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Report 16 of the 30 September 04 meeting of the MPA Committee and this report seeks a nomination of member to represent the Authority on the Home Office Lawrence Steering Group, the London Crime Reduction Delivery Board and the London Criminal Justice Board.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Committee Membership and Appointments To Outsidebodies

Report: 16
Date: 30 September 2004
By: Clerk


This report seeks a nomination of member to represent the Authority on the Home Office Lawrence Steering Group, the London Crime Reduction Delivery Board and the London Criminal Justice BoardIt also seeks an amendment to the committee membership of Professional Standards and Complaints Committee and the Planning, Performance and Review Committee and to agree to the appointment of a co-opted member of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board .

A. Recommendation


1. the Authority nominates one member to the Lawrence Steering Group; two members to the MPS London Crime Reduction Delivery Board; and Richard Sumray to the London Criminal Justice Board, with Reshard Auladin as alternate;

2. Richard Barnes cease to be a member of Professional Standards and Complaints Committee and be appointed as member of Planning, Performance and Review Committee ;and

3. the Authority ratifies the recommendation of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board to appoint Lee Jasper, Policy Director Policing and Equalities, GLA as a co-opted member of the Board.

B. Supporting information

The Lawrence Steering Group

1. The Lawrence Steering Group, chaired by the Home Secretary, was set up in 1999. It has responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the recommendation of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report.

2. The Authority has been represented on the Steering Group by a former member, R David Muir, and the Home Office is seeking a replacement.

3. At the Authority’s annual meeting on 8 July 2004, four members expressed an interest in filling this vacancy: Peter Herbert, Karim Murji, John Roberts and Rachel Whittaker. Officers were asked to discuss with the Home Office the number of places available to the Authority and it has been confirmed that there is only one place available.

4. The Authority is therefore asked to nominate one member to represent the Authority on this Steering Group.

5. The next meeting of the Steering Group is on 27 October 2004.

The MPS London Crime Reduction Delivery Board

6. The MPA has two places on this Board and at the annual meeting in July 2004, five members expressed an interest in joining the Board. The five members were: Len Duvall, Richard Barnes, Cindy Butts, Graham Tope and Richard Sumray.

7. The MPS had indicated that as membership of this Board is already large, they would wish to maintain the MPA representation at two. They are happy however, to circulate paper to non members. In the light of this members are asked to nominate the two members to this Board

London Criminal Justice Board (LCJB)

8. Following representations from Richard Sumray on behalf of the MPA, the LCJB has invited the MPA to join its membership. It is proposed that Richard Sumray be appointed (as Chair of Planning, Performance & review Committee and lead member on criminal justice system issues) with Reshard Auladin as alternate (as co-lead member on criminal justice issues).

Membership of Professional Standards and Complaints and Planning and Performance and Review Committees

9. A request has been received from Richard Barnes to cease to be a member of Professional Standards and Complaints Committee (PSCC) and to become a member of the Planning, Performance and Review Committee (PRRC). As two GLA conservative members already sit on PSCC, the Conservative group would like to represented on PPRC.

Co-opted Membership of Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board

10. At its meeting on 2 September the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board gave preliminary consideration to the appointment of co-opted members for 2004/05. The Board considered that Lee Jasper the Policy Director Policing and Equalities at the GLA should be re-appointed as a co-opted member. The Board will be considering the appointment of further co-opted members.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no specific implications in relation to these appointments apart from the obvious sensitivity and importance of the Lawrence Steering Group’s work.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author:  Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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