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Report 8 of the 22 February 2007 meeting of the MPA Committee and outlines the progress on the development of the high level objectives, measures and targets that underpin the strategic priorities for inclusion in the Policing London Plan 2007/08.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Update on the planning process 2007/08

Report: 8
Date: 22 February 2007
By: Director of Strategy Modernisation and Performance for the Commissioner


This report outlines the progress on the development of the high level objectives, measures and targets that underpin the strategic priorities for inclusion in the Policing London Plan 2007/08. The Policing London is a key delivery mechanism for the 3 year Policing London Strategy and Plan, which was agreed by Management Board and the MPA Full Authority in September 2005.

As part of the planning process, it has been agreed that the draft high-level objectives, and developing measures and targets for the strategic priorities be presented at the February MPA PPRC meeting.

A. Recommendation


  1. Members agree the objectives, measures and targets in relation to the strategic priorities;
  2. Members note the delivery plans and benefits in relation to the programmes of work being undertaken in relation to the other strategic priorities;
  3. Members agree the list of critical performance areas and targets for 2007/08; and
  4. Members provide feedback on the Policing London Strategy and Plan.

B. Supporting information

1. The 2007/08 corporate business plan formed the budget submission to the Mayor in November, and was agreed by MPS Management Board on the 17 October. The high level delivery plan for 2007/08, aligned to the strategic priorities, was included within the business plan, seen by members at a joint PPRC/Finance Committee in November, as well as Full Authority in November and December 2006.

2. In order for the document to be suitable for an external audience, the business plan is now being refocused to form the Policing London Strategy and Plan 2007/08, to be published on 31 March 2007. This is included at Appendix 1. An update on the development of the proposed high-level objectives, measures and targets was presented to PPRC on 16th January and at Full Authority on 25th January.

3. Members were requested to provide initial feedback on the proposed high-level objectives and developing measures and targets proposed for the 2007/08 Policing London Plan.

MPA feedback

4. The main points raised by the Authority at the Full Authority meeting on 25 January were related to Local Area Agreements (LAAs), drugs and alcohol related offending.

Local Area Agreements (LAA)

5. The variable target setting process recognises the need for BOCUs to harmonise corporate requirements (often driven by external stakeholders) with local needs. It enables BOCUs some flexibility to align their contribution to corporate targets to local partners' requirements. Appendix 2 outlines how key areas, relevant to policing, within the LAA mandatory outcomes and indicators, are aligned to MPS/MPA’s strategic priorities and CPAs.

6. There is clearly a strategic challenge in ensuring sustainable alignment between local policing priorities set at the neighbourhood level, partnership targets set via LAAs, and the corporate requirements facing the MPS in policing London as a whole. In order to mitigate these risks, it is important to ensure that both the Corporate Strategic Assessment, and the MPS/TP’s target setting process continue to be both top down and bottom up.

Alcohol related offending

7. There is not a specific offence relating to alcohol within either the CPAs or the objectives, measures and targets related to the strategic priorities. Whilst it is recognised that alcohol is causally linked to some types of offending, this information would be difficult to collect with any accuracy. There is a sustained focus on violence and ASB in the Plan this will ensure continuing priority is given to tackling alcohol-related problems.

Drugs related offending

8. The MPS’ drugs strategy 2007-10 features within Policing London Strategy and Plan under the Criminal Networks delivery plan for 2007/08, and is included in the objectives, measures and targets for both Criminal Networks and Making Neighbourhoods Safe.

Strategic priorities

9. The objectives, measures and targets that will feature in the Policing London Strategy and Plan 2007/08 are outlined in this document for approval.

10. The delivery plan within the 2007/08 Policing London Strategy and Plan is intended to ensure that activity is focused on achieving our strategic outcomes. The strategic priorities that have objectives, measures and targets within the Plan are as follows:

  • Counter terrorism, protection and security
  • Safer neighbourhoods
  • Criminal networks
  • Capital city policing.

11. These objectives, measures and targets have been agreed with the leading business groups and these are shown in the Policing London Strategy and Plan document from Page 30.

12. The other three strategic priorities relate to programmes of work and are part of the Met Modernisation Programme, the delivery plan and benefits of which are shown at Policing London Strategy and Plan document: Page 27:

  • Citizen Focus
  • Information Quality and Access
  • Together.

Critical Performance Areas

13. Work has gone into streamlining the number of measures to enable focused activity on the critical areas where improved performance is required. These measures and targets have been identified as the critical areas for improving our performance using the Policing Performance Assessment Framework (PPAF) scores and in relation to the Public Service Agreements (PSAs). It also allows us to take into account issues raised by the HMIC baseline assessment. To maintain focus, management Board has proposed 12 CPAs to keep the number similar to last year, with as few variations as possible to maintain strategic continuity. While these focus on a critical few areas, they do not exist in isolation, but form part of a wider performance management framework of supporting measures and targets.

14. The rationale for including a measure within the critical performance list is that it:

  • Signifies key areas of overriding importance to the people of London
  • presents a risk to the MPS of performing poorly with regard to PPAF/PSAs or HMIC as the performance level or trend is of concern;
  • presents an opportunity where a slight improvement in performance could improve a PPAF assessment grade;

15. The critical performance areas (CPAs) proposed for 2007/08 are outlined in the Policing London Strategy and Plan document on Page 21. A commentary on the rationale and sub indicators for each of the targets is at Appendix 3. Following the Management Board meeting on 6 February, the main changes proposed are as follows.

