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Report 13a of the 25 January 2007 meeting of the MPA Committee and presents the Commissioner’s written performance report on monthly performance information (December 2006).

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Monthly performance information – December 2006

Report: 13a
Date: 25 January 2007

This note has combined performance information, showing both ‘hard’ crime figures and information regarding the experiences and perceptions of Londoners and MPS customers, which will be made available to members as required.

Prepared for the MPA Full Authority Meeting: April-December 2006 compared to April-December 2005

Sanction Detections
  Apr-Dec 2006 Apr-Dec 2005 Difference % Change Apr-Dec 2006 Apr-Dec 2005
Total Notifiable Offences 696,342 748,205 -51,863 -6.9% 20.8% 17.1%
BCS Comparator Crime 406,835 433,687 -26,852 -6.2% 13.5% 10.7%
Burglary Dwelling 44,544 47,991 -3,447 -7.2% 20.5% 16.2%
Robbery 34,386 33,550 +836 +2.5% 13.7% 12.1%
Business crime [1] 88,581 100,222 -11,641 -11.6% 25.9% 23.2%
Motor Vehicle Crime 98,968 102,110 -3,142 -3.1% 6.7% 6.2%
Gun Enabled Crime 2,563 3,049 -486 -15.9% 19.2% 18.9%
Trident Gun Crime 179 213 -34 -16.0% 19.6% 21.6%
Homicide 129 131 -2 -1.5% 80.6% 93.9%
Road Fatalities 178 170 +8 +4.7% N/A N/A
Violent Crime 183,853 194,024 -10,171 -5.2% 26.3% 22.4%
Hate Crime
Domestic Violence 43,132 46,333 -3,201 -6.9% 36.6% 26.2%
Racist Crime 7,892 8,948 -1,056 -11.8% 30.3% 22.0%
Homophobic Crime 954 1,037 -83 -8.0% 27.3% 20.6%

Headlines from crime statistics

  • Total notifiable offences are down 6.9%
  • BCS comparator crime is down 6.2%, against an MPS 6.3% reduction target
  • Residential burglary is down 7.2%
  • Robbery has increased by 2.5%
  • Motor vehicle crime has decreased by 3.1%
  • Gun enabled crime has fallen by 15.9%, against an MPS 4% reduction target
  • Homicides are down (129 to date) from the same time last year (131) [2]
  • Domestic Violence has fallen by 6.9%
  • Racist crime has fallen by 11.8%
  • Homophobic crime is down by 83 offences, or 8.0%
  • The TNO Sanction detection rate for the 2006/07 year to date stands at 20.8%; the MPS has a 20% target.
  • Sanction detection rates are up for each of the three hate crime categories, by at least 7 percentage points.

Public Satisfaction Information

A significant change is highlighted in green (improvement) or red (deterioration)

British Crime Survey

  12 months to June 2006 12 months to June 2005 Percentage Point Change*
Satisfaction with local policing (SPI) 54% 51% +3 [green]
Fear of crime (burglary) 17% 20% -3 [green]
Fear of crime (car crime) 17% 21% -4 [green]
Fear of crime (violence) 27% 28% -1
Perception (anti-social behaviour) 24% 30% -6 [green]
Perception (drugs) 31% 34% -3 [green]

Public Attitude Survey

  2006/07 Q1 & Q2 2005/06 2004/05 Change latest vs. 2005/06
Confidence in policing (local) 56% 58% 52% -2 [red]
Confidence in policing (London) 61% 64% 54% -3 [red]
Satisfaction with policing (local) 60% 63% 54% -3 [red]
Importance of knowing a local police officer 79% 88% 77% -9 [red]
Feeling informed about local police activity 45% 45% 34% 0
Community relations between police and public very / fairly good 58% 71% 63% -13 [red]

Crime Victim Survey

Satisfaction with… 2006/07 Q1 & Q2 2005/06 2004/05 Change latest vs. 05/06
Overall service received (SPI) 80% 79% 68% +1 [green]
…making contact (SPI) 85% 86% 82% -1
…action taken (SPI) 75% 77% 64% -2 [red]
…being kept informed (SPI) 58% 59% 48% -1 [red]
…treatment by staff (SPI) 92% 92% 86% 0
Overall service received (victims of racist incidents) (SPI) 61% 73% 59% -12 [red]
White victims overall 81% 80% 70% 0
BME victims overall 74% 73% 63%
Gap (SPI) 7% 7% 7%

Anti Social Behaviour Survey

Satisfaction with… 2006/07 Q1 & Q2
Overall service received 67%
…making contact 91%
…action taken 63%
…being kept informed 43%
…treatment by staff 86%
White victims overall 67%
BME victims overall 67%
Gap 0%

*Only two quarters of data are available for this survey.

Key messages from the surveys

The Home Office Police Performance Assessment Framework requires the MPS to collect standard feedback from a group of crime victims, road traffic victims and those contacting the MPS about incidents such as abandoned vehicles, public disturbances and noise nuisance.

Crime Victim Satisfaction Survey

  • The overall level of satisfaction with total service remains steady, currently on average at 80%
  • However, overall service received by victims of racist incidents is much lower, currently on average at 61%
  • The gap between white and BME victims overall satisfaction with the service remains steady, currently a gap of 7%.

Anti Social Behaviour Satisfaction Survey

(NB: this is a new survey and so we only have data for 2006/07. We will be undertaking a programme of analysis to get a better understanding of the drivers of public satisfaction with the police service for anti-social behaviour.)

  • The overall level of satisfaction with total service received is currently at 67%.
  • The level of satisfaction with total service is lower than that of crime victims (above). The driver for total service for anti-social behaviour appears to be the satisfaction with action taken.
  • There is no gap between white and BME reporters of anti-social behaviour.

Public Attitudes Survey

  • All the questions in the table are showing declines in comparison to 2005/06 (whole financial year), with one exception.
  • Three of them though show quite slight declines.
  • Aside from one question, the other items have higher levels of satisfaction than they did in 2004/05.
  • One possible reason may be that the figures for 2005/06 were unusually high because of the public's appreciation of the police response to the 7/7 bombings.
  • It is worth exploring why the proportion of people who feel that relations between the community and the police are good, has declined.

Safer Neighbourhoods Survey

The 2006/07 safer neighbourhood survey has been completed but the results are still being analysed. It is important to bear in mind that the purpose of the survey is not to measure performance. Rather, the survey is a tool for the MPS to understand how the safer neighbourhood programme works on a local level. Therefore the MPS is undertaking further research to fully understand what the data is telling us so that it can be taken into account in future planning.

Please note: A ‘surveys explained’ document has been produced to complement this information.


1. Robbery of business property, theft employee, theft from shops, burglary non-dwelling & retail deception (fraud counter per victim). [Back]

2. 2005/06 figure includes the thirteen victims of the Tavistock Square bus bomb [Back]

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