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Report 10 of the 27 November 2008 meeting of the MPA Committee and provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Reports from Committees

Report: 10
Date: 27 November 2008
By: Chief Executive

At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Finance and Resources Committee – 23 October 2008
  • special Finance and Resources Committee – 5 November 2008
  • Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 6 November 2008
  • Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 13 November 2008

Finance and Resources Committee – 23 October 2008

The following members were in attendance: Steve O’Connell (Chair), Faith Boardman, Dee Doocey, Len Duvall, Kit Malthouse, Deborah Regal, Graham Speed and Richard Tracey.

Vice Chairman - Faith Boardman was appointed as the Vice-Chairman of the Committee.

Revenue and capital budget monitoring

The forecast underspend to the end of August is £20.8 M which represents 0.7% of budget. The capital programme as at the same date shows year to date total expenditure of £48.4m. This total represents 20.1% of the annual budget of £241.1m. The forecast for the year of £223.6m is £17.5m below the annual budget.

Annual Statement of Minimum Revenue Provision

The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) is an amount set aside from revenue to meet the repayment of borrowing. Under the previous regulations this was calculated as 4% of the Authority’s capital financing requirement (CFR) The Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 came into force on 31 March 2008 and have amended the requirement to make MRP. Authorities are now required to make an amount of MRP they consider to be prudent. An Annual Statement on MRP will need to be approved by Full Authority on an annual basis. For 2008/09 approval will need to given for both 2008/09 and 2007/08 retrospectively. For 2009/10 onwards the statement will be approved prior to the beginning of the financial year. The intention is that for 2009/10 onwards this will be approved as part of the setting and review of the Prudential Indicators.

Icelandic Investments

The Icelandic Government froze Landsbanki assets on 7 October 2008. Two MPA investments are outstanding totalling £30m:
Deal Date Maturity Date Amount
3/7/2008 2/7/2009 £10m
23/9/2008 20/10/2008 £20m

A further report is due to be submitted to the November meeting following a review being carried out by Internal Audit.

Estate strategy

This report contained information on the three component parts of the Estate Strategy: the public/citizen facing operational estate (chiefly police stations and Safer Neighbourhood bases), the non-public facing Operational Estate (this includes a wide variety of properties ranging from offices, police stations, training facilities, warehouses, forensic facilities, car pounds, stabling facilities and canine and equine training facilities, helicopter bases as well as covert requirements) and the residential estate.

Whilst the Estate Strategic Plan (ESP) reflects the overarching estates strategy and the framework that has been adopted to deliver the estate modernisation programme, individual Asset Management Plans (AMPs) have been developed for specific buildings or groups of buildings / properties to support specific business groups or functions at the “next level down”. Following the principles of good asset management practice, the AMPs (alongside the ESP) provide a framework within which the MPA/MPS will plan to modernise facilities to meet current and future operational requirements whilst also addressing sub-standard accommodation and compliance issues across the current aging MPS estate. It is essential that the welfare of both officers and staff and those using the MPA estate welfare is at the fore, and that the facilities provided are both compliant and of a good standard in estate terms. Most of the older estate does not meet such standards.

The ESP is subject to annual review and update, to reflect changes in strategic direction and the implementation and development of the estates strategy The ESP was last updated and approved in September 2007.

It is recognised that any further ‘hold’ on the existing disposal programme will result in an inability to deliver essential receipts that support the wider MPS Capital Programme. Therefore, only those properties that support the public/citizen facing estate will be put on hold whilst the time limited consultation process takes place.

At the meeting a petition concerning the police station in Streatham was submitted by Councillor Julian Heather of Lambeth Council. The petition read ‘Save our Police Station – we believe our area needs a proper police station – not just a front office with limited opening hours’ and contained in excess of 1,000 signatures.

So that the Authority can provide appropriate leadership and engagement with both the new consultation process and the review and updating of the current estates strategy and the Estate Strategic Plan, a member led panel was established to leads on these two strands of work. It was agreed that this will be chaired by Graham Speed and the other members will be Dee Doocey and Faith Boardman. It is intended that a combined Estates Strategy and Strategic Plan is submitted to the Committee for consideration in spring 2009.

A number of other recommendations were adopted.

Central London training facility

The Committee agreed a new ten year lease on existing MPS training accommodation in Buckingham Palace Road with an option of a 5 year break clause.

Special Finance and Resources Committee – 5 November 2008

This meeting was held to consider options for New Scotland Yard

Communities, Equalities and Peoples Committee – 6 November 2008

The following members were in attendance - 6 November 2008: Cindy Butts, Chris Boothman, Victoria Borwick, Valerie Brasse, Kirsten Hearn and Clive Lawton.

Terms of Reference, Establishment of Sub Committees and Memberships, and appointment of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen

The Committee considered a revised version of the Sub Committees’ Terms of Reference. The Committee noted the terms of reference had been amended to reflect current legislation and to more accurately reflect the current MPS work programmes and initiatives.

It was agreed to revisit the terms of reference as part of the six monthly reviews of the Committee and the Sub Committee’s performance.

Vice Chairman. The Committee agreed to defer the election of its Vice Chairman. In the subsequent ballot, Victoria Borwick was elected as Vice Chairman of the Committee.
Sub Committee Chairmen. The following were appointed as Chairmen of the following Sub Committees:
Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub Committee – Clive Lawton.
Equalities and Diversity Sub Committee – Kirsten Hearn.
Human Resource and Remuneration Sub Committee - Faith Boardman.

