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Report 7 of the 29 March 2007 meeting of the MPA Committee and seeks approval to the appointment of Faith Boardman as an Independent Member of the Authority.

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Appointment of an independent member

Report: 7
Date: 29 March 2007
By: Chief Executive and Clerk


This report seeks approval to the appointment of Faith Boardman as an Independent Member of the Authority.

A. Recommendation

That Faith Boardman be appointed as an Independent Member of the MPA for a four-year term from 30 March 2007, subject to receipt of CTC clearance.

B. Supporting information

1. A vacancy in the Authority’s Independent Membership occurred when Abdal Ullah resigned in May 2006 on his election as a London Borough Councillor.

2. The appointment of Independent Members is a three-stage process:

  1. Following public advertisement, a selection panel interviews candidates to put forward (for one vacancy) four names to the Home Secretary
  2. The Home Secretary selects two candidates
  3. An appointment panel consisting of Assembly and Magistrate Members of the Authority interview to make the final appointment

3. An appointment process was carried out over the summer of 2006 but unfortunately the selection panel were unable to identify four candidates that they could recommend to the Home Secretary. Therefore a further exercise was carried out later in the year. The selection panel interviewed candidates in January and this time were able to put forward four candidates.

4. The Home Secretary informed the MPA in mid-March of his shortlist of two candidates, and the appointment panel interviewed these two on 26 March. The appointment panel consisted of Len Duvall (Chair), Richard Barnes, Aneeta Prem, Richard Sumray and Rachel Whittaker.

5. The appointment panel now recommends that the Authority appoints Faith Boardman as an Independent Member. She is a resident of Lambeth. From 2000 to 2005 she was Chief Executive of Lambeth Council and has now retired from public service. Prior to that she was Chief Executive of the Child Support Agency and of the Contributions Agency.

She is director of a consultancy providing a range of specialist development, leadership and change management support services. She also has a number of other voluntary positions, including as a non-executive member of the Audit Committee of the Prisons Service and as trustee of the London Ecumenical Aids Trust.

6. The appointment will be for a term of four years from 30 March 2007. The appointment will be subject to CTC clearance being received.

C. Race and equality impact

Equalities and diversity considerations are integral throughout the appointment process to ensure that it reflects recruitment best practice and that as far as possible the MPA’s membership as a whole is representative of London’s communities.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications. Independent and Magistrate Members of the Authority receive an allowance, for which there is budget provision.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, Head of Secretariat, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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