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Reports from committees

Report: 8
Date: 26 March 2009
By: Chief Executive

This report gives details, for information, of action taken under delegated authority on the grounds of urgency.

At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  •  Finance and Resources Committee (special) – 5 March 2009
  •  Joint Finance and Resources Committee and Strategic and Operational Policing Committee - 5 March 2009
  •  Strategic and Operational Policing Committee- 5 March 2009
  •  Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 12 March 2009

Finance and Resources Committee (special) – 5 March 2009

This meeting was held to consider some of the urgent items which had been due to be considered at the meeting on 19 March which was cancelled.

The following members were in attendance: Steve O’Connell (Chairman), Reshard Auladin, Deborah Regal and Richard Tracey.

Provision of additional officers on boroughs -2nd initiative

The Committee proposed on a follow on from an earlier initiative, by proposing to put additional officers (up to 200) onto boroughs through a cost sharing approach with local authorities. Since the earlier initiative was put in place there have been cases where local developments have increased the demand on policing to a considerable degree but which cannot and should be met through the use of officers provided to undertake core policing. (an example would be the new Westfield shopping centre in Hammersmith and Fulham. The proposal is to offer local authorities and specifically those where these types of developments are taking place the opportunity to obtain more officers for their boroughs.

Strategy and implications of re-phasing Safer Neighbourhood bases stage 2 -exempt

Under the revised capital programme the second stage of the Safer Neighbourhood Bases Property Programme (SN2) is to be extended from a 2 year programme finishing at the end of 2009, to a 3 year programme completing at the end of 2010. The Committee considered a report on the implications of this change such as extensions or variations o the supplier contracts.

Data Centres project - exempt

This report outlined the case for investment in the new Data Centre capacity, in line with the MPS Data Centre Strategy. This will provide increased capacity for the new computer systems essential for the delivery of key organisational and operational improvements. Subject to the receipt and approval of a satisfactory financial appraisal members approved a new lease agreement.

Investments in Icelandic banks - exempt

Last year the Finance and Resources Committee commissioned KPMG to carry out a specialist review into the investment of funds in Landsbanki. KPMG has now reported and made a number of recommendations. These are being acted upon as a matter of urgency and several have already been implemented. An action plan will be considered at the 19 March meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee and the Corporate Governance Committee will be monitoring implementation of the approved action plan at its quarterly meetings.


The Productivity and Performance Sub-Committee held its delayed inaugural meeting on 13 March. Faith Boardman was nominated as Vice-Chairman and the work programme was agreed. Members received a presentation by the Director of Resources on performance management framework.

The Resources Sub-Committee met on 16 March. Deborah Regal was appointed as Vice Chairman. Members received a presentation on the capital programme. The other substantial item on the agenda concerned Treasury Management and members discussed the arrangements for monitoring performance in this area. It was agreed that members would receive specialist treasury management training and support.

Joint Finance and Resources Committee and Strategic and Operational Policing Committee - 5 March 2009

The following members were in attendance – Reshard Auladin (appointed Chair), Cindy Butts, Chris Boothman, Toby Harris, Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney, Steve O’Connell, Caroline Pidgeon, Deborah Regal and Richard Tracey. Also in attendance: Valerie Brasse

Update on the Policing London Business Plan 2009-12

Following approval to the Mayor’s final 2009/10 budget proposals on 11 February 2009 and the Government announcements on the general policing grant and some specific grants, the joint committee was asked to approve the 2009-12 Policing London Business Plan and Budget. Members asked for clarification on some details and it was resolved that the report be approved for submission to the Authority on 26 March 2009, subject to a change to the foreword and any proofing changes.

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee- 5 March 2009

The following members were in attendance: Reshard Auladin (Chair), Chris Boothman, James Cleverly (item 11- 16), Toby Harris (Vice Chair), Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney and Caroline Pidgeon. Also in attendance: Valerie Brasse.

Follow up report re the Peter Woodhams investigation

Representatives of Mr Peter Woodhams had indicated that they would like to attend for this item. As they were not present, the item was deferred until an occasion when they would be present.

Headline performance report - 12 months to December 2008

This report provided an overview of MPS performance for the rolling year to December 2008 with respect to the critical high-level indicators and further information on performance with respect to other policing plan indicators. The report noted that Operation Spotlight had been running since 17 November with the aim of reducing residential burglaries, increasing sanction detections and improving satisfaction of burglary victims. Members asked for more details. It was noted that in 2008 the MPS ranked 39 out of 43 nationally in numbers of female police officers. A briefing note would be produced providing more information on this subject. In relation to the percentage of staff Public Order trained and refresher trained to level 2, the report noted “Course attendance is voluntary and Public Order training school advise that there has been poor uptake of training. BOCU performance varies and there may be insufficient incentives for those without local public order demands.” Members were concerned by this comment and the MPS undertook to provide a briefing note to members providing further details.

MPA Crime Data Recording Scrutiny update

This report provided an update on progress towards the 11 recommendations contained within the MPA Crime Data Recording Scrutiny. Support was given to continued work in implementation and embedding of recommendations of the Scrutiny and recommendations 8, 9 and 10 were signed of as complete.

