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Report 10 for the 08 Mar 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses the draft Best Value Policing and Performance Plan for 2001/02.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Policing and performance plan 2001/02

Report: 10
Date: 8 March 2001
By: Commissioner and Clerk


This paper seeks the Authority's approval to the draft Best Value Policing and Performance Plan and to a proposed process for approving any amendments needed following the full Authority discussion.

A. Recommendations

  1. That members approve the draft summary and objectives, performance indicators and targets recommended by the Commissioner, subject to any amendments agreed at the full Authority meeting being incorporated.
  2. That members delegate authority to the Oversight Panel to approve the final version of the plan and full annexes.

B. Supporting information


1. The Authority agreed at its February meeting that:

  • Finance Planning and Best Value Committee should finalise objectives, performance indicators and targets for the plan, subject to any written comments from members;
  • the Oversight Panel should consider the full draft before submission to the full Authority in March;
  • the plan structure should be a ten page summary for the 'informed reader' with detailed annexes;
  • the summary and annexes should be published on the internet on 31 March, with hard copies made available at police stations and libraries, as required by Home Office statutory guidance; and
  • a separate summary aimed at informing Londoners about the plan should be published as part of the joint GLA summary in June.

2. A separate paper from the Clerk covers the current position on the joint summary and the best value review programme.

Draft Plan

3. Appendix 1 is the draft summary of the plan, including an appendix setting out the final version of the objectives, performance indicators and targets. This was discussed by the Oversight Panel on 28 February, together with the full set of annexes. The Panel recommended that the summary and appendix should be circulated to the full Authority, with copies of the very lengthy annexes required by statutory guidance being made available to all members on request to the Clerk. Copies will also be placed in the Members' room.

4. Significant changes to the objectives, performance indicators and targets since the previous version are:

  • a target has been set for the number of judicial disposals secured for possession of offensive weapons or bladed instruments - increase by 10%. Like drugs, this is expressed as an increase in the number of judicial disposals, rather than the percentage rate of disposals, because action is taken when individuals are found to have weapons;
  • performance indicators for stop and search have been agreed by the Finance Planning and Best Value Committee and Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee. It has also been agreed that no targets will be set at the moment;
  • the 10 per cent target increase for judicial disposals for domestic violence has been set at 14 per cent (not 15 per cent) after reviewing this year's performance;
  • the target for persons referred into treatment through drug arrest referral schemes has been reduced from 5000 to 3000 on the basis of current and expected performance;
  • a range of performance indicators has been added in respect of dealing with corruption and diversity.

5. A copy of the plan has been sent to District Audit for their confirmation that it complies with the statutory guidance on the contents. Officers of the MPA and MPS are meeting to discuss their comments, mainly on the structure and drafting, and will report back to the Authority on any significant proposed changes at the meeting on 8 March.

Process for final approval

6. The statutory publication date for the plan is 31 March, which of course is before the next full Authority meeting. The Authority's approval is required for the final version, incorporating any changes required at the full Authority meeting and final figures, for example including performance data for January. Members are invited to agree that responsibility for signing off the final version of the plan be delegated to the Oversight Panel, who will take into account any comments other members have on the full set of annexes.

C. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications from this paper.

D. Background papers

D. Contact details

The author of this report is Barbara Riddell, MPS Director of Corporate Development.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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