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Report 6 of the 20 December 2007 meeting of the MPA Committee setting out the Government targets, role of police and other partners and actions being undertaken to reduce the number of those killed or seriously injured on the roads.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Road fatalities and seriously injured

Report: 6
Date: 20 December 2007
By: Assistant Commissioner Central Operations on behalf of the Commissioner


This report is submitted as requested by the member at the meeting on 28 June 2007.

This report sets out the Government targets, the role of police and other partners and the actions that are being undertaken to reduce those killed and seriously injured on our roads. It shows that the MPS has already met the 40% Government reduction target ahead of schedule and is also projected to meet the more stretching Mayoral 50% reduction target. It also highlights that the HMIC have graded roads policing in the MPS as ‘excellent’ for two successive years.

A. Recommendations

That members note the content of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. The reduction of ‘killed and seriously injured’ (KSI) is a cross cutting Government target involving the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Home Office. Whilst the DfT and Highways Authorities (HA) are concerned with engineering and education solutions, enforcement falls to the police. The target is to reduce the number of KSIs by 40% by 2010 (compared to the 1994 -1998 average baseline).

2. In 2006/7, there were 3,806 KSI casualties, which was a 3.4% reduction on the previous year. Of these, 225 were fatalities, which was exactly the same number as in 2005/06. The remainder were seriously injured casualties which represents the joint second lowest yearly total since the Government target was introduced in 2001.

3. This reduction meant that the MPS had exceeded the Government target of a 40% reduction in KSIs some three years early. As a result, the Mayor requested a stretch target for the MPS of a 50% reduction by 2010 instead of the 40% reduction. Whilst this new target was generally possible, the MPS sought extra funding to tackle the specific problems associated with accidents involving motorcycles and mopeds. As a result, the MPS now runs an educational course called BikeSafe which is funded by Transport for London (TfL). The following table breaks the KSIs down by category and shows the percentage reductions for each category in 2006/07 against the baseline:

All KSIs
42% reduction
Motorcyles and mopeds
10% reduction
41% reduction
34% reduction
60% reduction

4. The April-August data for 2007 shows an 12.6% reduction in KSIs in comparison with the previous year. This exceed the 2007/8 annual policing plan target of 3%. The numbers killed on the road so far this year has reduced by 8.9% (92 down to 84), with the numbers seriously injured down by 12.9% (1479 down to 1289).

5. Data on KSI numbers has always been 3 months in arrears to ensure that it is accurate. However, the MPS systems are being examined to see if more timely but still accurate data can be provided.

6. While there have been significant advancements in vehicle safety which helps to reduce KSIs, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) recognises that the following offences influence the casualty rates:

  • Drink or drug impairment
  • Excessive speed
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Mobile phone use (non hands free)

These four elements are the mainstay of the DfT Think! advertising campaign and are equally relevant in London.

7. While the Traffic OCU (CO15) traditionally ‘owned’ the KSI target, it is now mainstreamed as a corporate objective. The MPS strategy for KSI reduction is contained in CO15’s policing plan and is monitored at the Roads Policing Strategic Committee (RPSC) and the MPS Performance Board. The RPSC now has a broader membership which includes Territorial Policing, Specialist Crime and Specialist Operations which has widened understanding and the operational response to KSIs. An example of this is the development of KSI hotspot maps which are produced by the Traffic OCU and show the hotspots for every BOCU so that local enforcement can be targeted. These hotspots broadly reflect areas of high vehicle density and population.

8. While there are a number of factors that influence the number of KSIs, it is clear that enforcement activity does have a significant part to play. Drink drive arrests have increased by over 40% over the last three years, though it should be noted that this is believed to be a reflection of greater police activity rather than an actual increase in incidence. The issue of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for driving with excessive speed has fallen by 18% during the same period because of greater driver compliance which is shown by a reduction in camera activations. However, there have been significant increases in enforcement activity against the use of mobile phones (FPNs up 133% to – figures will be available at the meeting) and for not wearing a seatbelt (FPNs up 45% - figures will be available at the meeting).

9. The MPS has received two successive gradings of ‘excellent’ from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) on the basis of Traffic (CO15) and Transport Operational Command Unit (TOCU CO17) activity. For a third grading of excellent in 2009, it will be necessary to continue to mainstream enforcement activity across the MPS. Commander Quinton (TP) is leading on securing more enforcement activity on BOCUs by Safer Neighbourhood Teams. The result of this work has been a most welcome net increase of approximately 10% in FPN enforcement (pan MPS) for the first two quarters for 2007 compared to the average for last year.

10. Preliminary MPS studies suggest that drivers who do not have a licence or do not have insurance are more likely to be involved in accidents. The use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) helps to identify and stop such drivers before they go on to kill or maim the public. The Traffic OCU (CO15) has significantly increased its ANPR units’ outputs over the last two years and the final arrest annual figures for 2006/7 were 3,889 from a team of 55 officers. TP and both the London airports are aiming to increase the use of the fixed and mobile ANPR cameras.

11. The MPS has recently doubled the capacity of storage pounds by opening Perivale in May 2007 and it is also piloting 5 mini pounds on Boroughs. This will assist in redressing previous MPS seizure rates which were below comparative forces. At present, the MPS seizes four times more vehicles than we did four years ago. The number of seizures made by the Vehicle Recovery and Examination Service since 1 April 2007, is 8,659, which is well ahead of the annual target of 10,000.