Results from the public consultation to inform the Policing London Business Plan 2010/11

The report provided a list of all areas prioritised by respondents to the consultation and further analysis of the top five areas prioritised. Analysis of all consultation responses and demographics details of respondents is available in the full consultation analysis report on the MPA website.

Specialist Operations (SO) management information

The report gave a summary of SO Command performance against its objectives from June 2008 to January 2009. It also contained an explanation of how the MPS was responding to CONTEST, detailing its component parts and explaining how SO fulfilled the requirements of those component parts including those strands where other business groups took the lead.

Specialist Operations management information supplementary report

This supplementary report to agenda item 10 provided details on a number of developments within Police Counter Terrorism and developing Police Authority governance.

PCSO powers

The Committee received a report detailing how the core principles for PCSOs, as set out in the Green Paper ‘From Neighbourhood to the National: Policing our communities together’, had impacted on PCSOs in the MPS and identified key issues relating to any changes to PCSO powers and any cost implications. Members asked how the MPS ensured that PCSOs could utilise their powers confidently. The A/Dep Commissioner, TP, described the training and follow up training given. He also outlined the number of roles and tasks available to PCSOs. The Chair asked if work was being completed in regard to career progression. Members were informed there were no plans to give PCSOs a supervisory role, but there was variety of role they could perform during their careers, in addition, being a PCSO was the main route to becoming a police officer. The Chair asked how the job satisfaction of PCSOs was captured.

Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 12 March 2009

The following members were in attendance Cindy Butts (Chair), Victoria Borwick (Vice Chair), Reshard Auladin, Chris Boothman and Kirsten Hearn.

Overseas secondments

The Committee received on short presentation by Detective Superintendant Janice McLean on her experiences of a six month secondment and the value it provided to the service and the individual. The Chief Executive advised the Committee that a report on the practical difficulties arising from the operation of section 26 of the Police Act would be submitted to the Committee in due course.

Human Resource recruitment targets

The Committee received a report on the proposed recruitment and strength targets for the next three years financial years. The targets covered police officers, police community support officers and special constables. The report provided recruitment and strength targets for black and minority ethnic (BME) and female MPS personnel and highlighted some of the key features of the current recruitment strategy. The Committee agreed the following as interim targets for 2009/10.

  •  2,148 Police recruits (27.4% BME, 40.9% female) resulting in a strength of 33,353 (10% BME, 23.75% female)
  •  1,166 Police Community Support Officers (33.7% BME, 35.3% female) resulting in strength of 4,746 (31.5% BME, 36% female)
  •  2,987 Special constables (27.4% BME, 36.6% female) resulting in strength of 5,099 (31% BME, 33% female)

A report on the creative schemes used by the MPS to encourage graduate recruitment and the high potential scheme would be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.

Dip sampling of Employment Tribunal and Fairness at work (FAW) cases

This report set out the current procedure for dip sampling MPS Employment Tribunal and Fairness at Work (FAW) cases by the MPA. It followed proposals outlined in the Association of Police Authorities (APA) guidance “Tackling discrimination: police authority oversight and scrutiny of grievance procedures and employment tribunals.” The report also provided a brief summary of the benchmarking data obtained from a number of other police authorities for Employment Tribunals, grievances and discipline cases for the financial year 2007-08.

The Committee was of the view that member’s involvement in the Dip sampling process may indentify organisational practices or culture that had to be addressed. It was also considered that confidence in the FAW process may be enhanced by the involvement of members. A meeting would be arranged to progress this issue.

Rape Performance update

This report provided members with a summary of the MPS performance on rape investigations in London during the period of June 2008 to December 2008. The report detailed work undertaken to improve performance in the investigation of rape across London.

The Committee was advised that an interim report on gang related rapes was due for completion at the end of March and could be presented to the Committee in May.

A verbal update was given on the restructure of the Sapphire Project from Territorial Policing to Specialist Crime. The decision was made and announced last week and the relocation of the Sapphire Project is expected to be complete by the end of the calendar year. A paper on the restructure will be presented to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee in May.

Development of the MPA Hate Crime Forum

Stop and Search

This report presented a proposal to redevelop the Race Hate Crime Forum (RHCF) to become an inclusive Hate Crime Forum (HCF) to monitor hate crime across all 6 diversity strands. The expansion of the remit to a more inclusive HCF required appropriate representation from all diversity groups. The report highlighted some of the considerations in taking forward the HCF and its potential work into the future.

The Committee agreed to the transition of the RHCF to a HCF and its strategic purpose. It was noted that the membership of the HCF would reported to the Committee in due course.


The Committee received a report that set out key items considered at each of its Sub-committees.

  •  Human Resources Remuneration Sub-committee 16 January 2009
  •  Human Resources Remuneration Sub-committee 30 January 2009
  •  Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-committee 12 February 2009
  •  Equalities and Diversity Sub-committee

The Committee noted the report and approved the amended term of reference for Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-committee .

Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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