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Working guidelines for link members

Report: 7
Date: 14 December 2000
By: Clerk


This report is presented to inform the Authority of the draft guidelines that have been developed to for the ’link’ member role.

Supporting information

1. In 28 July the Authority agreed to link its 23 members with the 32 London Boroughs as a way of ensuring that members take prime responsibility for interfacing directly with the key players, local groups and local people in order to progress the key objectives of the MPA. It was acknowledged at the time that GLA members already undertook this function as part of their constituency responsibilities. The agreed list is attached at Appendix 1.

Rationale for guidelines

2. Standing Orders delegate to the Consultation and Diversity Committee (CDO) the responsibility to oversee all the Authority and MPS consultation mechanisms and public relations for the Authority. It leads on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity, community awareness of the MPA, strategies for engaging local communities, community safety matters including crime and disorder strategies and the Policing Plan.

3. Unlike any of the other Authority committees; the CDO Committee decided to hold that its meetings in local communities. This policy increases the chances of link members’ involvement in local issues and it was suggested that a set of guidelines should be developed to assist members of the Authority, particularly the Independent and Magistrates members, in carrying out their roles.

4. The GLA Code of Conduct, which is based on the Noland Committee recommendations, guides GLA members, and it is anticipated that the Local Government Act 2000, will propose revisions to the current Code of Practice. These should be available in early in the new year.

Draft guidelines for MPA link member role and responsibilities

5. A paper outlining the draft guidance for link members’ roles and responsibilities was presented to the CDO Committee on 26 September (CDO/00/15) a copy the list of link members is attached at Appendix 2. It recommended that the paper should be presented to the full Authority for its endorsement.

6. The Committee proposed that the link member role should be reviewed, and it was agreed that this review should take place in February 2001. By then CDO Committee members would have had sufficient time to contribute to an objective evaluation of the role, with the aim of bringing proposals for improvements, where these are identified. Officers were also asked to identify a range of information that would assist link members in undertaking their responsibilities efficiently and effectively.

7. Such a review will also be informed by the new requirements of the Local Government Act 2000.

B. Recommendations

That the Authority notes the draft guidance and endorses the CDO Committee proposal for a further paper to be presented to the Authority following the review of the role in February 2001.

C. Financial implications

There are no anticipated financial implications associated with this report.

D. Review arrangements

That the link member role be reviewed in February 2001 and further paper be presented to the Authority in March 2001.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

  • Report to the CDO Committee 26 September 2000 (CDO/00/15)

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Metropolitan Police Authority geographical link members

Barking and Dagenham

John Biggs


Peter Herbert


R David Muir


Toby Harris


Angela Slaven


Richard Sumray


Graham Tope


Richard Barnes


Reshard Auladin


R David Muir


Rachel Whittaker

Hammersmith and Fulham

Cindy Butts


Nicky Gavron


Toby Harris and Sir John Quinton


Roger Evans


Richard Barnes


Tony Arbour


Lynne Featherstone

Kensington and Chelsea

Jenny Jones

Kingston upon Thames

Tony Arbour


Nicholas Long


Angela Slaven/Darren Johnson


Elizabeth Howlett


John Biggs and Abdal Ullah


Roger Evans

Richmond upon Thames

Tony Arbour


Cecile Lothian and Darren Johnson


Graham Tope

Tower Hamlets

John Biggs and Abdal Ullah

Waltham Forest

Jennette Arnold


Elizabeth Howlett


Rachel Whittaker

Appendix 2: Guidelines for members to assist in role as link members


Members will already have a great deal of experience in interfacing with key stakeholders and partners in the local community. The draft guideline presented here are to contribute to a consistency of understanding and approaches in the ways that link members to undertake their role.

Role purpose

The prime purpose of the Link Member is to

  1. promote and publicise the role and responsibilities of the MPA;
  2. bring back messages/information/concerns to the Authority where these are considered to be broader than a borough specific issue;
  3. highlight specific borough concerns to the appropriate channels with the MPS;
  4. forge links with key partners in the local crime and disorder partnership;
  5. monitor and influence the policies and practices of stakeholders, partners and others and implementation of equal opportunities and diversity in relation to policing in accordance with the MPA statutory responsibility in section 404 of the Act to
    • promote equality of opportunity for all persons; and
    • eliminate discrimination and promote good relations between persons of different racial groups, religious beliefs and sexual orientation.
  6. identify (where appropriate) meet with hard to reach groups in order to assist the Authority in its implementing appropriated consultation mechanisms
  7. monitor lay visiting practices and to inform the Authority of key issues arising from contacts made.
  8. be the eyes and ears of the Authority in the link Borough
  9. identify best practice examples that the authority can learn from with the aim of improving its own practices.


The outcome of the above will contribute to the Authority and Members:

  • improved understanding and expertise in policing matters;
  • being better informed on a wide range of local community and policing issues;
  • having the ability to identify and feed key messages (and intelligence) to the Authority and other key partners and players;
  • being positioned to identify and contribute to best practice that could inform the work of other polices, regionally, nationally and internationally;
  • gaining direct access to press, education establishments, local business, for example, to promote the work of the Authority and the police service (where appropriate);
  • be seen by the community to be actively engaging with local issues thus gaining the confidence and credibility of local groups and individuals.

Actions required

In order to carry out the roles identified and the outcome proposed, it is suggested that members will require (at a minimum) the following:

  • detailed list of all stakeholders, partners and others that Members may need to make contact with including:
    • Local authority Chief Executives
    • Borough commanders
    • Community Safety partners/Officers
    • PCCG Chair/Secretary (or successor arrangement)
    • Voluntary organisations
    • Criminal justice organisations
    • Minority ethnic organisations
    • Youth organisations
    • GLA members
    • MP/MEPs
    • Local councillors
    • Probation service contacts
    • Health service contacts
    • Drug Action Teams (DATs)
    • Religious and Faith organisations

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