
Report 5 of the 20 December 2010 joint meeting of the Human Resources and Remuneration and the Resources and Productivity Sub-committees, provides a factual report covering Section 26 overseas travel in last 6 months. This will include ACPO overseas travel.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Section 26 overseas travel

Report: 5
Date: 20 December 2010
By: Assistant Commissioner of Specialist Crime Directorate on behalf of the Commissioner


In accordance with the agreed MPA protocol of 1 March 2007, this report gives an account of the exceptional travel cases under ‘Section 26’ for the period June 2010 - December 2010 i.e. those that are full cost to the MPS (over £4000 and/or sensitive cases). It also summarises the number of other deployments under S.26, which do not fall under the above protocol and secondments as registered by the SCD14(4) - ICCU.

A. Recommendation

That members note contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. Section 26 of the Police Act 1996 prescribes the procedure to be followed when police officers are deployed to provide assistance overseas. It places a statutory obligation on a police authority to approve the provision for ‘advice and assistance’ to an international organisation outside the UK. This approval is then referred to the Home Office who grant the final authority under ‘Section 26 Police Act 1996’. This provides statutory confirmation that the relevant Officers will have all their rights & entitlements regarding pay and pension protected, and notifies them of the terms on which the authority has been granted.

2. It does not include deployment outside the UK where personnel are pursuing enquiries on behalf of the Commissioner.

3. The Section 26 authority required from the MPA as the ‘Police Authority’ has been delegated to SCD14 International Crime Coordination Unit (ICCU) to approve Section 26 Police Act applications for onward transmission to the Home Office (with the exceptions of cases of full cost, sensitive cases).

4. At the Corporate Governance Committee on 22 September 2006 and at Coordination and Policing (CoP) on 5 October 2006 both committees resolved that:

  1. The existing MPS process for managing overseas assistance deployment be noted;
  2. Authority be delegated to the Commissioner via the MPS’s International Crime Coordination Unit to approve Section 26 Police Act applications for onward transmission to the Home Office (with the exception of cases of full cost, sensitive or contentious cases);
  3. CoP to set a level of cost and approve arrangements to settle a protocol for handling exceptional cases;
  4. Twice yearly reports to CoP on all MPS overseas assistance deployments, under Section 26 Police Act 1996, be commissioned with monthly data.

5. The agreed protocol between MPA / MPS is that the MPS will provide twice yearly reports to Human Resources and Remuneration Sub Committee (previously CoP) on all overseas assistance deployments under Section 26. These will be supplied in March and October.

6. This is the Fourth submitted report on all MPS overseas assistance deployments under Section 26.

7. Between June 2010 - December 2010 the Home Office has processed 28 (exceptional) Section 26 applications. Out of the 28 applications 22 of these deployments have been fully funded by an external organisation/agency and 6 deployments unfunded.

All requests for overseas deployments including section 26 cases are scrutinised at ACPO level before authority is approved. Where section 26 cases are not funded by a third party then authorising officers have to be satisfied that there is a benefit to the MPS before an officer can travel. An example of this might be where assistance is requested by a national police force who are investigating the death of a British National who is a Londoner. All ‘unfunded sensitive’ Section 26 deployment cases are referred to the MPA for approval in the first instance.

In addition to the above the SCD14(4) registered an additional 118 s.26 deployments, which do not fall under the above protocol of exceptional cases. Out of the 118 registered deployments, according to SCD14(4) records, only 23 were funded by the MPS, and these mainly relate to deployments where there was a mutual benefit, but s.26 was obtained due to the fact that the invited MPS personnel was sharing information and/or making a presentation, and were advised to obtain s.26 by the Home Office irrespectively of an additional benefit to the MPS.

8. There are 28 ‘exceptional cases’ between June 2010 and December 2010.

Table 1 below provides details of 9 of those cases. Another 18 cases are operational and government marked secret or confidential. The final one included in the total is shown at table 3.

