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Reports from committees

Report: 8
Date: 29 January 2009
By: Chief Executive

At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Finance and Resources Committee - 20 November 2008
  • Strategic and Policing Committee - 4 December 2008
  • Corporate Governance Committee - 8 December 2008
  • Finance and Resources Committee - 18 December 2008
  • Strategic and Policing Committee- 8 January 2009
  • Communities, Equalities and People Committee- 15 January 2009

Finance and Resources Committee – 20 November 2008

The following members were in attendance: Steve O’Connell (Chairman), Reshard Auladin, Faith Boardman, (Deputy Chairman), Dee Doocey, Graham Speed and Richard Tracey

Seven year capital programme

This report provided information on progress achieved in the preparation of the draft seven-year borrowing and capital spending plan 2009/10 to 2015/16 and outlined the work undertaken to ensure an affordable capital programme was achieved. It was agreed that the Resources Sub-Committee should review the plan once a quarter.

Treasury management half-year review 2008/09

Detailed revisions to the Treasury Management Strategy were agreed. These included revised counterparty limited use of the Debt Management Office facility for approximately 25% of the investment portfolio, the addition of UK Nationalised Institutions and limiting the term of investment to 3 months.

Icelandic Investments

The Icelandic Government froze Landsbanki assets on 7 October 2008. Two MPA investments are outstanding totalling £30m. A report concerning an inquiry carried out by the Director of Internal Audit was noted. The Committee also agreed to commission an external independent specialist review to establish whether appropriate actions were taken to protect the Authority’s investments and determine whether any further actions and lessons could be learned. (A report on the outcome is scheduled to be reported to the Committee early in the new year)

Greenwich patrol base

Committal to construction of the patrol base element of the development to was supported and noted that the proposed co-location of a custody centre was not being progressed at this stage.

London Strategic Co-ordination Centre (SCC)

Various decisions in relation to the location and fitting out of a London Strategic Co-ordination Centre (SCC) on the MPA estate were taken. The Hendon Master Plan will not be brought forward.

Procurement matters

Exempt reports were considered relating to various procurement exercises:

Command and Control infrastructure upgrade

The Committee considered a report which sought approval to the procurement of an upgrade of the Command and Control infrastructure. The procurement was agreed.

Multifunctional devices and printing in the MPS

The award of a new contract for self-use photocopiers and multi-functional devices was agreed.

Event management futures project

Members received a report informing them of the proposed acquisition of a new and comprehensive end-to-end events management solution, which would be accompanied by extensive business process re-engineering. Procurement was agreed

Strategic and Policing committee – 4 December 2008

The following members were in attendance: Reshard Auladin (Chairman), Jennette Arnold, Chris Boothman, James Cleverly, Toby Harris (item 1-12), Neil Johnson (item 1-10), Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney (item 1-12) and Caroline Pidgeon.

MPA response to ‘Time for Action’

On 3 November 2008 the Mayor of London launched his youth plan ‘Time for Action’. The report received noted that in taking forward the projects outlined in the plan the MPA would need to consider how the Mayoral plan related to existing and forthcoming MPS strategic frameworks. Joanne McCartney said she was leading the panel preparing the GLA response to the plan, to which the MPS would be presenting evidence. It was resolved that the report be revised in the light of members comments and submitted both to the panel and the Mayor as the Metropolitan Police Authority response to the Mayor’s ‘Time for Action’ plan.

Joint Engagement Meetings (JEMS)

The Committee received a report outlining proposals for developing a Joint Engagement Meeting (JEM) process that promoted problem solving between the MPS, local authorities and partner agencies. Members were informed that the report would not be discussed by the Committee and that a further report would be submitted in the new year giving information on the purpose of JEMS, its costs, opportunity costs and cost benefits, and oversight. Members also requested that the report should also include the outcomes of the three pilots.

The MPS Policing Pledge

A report was received describing progress in relation to the Government Green Paper ‘Policing Pledge’ and proposed arrangements for the introduction of an MPS’s Policing Pledge. it was resolved that MPS’s ‘Policing Pledge’ be endorsed, subject to the comments made at the meeting; and that a further report on the ‘Pledge’ be received in September 2009.

Analysis of the reduction in gun crime and identification of good practice

Members received a report addressing the current reduction in gun crime across the MPS and identifying good practice and outlining initiatives that could be adapted or transferred to address knife crime.

DPS – Strategic Intelligence Assessment 2008/09

The Strategic Intelligence Assessment provided the framework for professional standards - identifying key areas and addressing developing issues. The Chair stated the report covered an area of work formally covered by the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee and that similar reports had been received by that committee on a regular basis to assure members that measures were in place to measure risk to the MPS.

