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Report 13 of the 10 Dec 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and seeks confirmation of the appointments of independent members of the Standards Committee.

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Appointment of independent members of the Standards Committee

Report: 13
Date: 10 December 2001
By: Clerk


Interviews have been held to appoint the two independent members of the Authority's Standards Committee. This report seeks confirmation of these appointments.

A. Recommendations

  1. That Stephanie Caplan and Ian Whitburn be appointed as the independent members of the Standards Committee for a term of four years from the date of this meeting.

B. Supporting information

1. Each public authority is required to set up a Standards Committee as part of the government's new ethical framework aimed at emphasising the need for elected or appointed members of these authorities to carry out their public duties with the highest degree of integrity.

2. By law, at least 25% of the membership of these committees must consist of people who are not members of that authority. The MPA has already agreed the terms of reference of its Standards Committee (attached as appendix A) and its membership for the current year: Jennette Arnold, Reshard Auladin, Cindy Butts, Cecile Lothian and two members independent of the Authority.

3. To recruit the independent members, advertisements were placed in the Standard, Metro, the Voice and the Asian Times in the summer. These were placed jointly with the Greater London Authority and the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority to share costs. Over 150 people requested further information and an application form from the MPA and 45 applications were eventually received. The MPA had previously agreed that its members on the Standards Committee should act as the interview panel and these met in October to agree a shortlist of seven candidates to interview (although one candidate subsequently withdrew). The panel was chaired by Cindy Butts.

4. The interviews were held on 9 November. All six candidates could have brought particular skills and experience to the role but the two candidates recommended by the panel are: Stephanie Caplan, who is a senior lecturer in law Ian Whitburn, who is a senior tax consultant By law, the appointment decision must be taken by the Authority.

5. The first task for the Standards Committee will be to consider and recommend to the Authority a Members' Code of Conduct. The government's model code of conduct was laid before parliament on 27 November. All of its provisions must be included in the Authority's code but it is open to the MPA to include other provisions. The MPA must adopt a code of conduct within six months. Within 28 days after adoption of a code, all MPA members will have to register their financial and other interests. There will be a further report on these issues when the Standards Committee makes its recommendations. In the meantime a copy of the model code of conduct has been sent to all Members.

C. Financial implications

The independent members of the Standards Committee will be eligible to claim an attendance allowance (£17 per hour) under the Authority's Members' Allowances Scheme.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, Secretariat, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix A

Standards Committee terms of reference

  1. the promotion and maintenance of high standards of conduct by members of the Authority;
  2. to advise the Authority on the adoption or revision of its code of conduct;
  3. to monitor the operation of the authority's code of conduct;
  4. to assist members in observing the code of conduct, including arrangements for training on matters relating to the code of conduct;
  5. to advise the Authority on liaison arrangements with the Standards Board for England; and
  6. in accordance with any statutory requirements, to monitor and advise the Authority on compliance with the requirements for registration of interests and registers of gifts and hospitality.

The committee will probably need to meet no more than quarterly, although more frequent meetings might be required at first to consider the code of conduct and related issues.

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