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Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) terms and conditions - public speaking 

Report: 10
Date: 21 February 2008
By: the Chief Executive


This report ‘follows on’ from the report previously considered by Remuneration Sub Committee. It sets out a protocol covering ACPO rank officers public speaking.

A. Recommendations

That the protocol set out at Appendix 1 is agreed.

B. Supporting information

1. The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) has a responsibility for setting and agreeing the terms and conditions of ACPO rank police officers. Members have identified a number of possible changes, including writing, publishing or speaking on police related matters. These matters are not covered by Police Regulations. The Authority wishes to protect ACPO rank police officers who are invited to write, publish or speak on police related matters or who find themselves writing, publishing or speaking on police related matters.

2. Following discussion at the Remuneration Sub Committee meeting and further consultation with Martin Tiplady (Director of Human Resources, Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)), the protocol at Appendix 1 is attached for discussion and agreement.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct equality or diversity implications in implementing the proposed protocol since decisions will be based on objective grounds and applied to all ACPO officers equally.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from the recommendation in this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Alan Johnson, Policy Officer, Human Resources, Metropolitan Police Authority

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Protocol for Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) making any public statements, speaking to the media or publishing articles

Purpose and scope of protocol

The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) has a responsibility for setting and agreeing the terms and conditions of ACPO rank police officers. The Authority wishes to protect ACPO rank police officers who are invited to write, publish or speak on police related matters or who find themselves writing, publishing or speaking on police related matters.

The Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS’s) Media Relations Policy states that “Whilst advocating greater openness and contact with the media, this policy does not authorise any police officer or member of police staff to divulge information which is beyond their own area of personal responsibility, or authority, or which represents gossip or rumour. Such activity is contrary to the values of the organisation. The MPS could initiate criminal or disciplinary investigations where there is evidence that information has been provided to the media that deliberately contravenes the principles contained within this document.”

This protocol sets out the process to be adopted where an ACPO rank officers intends to:

  • Write or publish statements
  • Make a speech; or
  • Speak to the media.

The purpose of the protocol is to ensure there is clarity both for the Service and individual officers around these issues and to avoid any suggestion of interference with freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Guiding principles

The guiding principle is that if an ACPO rank officer is asked or offers or agrees to write, publish or speak on a subject which is directly or indirectly connected with the MPS, the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA), the police service or policing, he or should obtain the prior permission of the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner, unless it is directly related to his or her specific Service portfolio or national ACPO responsibility. Even where consent has been given, such activities should not interfere with the proper performance of an officer’s duties and the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner may require that the text be approved in advance. There will be a right of appeal to the Chair of the MPA where there is a disagreement on the text.

If these guidelines are not followed and there is a suggestion that the MPA, MPS, police service or policing may have been adversely affected, the MPA may wish to consider if any action needs to be taken.


Write or publish statement
  1. If any written or published statement is directly or indirectly connected with the MPA, the MPS, the police service or policing, the text may be submitted to the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner. The Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner may require that the text is approved in advance to protect the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to write or publish the statement.
  2. If any written or published statement is directly or indirectly connected with the MPA, the MPS, the police service or policing and is outside the normal portfolio responsibilities of the individual concerned, he or she should obtain the approval of the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner to protect the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to write or publish the statement.
  3. If any written or published statement is directly or indirectly connected with the MPA, the MPS, the police service or policing is given as part of the individual’s ACPO or national responsibilities, he or she may seek the advice of the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner to protect the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to write or publish the statement.
Make a speech
  1. If any proposed speech is directly or indirectly connected with the MPS, the MPA, the police service or policing, the text may be submitted to the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner. The Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner may require that the text is approved in advance to protect the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to make a speech.
  2. If any proposed speech statement is directly or indirectly connected with the MPA, the MPS, the police service or policing, and is outside the normal portfolio responsibilities of the individual concerned, he or she should obtain the approval of the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner to protect the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to make a speech.
  3. If any proposed speech is directly or indirectly connected with the MPA, the MPS, the police service or policing, is given as part of the individual’s ACPO or national responsibilities, he or she may seek the advice of the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner to protect both the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to make a speech.
Speak to the media
  1. If any discussion with the media is directly or indirectly connected with the MPS, the MPA, the police service or policing, the text may be submitted to the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner. The Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner may require that the text is approved in advance to protect the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to write or publish the statement.
  2. If any discussion with the media is directly or indirectly connected with the MPA, the MPS, the police service or policing an is outside the normal portfolio responsibilities of the individual concerned, he or she must obtain the approval of the Commissioner or deputy Commissioner to protect both the interests of the MPA, the MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to speak to the media.
  3. If any discussion with the media is directly or indirectly connected with the MPA, the MPS, the police service or policing is given as part of the individual’s ACPO or national responsibilities, he or she may seek the advice of the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner to protect both the interests of the MPA, MPS, the police service, policing or the individual intending to speak to the media.

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