Conferring – changes in police practice

This report outlined the issues regarding the practice adopted by officers when making notes after they had been present at the same occurrence. The issue had been highlighted in reports by the MPA (Stockwell Scrutiny), IPCC, ACPO and was subject to a recent Judicial Review following an independent IPCC investigation into the shooting of a man by MPS officers in May 2008.

MPS response to the death of ‘baby P’

A report was received providing a summary of:

  • police involvement with Baby P prior to his death and the subsequent murder investigation and prosecution;
  • the Serious Case Review’s recommendations and how the MPS had responded to these;
  • details of other reviews being conducted into Haringey and wider MPS child protection services;
  • changes in demand for the Child Abuse Investigation Command;
  • improvements in information sharing in respect of children coming to notice following enhancements to the Merlin IT system;
  • the implementation of Every Child Matters (ECM) and Public Protection Desks within the MPS.

It was resolved that that a further report be submitted to the Committee in January 2009, following receipt of a report from the joint inspection of child protection in Haringey, currently being conducted by HMIC / Ofsted / Commission for Health.

Corporate Governance Committee – 8 December 2008

The following members were in attendance: Toby Harris (Chair), Valerie Brasse and Joanne McCartney; and co-opted members: Linda Duncan (Head of Governance Services, Hyman Capital Services Limited) and Richard Stephenson (Director, Group Health, Safety and Environment, Transport for London).

Health and safety performance report

The Head of Safety and Health Risk Management Team Members introduced a report providing a comparison of injuries reported on the Metropolitan Police Accident and Incident Reporting System (MetAIR) between Nov 2006 - Oct 2007 and Nov 2007 - Oct 2008. It was resolved that at their next meeting members receive a report from the Director of Training on injuries during training; and the full report resulting from the survey of assaulted police officers and PCSOs.

External audit annual audit letter 2007/08

The Treasurer introduced a report containing as an appendix the District Auditor the annual audit letter for 2007/08. The District Auditor stated that the Audit Commission’s opinion was unqualified, but there still remained work to do particularly around data. The Chair stated that this was the most positive audit letter received by the Authority and demonstrated successive improvement.

Internal Audit progress report

A report was received summarising the work of Internal Audit for the period April to December 2008, the results of significant Internal Audit work to date and the adequacy and effectiveness of control in MPS systems where Internal Audit has issued final reports since April 2008. It was requested that the next progress report contain timescales around fraud prevention and fraud awareness work; and future reports contain analysis on the implementation of audit recommendations and a section on emerging themes.

Implementing International Financial Reporting Standards

In March 2007, the Government announced in the Budget Report the intention that all government and other public bodies should in future publish their annual financial statements in line with International Financial Reporting Standards. The report stated that the MPS saw early planning as key in successfully making the transition to the new arrangements, and informed members of progress made since the last update in September 2008.

MPS corporate governance framework update

The committee received a progress report on the MPS corporate governance work programme. It included updates on the areas identified by the MPS Annual Assurance Statement that enhanced the MPS’ governance arrangements, on the work programme itself and incorporated the Corporate Risk Management update.

MPA/MPS Corporate Risk Management Strategic Statement

A report was received outlining a proposed joint MPA/MPS Risk Management Statement, together with associated risk management strategies for both MPA and MPS. The Chair felt it should be made more explicit that the MPA should have oversight of the MPS’s risks. The Director of Resources stated that MPA oversight was implicit in the proposals; however the Chair felt the detail should be fleshed out, and asked to receive a further report at the next Committee.

Business card update

This report provided details of the work completed in relation to the business card investigation, first reported to full Authority in November 2007 and to Corporate Governance Committee on March, June and September 2008. It was resolved that an exempt report be received from Directorate of Professional Standards on its investigations into card misuse; and one further report be received on use of the new business card.

MPA urgency procedure

The full Authority asked the Corporate Governance Committee to review the appropriateness of the MPA’s urgency procedure. Members received a report providing information to enable the committee to do so. It was agreed that a further report be submitted to the Committee in March.

High-risk audit recommendations (exempt)

A report was received confirming the status of outstanding high risk Internal Audit recommendations as at November 2008, and providing details of ongoing work to enhance the process by which the MPS responded to audit recommendations.

Finance and Resources Committee - 18 December 2008

The following members were in attendance: Steve O’Connell (Chairman), Faith Boardman (Vice-Chairman), Reshard Auladin, Dee Doocey, Deborah Regal, Graham Speed and Richard Tracey.

