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Report 6 of the 26 June 2008 meeting of the MPA Committee presenting members with the findings and recommendations of the MPA Youth Scrutiny 2007/08.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA youth scrutiny

Report: 6
Date: 26 June 2008
By: the Chief Executive


This report presents the findings and recommendations of the MPA Youth Scrutiny 2007/08.

It is the product of an analysis of six months of research into young people’s relationships with the MPS and their experiences as victims, witnesses and perpetrators of crime in the capital.

A. Recommendation


1. Members approve the findings and recommendations of the MPA Youth Scrutiny;

2. MPA officers, in consultation with the MPA Youth Scrutiny Panel, work with the MPS to produce an action plan for the implementation of the recommendations;

3. MPA officers, in consultation with the MPA Youth Scrutiny Panel devise appropriate communication and monitoring mechanisms for the implementation of the agreed MPS action plan; and

4. the MPS to report back at the 30 October 2008 Full Authority meeting on progress made on the agreed action plan.

B. Supporting information

1. The Youth Scrutiny was originally discussed at the full Authority meeting on the 29 May 2008. However, a detailed discussion was not possible and in order for members to assess whether MPS responses to the report recommendations meet with MPA approval, it was subsequently agreed that the June full Authority meeting would provide an additional opportunity for Members to consider the reports findings and recommendations.

2. As detailed in MPA Youth Scrutiny (1), the Youth Scrutiny was commissioned by full Authority in October 2007. The principle aim of the Youth Scrutiny was to build a fuller and more comprehensive understanding of how young people relate to the police and of their experiences of crime and victimisation.

3. A particular success of the Youth Scrutiny was to arrange lively and constructive debates with a wide sample of young Londoners. Approximately 1,000 young people and adults took part in a series of consultative events.

4. The report comprises 53 recommendations. The majority are directed at the MPS for response and consideration. The remaining recommendations are advice for governmental departments, including the Department of Health and the Department for Children, Families, and Schools; Local Authorities and Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships.

5. The recommendations focus on 5 key issues:

  • partnership working, including requirements to assess current information sharing protocols;
  • early intervention and the role of prevention in tackling youth victimisation and youth offending;
  • the importance of providing accessible community safety information to young people, including requirements to provide information on the youth justice system;
  • the importance of providing appropriate support for young victims of crime in order to prevent further victimisation and retaliatory violence; and
  • quality of contact, including stop and search.

6. A copy of the Youth Scrutiny was circulated as a separate document for MPA Members prior to the May full Authority meeting, members are asked to bring this with them to this meeting (additional copies are available on the MPA website  or from Committee Services).

C. Race and equality impact

In preparing the terms of reference for the Youth Scrutiny, expert advice was sought from the MPA Equality and Diversity Unit (EDU). The EDU assessed the various approaches to be adopted and provided clear direction, including, importantly, that the MPA hear from a diverse array of young Londoners.

D. Financial implications

The MPA Youth Scrutiny was met from existing MPA budgeted resources. The approximate budget was £50,000. Approximately £40,000 was spent on staff costs, with the remaining £10,000 spent on venue hire, refreshments for the four large consultation events and reference group costs.

E. Background papers

  • Young people and the police, Coordination and Policing Committee, Report 10, 27 September 2007
  • MPA Youth Scrutiny, Full Authority, Report 5, 29 May 2008

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Hamera Asfa Davey, MPA

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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