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Report 10 of the 26 March 2009 meeting of the MPA Committee and presents the framework agreement that sets out the respective roles and responsibilities in relation to powers and duties given to the key ‘agents’ within the Greater London Authority (GLA) Group.

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GLA group framework agreement

Report: 10
Date: 26 March 2009
By: Chief Executive


This report requests member endorsement of a framework agreement that sets out the respective roles and responsibilities in relation to powers and duties given to the key ‘agents’ within the Greater London Authority (GLA) Group.

A. Recommendation


  1. members endorse the GLA group Framework Agreement; and
  2. members note the progress being made to ensure the MPA has the appropriate codes and protocols in place to ensure it meets the requirements set out in the Framework Agreement.

B. Supporting information

1. During 2008, the MPA participated in a review of corporate governance across the GLA group. This review looked at the effectiveness of the operation and procedures of the several component parts of the GLA and considered what improvements were required to ensure transparent governance across the GLA group.

2. The review identified three key themes:

  •  The critical role of culture and behaviour in the operation of any corporate governance regime
  •  The need for openness and transparency in the operation of any such regime and
  •  The need for enhanced co-ordination across the GLA group with respect to corporate governance.

3. The review resulted in twelve recommendations (see appendix 1), including the need to develop a framework agreement across the GLA group that clarifies the roles and responsibilities of key agents across the group. That agreement has now been drafted and is attached at appendix 2. The purpose of the agreement is to lay out the terms on which interaction between the various functional bodies, the mayor’s office and the assembly should take place. It had been intended to put this report to the Corporate Governance Committee earlier this week. Unfortunately this did not happen due to an administrative oversight. As the Greater London Authority are keen to progress this framework with the support of the functional bodies, Members are asked to receive and consider this report as a matter of urgency.

4. It should be noted that although the document is not legally binding and does not detract from the full range of statutory powers, duties and responsibilities held by those within the group, it does represent a commitment on the part of the signatories to work together to improve the clarity and cohesion of activity across the group and to deliver more effective governance.

5. Members will note that under part F of the agreement, each component of the Group is required to have a full set of codes of conducts, codified sets of responsibilities for key members and officers and details of statutory roles. Function bodies, including the MPA are required to develop protocols setting out how they will fulfil their requirement to have a demonstrably proactive and positive approach to engagement with the London Assembly and a protocol to manage the relationship with the GLA.

6. Whilst the MPA has many of these requirements in place, the organisation is undergoing a change programme that will result in further changes (this change programme includes a member development programme, a review of organisational structures and an evaluation of the committee programme). Furthermore a recent standards committee investigation has recommended that a protocol for handling sensitive cases is developed. It is therefore proposed that a full set of codes and protocols is presented to the Member Awayday on 29 April 2009 before being ratified at corporate governance committee in June 2009.

C. Race and equality impact

This framework agreement will not impact on how the MPA delivers its statutory responsibilities and obligations under equalities legislation.

D. Financial implications

THere are no direct financial implications arising out of the adoption of the framework agreement.

E. Background papers

  • GLA Group Corporate Governance Review, Sept 08

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Siobhan Coldwell, Head of Oversight and Review, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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