Revenue and capital budget monitoring position for 2008/09 at Period 7 (to the end of October)

The revenue budget is forecast to underspend by £22m (approximately 0.7% of budget). The capital programme shows year to date total expenditure of £66.9m. This total represents 31.1% of the revised annual budget of £214.9m. The forecast for the year of £210m is £4.9m below the revised annual budget
Property Services update

Activity Based Costing update

The report provided information on the status of Activity Based Costing (ABC) and discussed the move away from ABC to a new process of objective analysis.

Provisional policing and community funding settlement 2009/10

The Minister of State for Policing, Crime and Security announced proposals for allocation of police grant for 2009/10 on 26 November 2008. Last year the government announced provisional funding totals for the three year period 2008/09 to 2010/11. The announcement had covered formula grant for three years, with the latter two years being provisional. The government now intends to implement the settlement for 2009/10 broadly unchanged from last year’s announcement

Efficiency plan monitoring -2nd quarter

This report provided an update on the monitoring of the Metropolitan Police Authority /Metropolitan Police Service 2008/09 – 2010/11 efficiency plan. Overall, the forecast indicates an over-achievement against the 2008/09 efficiency target(£144m)by £2.8m.

Property Services update

An omnibus report was presented on the areas of activity covered by Property Services. The Committee also noted that the purchase of the freehold of New Scotland Yard by the Authority had been completed.

Procurement matters

Exempt reports were considered relating to the following procurement exercises:

Real time communications

Approval given to the early implementation of the first tranche of essential telephony replacement in West London starting in 2009/10.

Extension to BT Global Services contract for 999 call routing system

Agreed to extend the contract

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee - 8 January 2009

The following members were in attendance: Reshard Auladin (Chairman), Chris Boothman, Cindy Butts, James Cleverly, Toby Harris, Neil Johnson, Joanne McCartney, Steve O’Connell and Caroline Pidgeon. Also present was Valerie Brasse.

Revised terms of reference for the Counter Terrorism and Protective Services Sub Committee

Members ratified an amendment to the terms of reference for the Counter-Terrorism and Protective Services Sub Committee.

Update on the Policing London Business Plan 2009/12

This report presented members with an updated draft of the Policing London Business Plan 2009/12. The Chair added that the completion of the business plan was an iterative process, and that members should be providing their input now, so that the final product could be agreed by the full Authority in March.

Headline performance report - 12 months to October 2008

A report was received providing an overview of MPS performance for the rolling year to October 2008 with respect to the critical high level indicators and other policing plan indicators and targets. The MPS was broadly on target for all but three of the critical performance areas: overall user satisfaction, the satisfaction gap between white and minority ethnic victims, and confidence in local policing. Members were particularly concerned by the satisfaction gap. They were told that a lot of work in this area was being done by the MPS’s Diversity Directorate, and were offered a report at a future meeting.

Report on gun, knife and serious violent crime recording

A report was received outlining the latest position in relation to measuring gun crime in 2008/09, and the changes to the recording of gun, knife and serious violent crime.

MPS response to dangerous dogs

Pit bull-type dogs had become a weapon of choice for a number of people involved in gang-related crime, drug dealing and anti-social behaviour and as a result police and animal welfare agencies had seen incidents double year on year in relation to abandoned animals, dog-fighting, and dog seizures. Members received a report proposing a reorganisation of existing resources in order to meet this challenge, provide a more proactive response and, thereby, better reassure the public.

Developing the Joint Engagement Meeting (JEM) process within the MPA

It had been agreed with the Chair, prior to the meeting, that this report be deferred because there had been insufficient time to complete the necessary stakeholder meetings in time to finalise the report.

MPS response to the Mayor’s ‘Time for Action’

The Committee received a report providing an update on how the MPS was responding to the Mayor’s Time for Action Strategy to tackle youth crime and improve opportunities for young people.

Every Child Matters (ECM) implementation update

This report provided members with details of the work undertaken by the MPS to enhance the implementation of ECM following the death of Baby P, an assessment of the effectiveness of the MERLIN system and an update on progress towards achieving safe vetting across the organisation.

MPS Historical Collection business case

A report was received setting out the current position of the MPS Historical Collection. It was resolved that members approve, subject to confirmation that the MPA could make such decisions:

  1. the relocation of the MPS Historical Collection to a central London/close to central London premises, to enable the set up of a Heritage Centre accessible by the general public; and
  2. approval to either the re-invigoration of the existing Museum Trust or the setting up of a new Trust after consultation with the Charities Commission.

Urgent actions (if any)

Public order

Members received an oral briefing on public order in relation to London’s New Year’s Eve celebrations and demonstrations arising from the bombing of Gaza by Israel.