Table 1

Country Purpose Date Business Group No. of Officers
China (Hong Kong) [1][3] To deliver keynote speech on Anti-Corruption 14.09 – 18.09.2010 DCC 1 (Externally Funded)
Russia [3] European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (FITWG conference) – exchange of information 14.09 – 17.09.2010 DoI7 2 (Externally Funded)
Australia [1] Assistance with Leadership Training 07.09 – 28.09.10 SCD 1 (Externally Funded)
Germany [1] To deliver a keynote speech on community policing at European Capital Policing Committee meeting 31.10 – 3.11.10 TP 1 (MPS Funded)
Czech Republic [1] Presenting at CEPOL conference 31.10 – 03.11.2010 SCD 1 (Externally Funded)
USA [1] Presenting at a conference on Counter Terrorism on Transport Links 03.10 – 09.10.2010 TOCU 1 (Externally funded)
Canada [1] Keynote speaker at the University of New Brunswick on IPV 29.10 – 06.11.10 DoR 1 (Externally Funded)
Belarus [3] Human Trafficking training 28.11 – 03.12.10 SCD 2 (Externally Funded)
Gibraltar [4] Assistance with misconduct investigation 26.11 – 27.11.10 DPS 1 (Externally Funded)

9. There is 1 full cost case over £4000.

Table 2 – Full cost cases over £4000

Country Purpose Date Business Group No. of Officers
Kenya Assistance with murder investigation (Op. Diksboro) 08.11 – 12.11.10   SCD 4 (MPS funded)

10. There were also 14 long term deployments/secondments registered by SCD14(4) which are all fully funded. ue to the sensitive nature of 1 of the deployments it has not been included within Table 3.

Table 3 - Secondments (as registered at SCD14(4) - ICCU) (The list does not include CTELOs).

Country Purpose Dates Business Group Funded by No. of Officers
UAE Crime Liaison officer 28.06.07 - 01.09.10 SCD FCO 1
Netherlands Europol Liaison Officer 24.11.08 - 23.11.12 SCD Europol 1
USA Teaching Comparative Police System at JJ College 09.08.10 - 06.01.11 TP Funding obtained by NPIA 1
USA Liaison officer for Op Electra 24.10.10 - 19.04.12 SO Home Office 3
Jamaica     Police Liaison officer & Financial Investigator 01.01.05 - 30.04.11 HR Secondment MPS & part SOCA 2
Indonesia Police Training Advisor 19.08.09 - 30.04.11 SO FCO 1
Ghana Police Liaison Officer 27.04.10 - 30.03.11 SCD FCO 1
Afghanistan Polygraph Examiner 16.02.09 - 15.02.11 HR Secondment FCO 1
Serbia (Kosovo) EULEX mission 16.11.09 - 15.11.10 HR Secondment FCO 1
Afghanistan CID mentor 17.06.10 - 16.06.11 HR Secondment FCO 1

C. Other organisational & community implications

Equality and Diversity Impact

1. The MPS Overseas Travel Policy and Standard Operation Procedures provides advice and instructions to all MPS personnel traveling abroad on MPS business. Its implementation ensures best use of public resources and promotes the effective use of police time. At the same time, it protects the welfare, professional reputation and integrity of members of the service engaged in duties overseas. This policy does not have any prejudicial effect on any community arising from the proposal, because it is applied equally to every member of the MPS and contractors working for the Service, irrespective of their protected characteristics. However all MPS staff are advised to contact the Counter Terrorism Branch (SO15) when deployed to politically sensitive countries.

Financial Implications

2. The vast majority of overseas deployments are funded by external organisations/partners. All applications are closely scrutinised by line managers to ensure all costs are kept to a minimum.

Legal Implications

3. The legal implications have been identified within the body of the report.

4.. Section 26 of the Police Act 1996 confers the power on the MPA, as the relevant police authority, to provide advice and assistance to be given to an international organisation or institution, or to any other person or body engaged outside the UK in activities that are similar to those carried out by the police or police authority in the UK (s26(1)). This power does not include the provision of any financial assistance (s26(5)), but the police authority may make charges for advice and assistance provided under the Act (s26(6)). The power conferred upon the MPA cannot be exercised without the consent or general authorisation given by the Secretary of State (s26(3)).

5. MPS personnel must also have regard to guidance set out in the MPS Overseas Travel Policy and Standard Operation Procedures, together with the Home Office Guidance “ The overseas deployment manual for police officers” when considering overseas deployments. The guidance confirms police personnel must ensure both the Home Office and the Foreign Commonwealth Office are consulted regarding any request for advice and assistance overseas from an external organisation, as this enables the Government to provide a coherent and cost effective response to such requests.

6. Paras 4 and 5 of Section B of this report indicate that the report is submitted as part of the governance process. No further legal implications arise.

Environmental Implications

7. There are no direct environmental implications associated with this report. Carbon emission issues have already been taken into consideration and
is already incorporated with the Overseas Travel Policy and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: International Crime Coordination Unit (ICCU) - SCD14 (4), MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18


1. Assistance provided by officer of ACPO rank [Back]

2. Assistance provided by Police Staff Band A or above [Back]

3. Involves travel to a politically sensitive country [Back]

4. Likely to generate significant media interest [Back]

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