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Report 9 of the 27 July 2006 meeting of the MPA Committee and presents the policy for the sponsoring of external activities and events by the MPS in February 2006.

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Interim progress report on the implementation of the outgoing sponsorship policy

Report: 9
Date: 27 July 2006
By: Commissioner


Members approved the policy for the sponsoring of external activities and events by the MPS in February 2006. The policy took effect from the beginning of the 2006/7 financial year and this report provides a progress report at the end of the first quarter.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to note the progress to date.

B. Supporting information


1. In 2004, Members expressed concern that the MPS had sponsored an event that had subsequently drawn significant media attention. Although the MPS had in place a policy for the acceptance of sponsorship, no such policy existed for the awarding of sponsorship by the MPS to outside bodies and organisations. Absence of a specific policy had led to ad-hoc arrangements which were not recorded centrally.

2. Following consultation across the MPS, a policy document was produced, together with a supporting operating procedure and decision-making framework, to provide guidance to managers who may be approached to provide sponsorship of an external activity or event.

Monitoring of the policy

3. Monitoring is managed using the data held by the Finance Service Partnership Team. Borough Operational Command Units and Operational Command Units receive regular visits from the Finance Service Partnership Team and are advised on all matters pertaining to sponsorship expenditure. The Events and Income Development Unit is also available to advise on general issues surrounding sponsorship.

4. The new procedures require more time to become firmly embedded in local working practices. This will be addressed by further visits of the Finance Service Partnership Team to Borough Operational Command Units and the development of the Events and Income Development Unit intranet site in liaison with Finance Services, Territorial Policing HQ and the Directorate of Public Affairs. This will be the most efficient way of capturing the information and improving awareness of the policy.

5. The intranet site will be a single information source on all matters pertaining to sponsorship income and expenditure and the relationship with grants, partnerships, and community engagement. This is intended to be live by the end of August 2006.
6. There is a need to amend the standard operating procedure to include the requirement to consult with the Directorate of Public Affairs before the final decision to sponsor external organisations and/or events is made.

7. Two Operational Command Units have indicated that they have engaged in outgoing sponsorship activities. Most notable is the Diversity Directorate, which has established a robust decision-making and monitoring system in order that specific communities are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged.


8. All Operational Command Units have been informed of the policy and the standard operating procedure. It is apparent that some Operational Command Units are confused about the definition of outgoing sponsorship expenditure. Work is in hand to provide further advice and publish the relevant definitions on the sponsorship intranet site as well as engaging with Operational Command Units to improve their understanding of the purpose and benefits of this policy.

C. Legal implications

Nothing has come to light through any of the monitoring processes to indicate that the policy is not compliant with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.

D. Race and equality impact

Central monitoring of all requests for sponsorship, combined with adherence to the decision making process, will identify whether all communities are being equitably treated.

E. Financial implications

1. The expenditure on outgoing sponsorship for the first quarter 2006/7 is currently recorded at £47,150:

Description Decision Maker Amount
Muslim Youth Helpline Diversity Directorate £150
GG2 Leadership & Diversity Awards (Year 3 of 3) Diversity Directorate £32,000

per yr

Hosana Basketball events Directorate of Public Affairs (for Trident) £15,000

2. Introduction of the sponsorship policy has enabled expenditure to be captured and monitored across the MPS through the use of dedicated account codes. Adoption of a business case approach to making the decision provides greater focus and clarity and has the effect of reducing rather than increasing those amounts expended from local budgets.

F. Background papers


G. Contact details

Report author: Anna Gardiner, Head of the Events and Income Development Unit, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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