place to enable the MPA to monitor, review and improve its own performance.

6. To ensure that Members of the Authority have efficient and effective support, and to advise them on their corporate and individual development.

7. To ensure that the MPA performs its duties and responsibilities for equalities and diversity as set out in the GLA Act, the Race Relations legislation and other pertinent legislation and directives, and to promote the commitment to equality and diversity in all that MPA does.

8. To ensure that the MPA contributes to the national consideration of issues concerning policing and police authorities. To represent the Authority at high level meetings with the Home Office, Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary, the Association of Police Authorities, the Association of Police Authority Clerks and other outside bodies at regional and national level.

9. To support the Authority in raising its profile and communicating its values, strategies, achievements and views. To represent and promote the interests of the Authority, with relevant public and private sector/voluntary organisations in the local community and at national and regional associations.

10. In conjunction with the Treasurer, to ensure propriety in the conduct of the Authority’s business including making proper arrangements for tendering procedures and the letting of contracts.

11. To convene and lead the Management Team of the MPA, and to work closely with and support the Authority’s Senior Statutory Officers (Treasurer and Monitoring Officer).

12. To advise the Authority on its personnel responsibilities in respect of the ACPO rank officers and, in particular, on their appointments, terms and conditions of service and matters relating to discipline.

13. To appoint, manage, motivate and develop the staff of the Authority, and to have responsibility for the organisational structure and the pay and conditions of staff.

14. To undertake such other duties as the Authority may determine from time to time.

Supervisory responsibility

You will be responsible for supervising the work of the Deputy Clerk, the Director of Internal Audit, all Authority staff and the Treasurer (except that the Treasurer is accountable direct to the Authority for his professional and functional advice and his responsibilities as the Section 151 officer).

Supervision received

You will be subject to minimum guidance by the Authority’s Chairman.

Appendix 2

Deputy Chief Executive & Deputy Clerk of the Metropolitan Police Authority

Job description

  • To support the Chief Executive across the range of his or her responsibilities and to deputise in his or her absence.
  • To manage the operations of the Secretariat of the MPA to meet the objectives set in the corporate strategy.
  • To ensure that adequate and appropriate legal advice and professional legal services are provided to the Authority in respect of all of its functions and responsibilities.
  • To be the Monitoring Officer for the Authority.
  • To advise the Authority on all of its quasi-judicial functions, in particular relating to complaints and discipline of ACPO officers, and pensions forfeiture cases.
  • To secure effective practical arrangements for collaboration across teams in the MPA and between the Secretariat and key external stakeholders, in particular the Greater London Assembly (GLA) and Government Office for London (GOL).

Main duties & responsibilities


1. To deputise for the Chief Executive as Clerk to the Authority appointed under Section 16 of the Police Act 1996, so as to enable and assist the Authority to fulfil all its functions effectively and efficiently.

2. To be responsible for the effective operation of the MPA business planning cycle and to lead the preparation of the MPA Corporate Strategy and annual plans to deliver the strategy.

3. To build a performance culture within the Secretariat and ensure that effective systems and processes are in place to monitor, review and improve the MPA’s own performance.

4. To give legal advice to the Authority on its functions, duties, powers and procedures, and to identify legal implications of matters requiring the Authority’s decision, discussion or action together with potential solutions and/or actions required to minimise legal risks.

5. To ensure the lawfulness and fairness of Authority decision making, and to exercise the responsibilities and functions of the Monitoring Officer under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.

6. To manage the performance of the MPA Secretariat as a whole towards achievement of the corporate strategy and work programme.

7. To be responsible for the delivery of efficient support services, including HR, for the MPA organisation.

8. To give leadership to the development of HR strategies and policies for the organisation, to manage employee consultation and employee relations, and to ensure that the MPA has a cohesive training and development plan that reflects the corporate strategy and assessed team and individual needs.

9. To ensure that there are effective arrangements for engaging the community in the work of the MPA and to support the Authority in raising its profile and communicating its values, strategies, achievements and views to key external stakeholders. To represent and promote the interests of the Authority, with relevant public and private sector/voluntary organisations in the local community and at national and regional associations.

10. To oversee the effective operation of Health and Safety at work policies and programmes.

11. In conjunction with the CEO, to forward plan and manage committee business and agendas.

12. To be responsible for the development and maintenance of effective relationships with GOL and the Association of London Government (ALG).

Supervisory responsibility

You will be responsible for supervising the work of the Heads of:

  • Performance and Planning,
  • Scrutiny and Review,
  • Community Engagement,
  • Partnerships and Policing,
  • HR
  • IS/IT
  • Administration and Finance Officer
  • Professional Standards Officer

You will share responsibility with the CEO for supervising the performance of:

  • Head of Race and Diversity
  • Head of CLAMS
  • Director of Communications

Supervision received

You will be subject to guidance and direction by the Chief Executive (except in relation to your professional responsibilities as Solicitor to the Authority and your statutory responsibilities as Monitoring Officer).

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