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Report 10 of the 24 July 2008 meeting of the MPA Committee providing an update on the exercise to appoint to nine of the Authority’s independent member positions.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Independent member appointments - update

Report: 10
Date: 24 July 2008
By: the Chief Executive


This report provides an update on the exercise to appoint to nine of the Authority’s independent member positions.

A. Recommendation

That the report be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. Nine of the Authority’s eleven independent member positions are due for re-appointment with effect from 1 October 2008. Following public advertisement over 140 applications were received.

2. The first stage of the appointment process is a selection panel. This panel carried out a sift of the applications and decided to interview 32 of the candidates. These interviews were carried out over three days and were completed on 7 July 2008.

3. The second and final stage of the process is for an appointment panel of MPA members to interview the recommended candidates to make the final appointments. The membership of this panel was agreed at the last Authority meeting when the panel was also given delegated authority to make member appointments. Dates have now been fixed for these interviews, which will be completed on 29 July 2008.

4. The appointments are subject to references and security clearance.

5. To re-establish the normal timing for independent member appointments, the Home Secretary has been asked to agree that the next term of office should expire on 30 June 2012.

C. Race and equality impact

No specific implications other than those implicit in ensuring a fair and transparent recruitment process and an MPA membership that as far as practicable is representative of London’s diverse communities.

D. Financial implications


E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Simon Vile, Head of Corporate Secretariat, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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