Forensic Medical Examiners (FMEs)

Members received an oral update on FMEs following newspaper articles on the subject.

MPS gangs mediation

Members received an exempt report proposing arrangements by which the MPS would introduce mediation services to help resolve conflict situations between gangs and individuals. Members agreed to the selection of a company as the organisation to provide mediation services and the award of a contract subject to the caveats.

MPS response to the death of Baby P

This exempt report supplemented that provided to the Committee in December 2008 and responded to questions raised then by members. Appendix 2 contained the action plan developed to address the areas for improvement identified in the HMIC inspection of child protection services in Haringey and the Joint Area Review of Haringey’s child protection services.

Communities, Equalities and People Committee - 15 January 2009

The following members were in attendance: Cindy Butts (Chair), Victoria Borwick (Vice Chair), Reshard Auladin, Chris Boothman, Valerie Brasse, Clive Lawton and Faith Boardman.

Development of the Business Plan for Communities, Equalities and People Committee

Members agreed to endorse the proposed Committee Business Plan. It was recognised the document was a living document to be reviewed and amended as necessary.
The allocation of work between the Committee and its Sub Committees was likely to change as the depth of the individual actions was fully scoped.

MPA Community Engagement Mapping Exercise

Members endorsed the proposed Community Engagement Mapping exercise. They requested that the Community Police Engagement Groups and other MPA engagement and consultation work should also be included. An assurance was sought that the value, and the quality and quantity of MPA community engagement would be assessed as part of the mapping exercise.

Members were advised that an ongoing improvement programme was in place to bring the CPEG’s up to a minimum standard. This programme would be used as the basis for a light touch review to establish what the CPEGs are doing and the value of their work.

Restructure of the MPA Domestic Violence Board into a Domestic and Sexual Violence Board

The Committee agreed a proposal to restructure the Domestic Violence Board into a Domestic and Sexual Violence Board, to monitor and scrutinise the performance of the Metropolitan Police Service on domestic violence (including forced marriage and ‘honour’ based violence), rape and sexual assault. This expansion was in keeping with the upcoming mayoral London Violence against Women Strategy. The Board further aims to support the recognition, improvement and dissemination of best practice across London.  Members welcomed the report, and agreed to give further consideration to whether a member of the MPA should be appoint to serve as Vice Chair of the Board.

It was suggested that the membership of the new board should be representative and balanced to avoid a predominance of women, which may lead to the perception that domestic and sexual violence was an issue of interest only to women.

It was also agreed that the Borough link members had to become involved with the new board. as they would be able to monitor the progression of issues through the CDRPs and provide a link to the Borough Commanders. The Boards Term of Reference were amended so that it reported directly to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

MPA Race and Faith Inquiry

The Committee noted the progress to date of the Race and Faith Inquiry. It was suggested that the title of the inquiry should be changed, as the word “faith” did not convey the same meaning within the different religions. The Committee recognised that whilst it would be difficult at this stage to change the title, the inquiry was aware of and would be conscious of the complexity of the issues.

HR Community Engagement Strategy

The Committee welcomed the report, that set out an update on the HR Community Engagement Strategy (CES). The strategy focuses upon building trust and confidence within London’s communities through a partnership between HR, Communities Together Strategic Engagement Team (CTSET), Territorial Policing and other community stakeholders, such as community groups and colleges. The CES had been scaled so that available resources match priority policing demands and currently focuses upon a range of communities including the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Somali, Turkish and other emerging communities, such as Poland.

The CES makes use of outreach workers to gain access to key communities, recruitment events aimed at specific communities and a range of support provisions, including pre-employment courses for people whose first language is not English, to increase life chances and success. The Committee was pleased to note that the strategy was a success and unlike any other approach adopted by the public sectors bodies such as the NHS and Local Authorities. The Authority will be pleased to learn that between 1st January 2008 and 12 December 2008 the MPS had received a total of 647 applications from the 5 target communities across the extended policing family roles. These are broken down as follows; 74 Bangladeshi; 102 Pakistani; 26 Somali; 62 Turkish and 374 Polish.

Using the Stated Nationality data, there has been a 33% increase in the number of MPS extended policing family members from the 5 target communities.

A female Somali PCSO successfully passed through the process whereby she is now awaiting a starting date for appointment as a constable. She will be the MPS’s first Somali police officer.

Between April and December 2008 applicants of Bangladeshi ethnic origin were appointed at approximately 5 times the previous 4 yrs average annual rate. For the same period, applicants of Pakistani ethnic origin were appointed at approximately twice the previous 4 years average annual rate.

Contact details

Report author(s): Committee services, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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