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Report 4c of the 26 Jul 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses a protocol on arrangements to enable Members of the MPA to observe MPS operational policing at major public order events.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Protocol for MPA members observing at public order events

Report: 4c
Date: 26 July 2001
By: Clerk


This report seeks agreement to a protocol on arrangements to enable Members of the MPA to observe MPS operational policing at major public order events.

A. Recommendations

That the protocol (see Appendix 1) be approved.

That the scheme of Members' allowances be amended so that attendance at public order events which have been agreed in line with this protocol count as an approved duty.

B. Supporting information

1. Those Members who attended the May Day demonstrations to observe the policing operation have been very complimentary about the facilities offered to them by the MPS and the fact that, as far as possible given the nature of the event, the MPS were open and transparent in enabling them to access all aspects of the operation. Both the MPA and the MPS benefit from MPA observers attending major public order events. The MPA gains an insight into how they are policed and the kinds of issues facing the MPS in these circumstances. At the same time, MPA observers can provide an independent view on the policing operation, which can be valuable in assessing that operation and in considering future strategy.

2. The Members' workshop about May Day discussed a proposed protocol for future events. This is attached as Appendix A. A protocol will help to clarify for Members what facilities they can expect. Similarly, the MPS need an agreed process so that they can make the necessary arrangements for approved MPA representatives.

3. It is important that for each event there is prior agreement about the number of Members that the MPS will be able to cater for and who those Members will be. The Clerk and the MPA/MPS Liaison Officer will act the link between the MPA and the MPS on this. The Clerk will arrange for Members to be informed about future public order events and will agree who should attend on behalf of the MPA. Where the number of those interested exceeds the number that the MPS can cater for, she will decide who should attend, if necessary in consultation with the Chair of the Authority. In doing so, she will take account of fairness – for instance whether a particular Member has had the opportunity to observe an event before – and whether attendance is relevant to a particular Member's interests or lead responsibility.

4. It is hard to give a clear definition of a major public order event. The May Day demonstrations and the Notting Hill Carnival are obvious examples but, for instance, a major football match could also come into this category. It is proposed that it be left to the Clerk's discretion to decide what constitutes such an event, in consultation with senior officers of the MPS and the Chair as appropriate.

5. At present observing at public order events is not a specific approved duty in terms of paying Members' allowances. It is proposed that the scheme be amended to the effect that where a Member's attendance at a public order event has been agreed in line with this protocol, that attendance should count as an approved duty. If a Member attends an event on their own decision, this should not count as an approved duty.

C. Financial implications

Changing the scheme of Members' allowances to include approved attendance at public order events may lead to additional expenditure on allowances.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

  • Appendix 1 [PDF]
    Protocol for MPA Member attendance as observers at public order events

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