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Report 13 of the 25 Oct 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and outlines the potentially favourable progress made in the search for MPA office accommodation.

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MPA accommodation

Report: 13
Date: 25 October 2001
By: Clerk


This report outlines the potentially favourable progress made in the search for MPA office accommodation. As a decision may be needed before the Full Authority meeting on 10 December it is proposed that the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee on 6 November 2001 be asked to approve 'heads of agreement' for a lease on new MPA accommodation if current options appear viable.

A. Recommendations

That the full Authority delegate to the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee approval of 'heads of agreement' for a lease on new MPA accommodation, not exceeding ten years, with a full report being taken to the next full Authority.

B. Supporting information


1. Members received a report at the last full Authority meeting on 20 September 2001 outlining the progress in finding suitable alternative office accommodation for the MPA. Concern was expressed at the lack of suitable accommodation that had presented itself; particularly over the summer holiday period and Members agreed to expand the search area from one-quarter mile radius of New Scotland Yard, to three-quarters of a mile radius.

2. Since that report, other properties have come on the market within the one-quarter mile radius. These were 10, Dean Farrar Street SW1 and 21, Dartmouth Street SW1. These properties have been visited and Dean Farrar Street together with a previously reviewed property at 63, Romney Street SW1 (GLMCA building) are potentially suitable for the MPA's occupation.

3. The lack of suitable office accommodation in the marketplace and the requirement to move from the existing offices in Romney House before the summer of 2002 has brought into focus the need to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to expedite matters. It was intended that a date of 19 October 2001 should be the deadline for identifying new premises. Agents for the Dean Farrar Street accommodation have indicated that if the Authority were in a position to make a quick decision their property could be available by mid February 2002, including refurbishment works.

4. The MPS Property Services Department are currently in negotiation with the Dean Farrar Street agents. The Deputy Director of Property Services is anxious that if suitable terms could be promptly negotiated that it would be beneficial to seek the Authority's approval to any new lease at the earliest opportunity. It is suggested that because the next Authority meeting is not until 10 December 2001, that Members consider whether the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee be authorised to agree 'heads of agreement' on the lease, with a full report to the Authority meeting on 10 December 2001.

C Financial implications

A broad estimate of the possible additional lease rental, rates and service charge (in addition to the existing costs at Romney House and Jubilee House) has been provided at £0.5M. This figure has been submitted as a growth bid for 2002-03 and future years. A more accurate costing will be prepared when more detailed information is available. In addition there will be one-off costs of removal, fitting out, IT reconfiguration and security measures. There is currently no budget for these works and it is anticipated that they will be charged to the one off set up costs reserve. A full report on costings will be made at the time any approval to 'heads of agreement' is sought.

D. Background papers

APA circular (given as appendix 1 to report).

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Ken Hunt, Deputy Treasurer.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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