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Report 12 of the 29 September 2005 meeting of the MPA Committee, and gives details, for information, of action taken under delegated authority on the grounds of urgency.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Action taken under delegated authority

Report: 12
Date: 29 September 2005
By: Chief Executive and Clerk


This report gives details, for information, of action taken under delegated authority on the grounds of urgency.

A. Recommendation

That the report be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. Standing Order 6.1 provides for the Chief Executive & Clerk or Treasurer to take decisions under delegated authority and in consultation with specified members where a decision is required urgently. Decisions taken in this way have to be reported to the next meeting of the Authority for information. This report must state which members were consulted. Under the urgency procedure, wherever possible the members of the relevant committee (or of the Authority if that would be the decision-making body) should be informed in advance of the proposal to take a decision. This action must also be reported as having been carried out.

2. The following action has been taken:

  • 06/2005: Approving a list of Special Priority Payments (SPPs) for 2005/06. SPPs are part of the package of improvements under the Police Reform Act targeted at front line / operational officers.
  • 07/2005: Approving the list of Post Related Allowances applying to Chief Superintendent posts for 2005.

The two reports above were to have been considered at the Human Resources Committee on 7 July which was cancelled. The decisions were taken in consultation with the Authority Chair and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the HR Committee. HR Committee members were informed by email of the intention to take these decisions.

  • 08/2005: approving 2004/05 bonuses for two senior police staff. This decision was taken in consultation with the Chairs of the Authority and the HR Committee.
  • 09/2005: A decision in relation to the handling of a complaint against a senior MPS officer. This decision was taken in consultation with the MPA Chair and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Senior Officers’ Conduct Sub-Committee. All members of the Sub-Committee were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.
  • 10/2005: A decision in relation to the handling of a complaint against a senior MPS officer. This decision was taken in consultation with the MPA Chair and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Senior Officers’ Conduct Sub-Committee. All members of the Sub-Committee were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.
  • 11/2005: approving disposal of the freehold interest in Peel House, 105 Regency Street and 26/27 Aybrook Street, SW1. This decision was taken in consultation with the MPA Chair and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Finance Committee. All members of the Committee were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.
  • 12/2005: approving the list of bidders to be requested to provide “best and final offers” in a second stage informal tender for the disposal of the Old Street property. This decision was taken in consultation with the MPA Chair and Deputy Chairs. Finance and Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board members were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.
  • 13/2005: approving the sale of a site in Ellerton Road, Surbiton. This decision was taken in consultation with the MPA Chair and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Finance Committee. All members of the Committee were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.
  • 14/2005: to agree a level of financial settlement in relation to an Employment Tribunal. This decision was taken in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Authority. All MPA members were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.
  • 15/2005: agreeing to fund the cost of legal representation at a forthcoming Inquest in respect of a death following a police collision. This decision was taken in consultation with the Chair of the Authority and the Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee. All members of the Committee were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.
  • 16/2005: approving decisions required in respect of items considered at an inquorate meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee on 8 September. The decisions related to the process for monitoring the discipline and complaints functions of the MPS; and appointing the membership of the Senior Officers Conduct Sub-Committee. This decision was taken in consultation with the Chair of the Authority and the Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee. All members of the Committee were informed by email of the intention to take this decision.

C. Race and equality impact

Any implications are addressed in the delegated action forms.

D. Financial implications

Any implications are addressed in the delegated action forms.

E. Background papers

Delegated action forms, unless they contain exempt information

F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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