12. The top three causation factors for all collisions, not just KSIs, reveals drivers failing to look properly as the factor most likely to lead to a collision. Second is a driver being careless/reckless while in a hurry and the third is a poor turn or manoeuvre. Education campaigns being run by DfT and TfL are seeking to address these issues.

13. The demographic profile of drivers involved in KSI collisions in 2006 shows just over 75% to be male. The ethnic breakdown of drivers involved in KSIs in 2006 was 2615 white drivers (68.5%), 627 Black drivers (16.5%), 493 Asian drivers (12.9%) and 77 other ethnic origin (0.9%).

14. The Traffic Criminal Justice Unit (CO16) works closely with the Traffic OCU and the Crown Prosecution Service to administrate justice in relation to KSIs. In 2006/7, CO16 dealt with 252 fatal collision cases and 633 serious personal injury cases.

15. The number of cameras in the MPS has increased from 268 in 2000 to 548 in 2007. The London Safety Camera Partnership (LSCP) will aim to put more cameras where the DfT criteria dictates, ideally supported by electronic ‘slow down’ boards to warn drivers of a camera. While the MPS conversion rate from a flash activation to either payment or a court hearing is below average at 43%, a recent review highlighted the need for increased staff in the back office. The LSCP has recently agreed to such an increase which will help to improve the conversion rate.

16. Ridership of pedal cycles has increased by 81% since 2001. Whilst every ‘failure to stop’ at red lights is a potential fatal accident, the reality is that it actually causes few KSIs. However, such flagrant breaches of the law can be considered to be a form of anti-social behaviour and officers are being encouraged when appropriate to issue FPNs. In addition, TfL are running an education campaign about the importance of ‘green boxed areas’ at traffic lights and have agreed to increase the automatic enforcement of vehicles stopping in this area. This will be supported by the MPS.

17. A unit of the Traffic OCU has been undertaking a trial of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to issue FPNs which was a UK first. This resulted in the increased issue of FPNs (about a 31% increase over a year) and the PDAs now have an e-collision report book (e-CRB) which is another national first. PDAs have received recent favourable comment in general from the Prime Minister and HMIC. The e-CRB can now form the basis of an on-line self-reporting tool for non-serious collisions and its viability as a benefit for the insurance industry is also being explored. The Traffic OCU is currently exploring the possibility of extending the PDA pilot to all of its operational patrol officers.

18. Traffic Police Community Support Officers (TPCSOs) issue FPNs and Penalty Charge Notices to drivers. While their current powers do not allow them to police the key offences which impact on KSIs that were outlined above, they have powers to issue for a wide variety of offences which help to ensure that drivers obey the law.

19. In addition to supporting TfL educational visits to schools, the MPS and TfL (through the LSCP) have introduced Speed and Red Light awareness courses as an alternative to prosecution. A mystery shopper exercise has reported favourably on the content and delivery. The partnership has also targeted the highest at risk group (young males) through advertising and interactive use of mobile phone media.

20. The Traffic OCUs have also identified incidents of organised crime connected to road traffic matters. These include accidents which are deliberately staged, driver nomination deceptions and false or fraudulent operator’s licences. These have all come to notice through the Traffic Intelligence assessments and are subject of on-going inquiries and prosecutions.


Automatic Number Plate Recognition
Borough Operational Command Units
Collision Report Book
Department of Transport
Fixed Penalty Notice
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary
 Killed & Seriously Injured
London Safety Camera Partnership
Most Similar Force
Personal Digital Assistants
Roads Policing Strategic Committee
Transport for London
Transport Operational Command Unit
Traffic Police Community Support Officers

 C. Race and equality impact

1. A report by TfL found that the number of minority ethnic children killed or seriously injured was disproportional. Research into this has found that more impoverished areas showed higher numbers of KSIs reflecting national trends. Wards across London are some of the most deprived in the country and also some of the most diverse. These tend to be areas where there are fewer facilities for children to play and therefore an increased number of children potentially playing on the street. As well as the partnership activity that focuses on engagement and education, the MPS also targets patrols and tasks traffic officers to areas where there are high numbers of ‘child killed and seriously injured’ accidents.

2. ANPR is a key means of enforcing the law to ensure drivers without valid insurance or an appropriate licence are denied the use of London’s roads. In an effort to reduce KSIs, the MPS uses this tactic in accident hotspots where drivers fail to stop or there is a high risk of such an accident. The monitoring of this deployment has shown that there is an effect on certain socio-economic groups who take a risk based approach to being un-insured. As a result, the MPS constantly uses its equality impact monitoring to ensure that any deployments are proportionate and appropriate so that we maintain community confidence.

3. A report covering diversity issues in the Traffic OCU was presented to the MPA Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board in May 2007 and was favourably received.

D. Financial implications

There are no specific financial implications arising out of this report.

However the MPS’s draft budget for 2008 – 2011 has been submitted for consideration by the Mayor following the Full Authority Meeting on the 22nd November. While this submission included proposals which might slightly impact on the Traffic OCU, the final budget decisions will not be taken until March 2008.

E. Background papers

  • MPA Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board - May 2007
  • MPA Planning, Performance & Review Committee (PPRC) - October 2007

F. Contact details

Report author: Commander Shabir Hussain Shaalini Bhogal, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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