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Report 11 for the 08 Feb 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses the frequency and timing of committee meetings of the MPA.

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Meetings of the Authority in 2001/02

Report: 11
Date: 8 February 2001
By: Clerk


At the awayday on 4 January, Members expressed views on the frequency and timing of committee meetings, for instance in terms of moving to a two monthly cycle. Further work needs to be done of the committee cycle, but this report contains recommendations from the Co-ordination & Urgency Committee on 26 January in respect of the full Authority meetings in 2001/02.

A. Recommendations

The Co-ordination & Urgency Committee recommends:

  1. that the Authority supports the principle of a two monthly committee cycle, subject to the provisos in paragraph 2 of this report; and
  2. the arrangements for future meetings of the full Authority contained in paragraph 3 of this report.

B. Supporting information

At the awayday, one of the issues discussed was the frequency of the committee meetings (currently monthly). Although Members felt that monthly meetings had been necessary in the early life of the MPA, they considered that it is now possible and preferable generally to move to a two monthly cycle, with the exception of the full Authority meetings and the Co-ordination & Urgency Committee.

At its meeting on 26 January, the Co-ordination & Urgency Committee considered some options for the future calendar of meetings. Whilst it supported the principle of a two monthly committee cycle, the Committee asked for some further work to be done to achieve a spread of committee meetings over the two month cycle, in discussion with Committee Chairs. The calendar should also reflect:

  • regular scrutiny/seminar dates;
  • more frequent meetings of the Finance, Planning & Best Value Committee during the budget period;
  • the linkages between the Professional Standards & Performance Monitoring Committee and the availability of performance data.

The Committee came to a view on future arrangements for the full Authority meetings, which it recommends as follows:

  • that, with effect from the March meeting, all meetings of the full Authority should start at 10am and be held at Romney House (subject to accommodation being available);
  • that as the April meeting of the Authority is currently scheduled to take place on Maundy Thursday, this meeting be moved to 19 April at 10am;
  • that the annual meeting in June be used as a "showcase" to review the first year of the MPA, together with receiving a presentation on a high profile subject.

That from July the meetings of the full Authority meetings should move towards the end of each month, as follows:

  • 2001
    26 July, 27 September, 25 October, 22 November, 20 December
  • 2002
    24 January, 28 February, 28 March (Maundy Thursday), 25 April, 23 May and 27 June

Every effort will be made to avoid clashes with GLA meetings, so these dates may be subject to change if this is the case.

C. Financial implications

If there were to be fewer Authority meetings some small savings on accommodation, attendance and printing costs would result.

D. Review arrangements

As a new organisation, the MPA is still establishing itself and will want to keep its formal decision making processes under review to ensure that they are effective.

F. Background papers

  • Report to Co-ordination & Urgency Committee, 26 January 2001

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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