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Report 9 of the 26 July 2007 meeting of the MPA Committee and provides an update on the current independent review into policing led by Sir Ronnie Flanagan.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Independent policing review

Report: 9
Date: 26 July 2007
By: Chief Executive


This report provides an update for Members on the current independent review into policing led by Sir Ronnie Flanagan. It details an initial holding response sent by the Chair of the MPA and the Commissioner outlining key points to inform an interim report due for publication in the summer. A full submission will be prepared with Members in forthcoming months.

A. Recommendation


  1. members consider the report and attached interim submission to the Policing Review;
  2. it be agreed that the Chair of the Authority, Chief Executive, Treasurer, Assistant Chief Executive with MPA officers work to develop MPA policy positions; and
  3. these positions are presented to members during a special policing review session following October Co-ordination and Policing Committee, which will be open to all members of the Authority to attend.

B. Supporting information

1. On 27 March 2007, the then Prime Minister published the outcomes of the governments review on Crime, Justice and Security. A copy of this review can be accessed on the following site

2. Emanating from the Policy Review, an independent Review of Policing is currently being led by Sir Ronnie Flanagan focussing on four key areas:

  • Reducing bureaucracy
  • Embedding neighbourhood policing
  • Local accountability
  • Making more effective use of resources

Progress to date

3. At the end of May 2007, Sir Ronnie Flanagan wrote to all police authorities and police services outlining his approach to the review. Whilst creating specific reference groups to draw upon the professional expertise of police services and authorities Sir Ronnie Flanagan is also committed to drawing upon a wide range of external advisors and expertise from both the public and private sectors. An interim report is to be published at the end of August with a final report by the end of 2007. The ambitious timescale of a final report by autumn 2007 has been altered; a change in Prime Minister, Home Secretary and the scale of the Review has pushed back this ambitious timescale.

4. The review is supported by a small secretariat based in the Home Office Police Reform Unit comprising of a mixture of secondees from ACPO, HMT, PM’s Delivery Unit, HO and APA.

5. The leads for the work streams are as follows:

  • Reducing Bureaucracy
    Steve Corkerton (NPIA) and Kate Flannery (HMIC)
  • Neighbourhood Policing
    Zoe Billingham (Audit Commission) and Jerry Kirkby (ACPO)
  • Local Accountability
    Sir Robin Wales (Mayor, Newham)
  • Managing Resources
    Kate Flannery (HMIC) and Gary Copson (HMIC)

6. Key issues to be addressed are set out in the slides attached in Appendix 1, presented to the APA in June. During this presentation Sir Ronnie made it clear that the he is keen for the review be set in context with the overall work of the police service and will therefore not dismiss positions expanding from the core focus of the review.

7. During the MPA/MPS away day in March Members and Management Board agreed that the MPA and MPS should feed positively into the Review. Members were keen to have a full and engaged discussion to inform submissions. It is regrettable that the unforeseen emergency at Dean Farrar Street in June has delayed Member input however the timescales set out in the recommendations of this report seek to give Members the opportunity to input fully into the final submission to be tabled at the end of autumn.

8. Since the away day MPA and MPS officers have produced an interim policy position, submitted in July to inform the initial stage of the review. This response is attached in Appendix 2. Members will note a detailed focus on the neighbourhood policing and bureaucracy strands. This is to accommodate the requests of the review team to submit more detailed responses to these two strands upon which the interim report in August will concentrate. However, this will not prevent further submissions on these strands after the initial reporting stage in August and it is understood that Sir Ronnie’s August report will not provide a detailed response to any of the four strands.

9. Officers therefore seek Members views on the initial submission attached in this report. This will feed into policy positions developed for a full debate at a special policing review session following October Co-Ordination and Policing Committee. Officers will also welcome Members input throughout this period outside formal committee structures.

C. Race and equality impact

Race and Equality impact should be considered equally throughout each strand of the review. For example, reducing bureaucracy, or cutting red tape should not disregard important measures implemented to reassure the public and in particular those communities who feel marginalised from the police. Officers developing positions will work in close contact with the equality and diversity unit to consider these in detail across the four strands.

D. Financial implications

Whilst producing a submission to the review has no immediate and direct impact upon financial resources. However the final position adopted by Sir Ronnie will have undoubted financial and political consequences on police authorities. The resource strand offers an opportunity to consider and influence these in detail, however financial implications, as with equality and diversity implications should be considered across all four areas of the review. The Treasurer will lead this strand of work.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Sally Benton, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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