Citizen Focus

16. It is proposed to replace SPI3a ‘satisfaction of victims of racist incidents’ with SPI 3b ‘Comparison of satisfaction of white and black and minority ethnic victims with respect to the overall service provided’. The rationale being that SPI 3b is an indicator of equity of service delivery across a far wider range of offences, and because it is a much larger sample, will be a far more robust indicator.

Confidence in local policing

17. It is proposed to replace the CPA ‘Percentage of people who think anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a problem’, with SPI 2a: ‘Confidence in local policing’. The rationale is that this measure has a wider citizen focus, is a key Safer Neighbourhoods outcome measure and links into wider activities, including counter terrorism. ‘Percentage of people who think ASB is a problem’ will then become a supporting indicator.


18. Some concern has been expressed that serious violence may not be sufficiently reflected in the current set of CPAs. ‘Seriousness’ is also expected to feature significantly within the Home Office’s APACS framework for 2008/09 (although not for 2007/08). There is currently no standard definition for 'most serious violence', however discussions have taken place involving ACPO, the Home Office and the MPS and a proposed definition is now being circulated for consultation.

19. MPS Management Board considered having a CPA of ‘most serious violence’ at the meeting on 6th February. Following this, it is proposed, at this stage, to retain the CPA ‘reduction in violent crime’ as scoping work is still being undertaken.

20. With regard to sanction detections for most serious violence, again consultation regarding a national PSA/APACS measure is underway. A broader range of offences is likely to be covered in the 'most serious violence' sanction detection measure, as rape and other serious sexual offences would be included.

21. TP have set challenging sanction detection targets on rape and hate crime, and are also considering additional sanction detection targets around sexual offences and GBH to reflect seriousness and to bring performance into line with our MSFs.


22. ‘Homicide sanction detections’ is proposed as a CPA due to over-riding public concern about bringing these offenders to justice.

Deaths from road traffic collisions

23. ‘Deaths from road traffic collisions’ is proposed as a CPA due to its importance to the people of London.


24. Work is developing on a Performance Framework to drive a transparent approach to resource management across the MPS. This will be a key enabler of performance rather than a CPA in itself.


25. Territorial Policing has been working with BOCUs to set variable targets for which TP is responsible for 2007/08. The provisional targets are proposed with the Policing London Strategy and Plan on Page 21. The rationale for these targets is at Appendix 3. Note that at this stage the precise percentages cannot be confirmed due to year-end performance variations.

Comparison of satisfaction

26. A target of reducing the difference in satisfaction levels to less than 5 points for SPI 3b ‘comparison of satisfaction of white and BME victims with respect to the overall service provided’. The rationale for this that the MPS achieved a difference of 7.6 points in 2005/06 and 7.1 points during 2004/05. A reduction in the difference of 1 point over the 12-month period will therefore be a challenging target.

Confidence in local policing

27. A target of 55% is proposed for SPI 2a: ‘Confidence in local policing’. This represents an improvement on our current performance. The MPS is currently first in our MSF family – 5 points ahead of the next best performing force.


28. A target of 85% is proposed for ‘Homicide sanction detections’. Current performance for 2006/07 is 81%. A target of 85% will therefore be an appropriate challenge.

Deaths from road traffic collisions

29. A target will be agreed for ‘Deaths from road traffic collisions’ at CO SMT on 12th February. Members will be advised of this at PPRC on 14 February.

DV target

30. A target of 50% is proposed for ‘Percentage of domestic violence incidents where an arrest was made related to the incident’, which is a challenging target based on current performance of 44.4%.

BCS basket of 10

31. The PSA 1 ‘Reduction in 10 BCS comparator crimes’ has a target reduction of 19.4% by the end of financial year 2007/08. The target proposed for 2007/08 is intended to achieve an approximate 17.8% reduction. The target for 2007/08 has been derived from the rigorous variable target setting process applied within TP and is considered challenging but achievable.


32. This is key to ensuring clarity and focus on delivery across the MPS. It will cover:

  • the achievements of 2006/07 and the CPA targets for 2007/08;
  • the link with MPS strategic priorities;
  • linking critical performance areas with business group targets;
  • performance reports that will monitor performance against these supporting measures.

33. This should assist business groups, OCUs and business units to understand what is to be delivered during 2007/08, and consequently, what they are expected to focus on both in terms of support and performance.

Next steps

34. Members will be asked to consider and agree the final product, following amendments, at MPA Full Authority on 22 February.

35. Policing London Strategy and Plan 2007/08 is required to be published by 31 March 2007.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no specific equality and diversity issues.

D. Financial implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from this report, although the way in which MPS finances are aligned to delivering the strategic priorities forms the basis for the integrated strategic/financial-planning framework.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Angela Emery, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

  • Appendix 1 [PDF]
    MPA and MPS Policing London Strategy for 2007-2010 and Policing Plan for 2007-2008
  • Appendix 2 [PDF]
    Policing plan 2007/08 - How key areas are aligned to MPS/MPA’s strategic priorities and CPAs
  • Appendix 3 [PDF]
    Policing plan 2007/08 - Rationale for Critical Performance Measures & Targets

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