MPS Response to the Talent Management and Succession Planning Scrutiny 2007 – October update

The Committee was asked to note a report that set out the progress to date against each recommendation from the MPA Talent Management and Succession Planning Scrutiny report. It provided details of how the new MPS strategy for talent management, positive action and succession planning was being developed, implemented and embedded within the MPS. The strategy had to be consistent and maintain the quality and calibre of those promoted.

The Committee welcomed the report and was pleased to note that the early indicators demonstrated that the MPS was already deriving measurable success from the strategy. It was noted that this was first and only programme of its type in the UK. The MPS was confident that the strategy was supported by the majority of its officers. However given the size of the organisation it was anticipated that a small number of officers would resist the scheme.

The strategy may be extended to the other equality strands after it had been fully evaluated.

Whilst welcoming the report the Committee considered that time scales and targets against which to measures the strategy’s success should have been included.

It was noted that at present the targets were implicit and had not as yet been formalised. It was agreed that the MPS would model the progression through the ranks to provide accurate benchmarks against which the strategy could be assessed. An evaluation of the current strategy including financial targets would be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.

MPS Response to the recommendations contained within the MPA youth scrutiny 2007/2008

This report provided an update on how the MPS is responding to the recommendations of the MPA Youth Scrutiny 2007/08 and documents both current activity and developmental work across the MPS under the MPS Youth Strategy.

The report only referred to the recommendations directed towards the MPS and did not deal with those recommendations referred to other agencies and partners.

The Committee welcomed the report and the initiatives undertaken. It was recognised that MPS could not resolve the issues in isolation and questioned how supportive the other agencies had been.

The message had to be consistent – the youths themselves recognised and accepted the need for stop and search, however a number resented the attitude of some officers conducting the searches for their lack of individual respect.

The Committee was advised that the members of the response team may be relatively inexperienced and may not have the confidence to conduct stop & searches with the competence and authority of more experienced officers. As a result, individual officers recognised as being good at stop and search were being identified in order to learn from their experience.

A report is to be submitted to the Committee in March that evaluates the results of the current activity. A further more detailed update report is to be submitted to the meeting of the Committee in May.

The Committee also considered the following reports.

  • Youth Scrutiny Update
  • Police reform and special priority payments (exempt)
  • Chief Superintendent post related allowance (exempt)

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 13 November 2008

The following members were in attendance: Reshard Auladin (Chairman), Jennette Arnold, Cindy Butts, Chris Boothman, James Cleverly, Toby Harris, Neil Johnson, Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney and Caroline Pidgeon.

Minutes: Professional Standards and Complaints Committee - 10 July 2008 and Planning, Performance and Review Committee 11 September 2008
In the light of recent press interest in child welfare case, members asked which committee would consider child protection and ‘Every Child Matters’ issues. They were informed it would be this committee. A report on child related issues was requested as a matter of urgency. The Chief Executive stated that a briefing paper would be prepared for members as soon as possible.

Proposed change to terms of reference, appointment of vice chairman, terms of reference of and appointments to sub committees

The appointment of Toby Harris as the Vice Chairman of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee was ratified. Appointments to, and terms of reference for, the Counter-Terrorism and Protective Services Sub Committee were agreed. The appointments to the Olympics/Paralympics Sub Committees were agreed; however it was agreed that the proposed ToR for the Olympics/Paralympics Sub Committee be redrafted.

It was agreed the Authority be recommended to approve the proposed changes to Committee terms of reference as follows.

Policing Performance

‘12. a. To consider and monitor performance against the Policing Plan targets and any performance indicators set locally or by external organisations. In doing so, the committee will consider performance at both a corporate and borough level in order to identify best practice;
b. To consider and monitor MPS performance in relation to priority business areas
c. To advise on the setting of relevant performance indicators and targets in annual plans and corporate strategies

13. Working with the Commissioner, to prepare and recommend to the Authority an annual policing and performance plan.

14. To lead on the production of the Authority’s annual report and any joint annual report prepared in conjunction with the MPS.

15. To consider issues relating to criminal justice performance’

‘The MPS Promise to Citizens’

A report was received describing MPS progress in relation to the Government Green Paper ‘Policing Pledge’ and proposed arrangements for a ‘Promise to Citizens’ document, linked to the Pledge. The Chair suggested that the report raised questions that remained unanswered. It was therefore agreed that consideration of the subject should be deferred until a further report could be received.

The role and work of the Directorate of Legal Services

A report was received on the work of this Directorate.

Business interests, secondary employment and political activities

Members received a report outlining a process and rules for the MPS on business interests, secondary employment and political activities for both police officers and police staff and the procedures to be followed.

Key Performance Indicators

This report presented the 2009/10 Critical Performance Areas within the Policing London Business Plan 2009/12. Associated targets remained under development.

MPA scrutiny programme

A report was received outlining a proposed scrutiny programme for 2008/09.

Analysis of the reduction in gun crime and identification of good practice

A report was received on the current reduction in gun crime across the MPS and the identification of good practice and initiatives that could be adapted or transferred to address knife crime. The Chair felt that there was insufficient time available to the Committee to consider the report adequately and requested that it be deferred to a future meeting. Members requested that the report be amended to put much of the information contained in the report as possible into the public domain.

Travel concession – review of travel benefit

A report was received providing an update on the current position regarding the rail travel concession for officers. The Chair reluctantly conceded that the scheme had to continue for the present but would become unsustainable as its costs escalated. Approval was given to proceed with Option 1 in the report and it was requested that a report be received in a year’s time on progress in exploring methods of capping the cost.

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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