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Report 8 of the 26 November 2009 meeting of the MPA Committee, provides details of the key items that have been considered by committees since the last meeting of the Authority.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Reports from Committees

Report: 8
Date: 26 November 2009
By: Chief Executive


At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Strategic and Operational Policing Committee - 15 October 2009
  • Finance and Resources Committee – 22 October 2009
  • Strategic and Operational Policing Committee - 5 November 2009

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 15 October 2009

Members present: Reshard Auladin, Chris Boothman, Cindy Butts (Item 4 to 5), James Cleverly, Toby Harris (Vice Chair), Neil Johnson, Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney.

Urgent actions (if any) and urgent operational issues - oral report (if any)

Palace of Westminster incursion - The Cdr, SO Security, gave an oral report on the incursion at the Palace of Westminster.

HGV Education Unit - Members noted that TfL was no longer funding the HGV Education Unit and its function would now be fulfilled by the HGV trade association. It was also noted that TfL was also cutting funding to the Camera Safety Partnership. Members noted that this illustrated that core MPS functions were often funded by other organisations and that this funding could be lost in the present economic climate.

Directorate of Information thematic performance report

The Committee received a report summarising the Directorate of Information’s (DoI) performance against its key business group targets and the MPS Information Communication and Technology Strategy 2006-9. It highlighted shortfalls, corrective actions and financial implications and described how DoI was developing its contribution to the single measure of performance (that of confidence in the police and local councils) and its role in delivering the Policing Pledge.

MPS position on Home Office Data Hub requirements

The Committee received a report stating that the Home Office was implementing a data hub that would hold detailed record level data from force crime and HR systems for statistical and research purposes. The Home Office saw significant benefits to the government in having a better source of police information to support research and publication of statistics. However, for data protection reasons, the MPS was concerned this would give the Home Office and researchers access to a wide set of detailed data. There were also cost and other implications for forces arising from implementing links to the data hub. Discussions were continuing with the Home Office regarding these concerns. The Director of Information stated that since the report had been written the MPS had received legal advice that the Commissioner was the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of FoI. She added that the Home Office had clarified that there was statutory basis for its data request and it had reduced the level of detail required. However the MPS remained concerned and a meeting was now planned between the Home Office, MPS and Information Commissioner’s Office. The Chair requested a further report in advance of any agreement outlining how the MPS was going to guarantee the safety of its data.

Headline performance report

A report was received providing an overview of progress against targets set for Critical Performance Areas and other corporate measures featured in the Policing London Business Plan 2009–12. Members were told that it was becoming more difficult to reach the BME recruitment target as police recruitment had slowed due to fewer than expected officers resigning/retiring.

Learning from murder and serious violence

The Cdr, TP, introduced a report on the lessons learnt by the MPS in respect of recent high profile cases in relation to homicide and serious violence (including rape). Members noted the problems caused when inter-agency cooperation broke down and asked who was driving this forward. They were told that this was invariably the MPS, although the Strategic Management Board was developing ‘multi agency public protection arrangements’ (MAPPA).

Transfer of responsibility for rape investigations

A report on the transfer of responsibility for the investigation of rape and serious sexual offences from TP to SCD had been received by the Committee in May. This report outlined the activities completed and the key remaining risks. Members remained concerned about staffing and training. The Chair requested that a further report be received on the transfer of responsibility from TP to SCD in six months time.

Police authority inspection update

This report updated members on the police authority inspection due to take place at the end of November 2009. It provided details on the timing and content of the inspection process. The Deputy Chief Executive reminded members that the inspection team would be contacting members to participate in interviews.

Civil claim settlement (exempt)

A report was received relating to civil claim settlements arising from the wrongful arrest of numerous people. The Chair noted that events had gone wrong on that day resulting in the possible financial consequences outlined in the report but was pleased that the MPS had acknowledge its mistakes. The Committee sought assurance that lessons had been learnt and such occurrences would be avoided in the future.

Request for consideration of ex gratia payment (exempt)

A report was received setting out all the relevant matters on which the Committee was requested to consider whether to authorise an ex gratia payment for forensic damage caused during the investigation of the murder. Whilst members expressed their sympathy at the claimant’s loss of a spouse, they did not feel however that they could support the claim as insurance claims were not the Authority’s business.

Request for consideration of ex gratia payment (exempt)

A report had been received requesting approval of an ex gratia payment to the family of a murder victim. Members were told that the report had been withdrawn as the family had applied for and received money from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.

Finance and Resources Committee – 22 October 2009

Members present: Steve O’Connell (Chairman), Faith Boardman, (Vice Chairman),Dee Doocey, Deborah Regal and Graham Speed.

Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 – period 5

This report provided an update on the revenue and capital budget monitoring position for 2009/10 at period 5 (to the end of August). The revenue budget is forecast to overspend by £16.1m (approximately 0.5% of budget). The capital programme as at period 5 shows year to date total expenditure of £44.5m. This total represents 19% of the revised annual budget of £234.2m. The forecast for the year of £218m is £16.2m below the revised annual budget.

The GLA electric vehicle commitment

The Mayor of London has identified the potential of electric power to make significant reductions in the environmental impact of road vehicles and that he had made a number of commitments including for the functional bodies to have 1000 electric vehicles across the GLA Group by 2015. The MPS, as the largest fleet holder, has coordinated the gathering of data and analysis of the GLA vehicle fleet to scope the potential for utilising electric and electric plug in vehicles within the fleet. In addition, the MPS is working with the functional bodies to develop the procurement, finance and communication strategies which have included evaluating government procurement frameworks and GLA fleet contracts, as well as exploring available funding opportunities. The planning assumption is that there would be no additional cost. The anticipated maximum number of electric vehicles to be deployed by the MPS is 800 and they would only be purchased if they were found to be fit for purpose. Assurances were given that they would not be used for operational purposes and would be replacement vehicles and not additional to the fleet.

Modernisation of the MPS estate: patrol bases

Details were provided of the development of the Patrol Base Programme and its place within the overall MPA/MPS Estates Strategy. It advised that four patrol bases have been opened to date and a further single Patrol base and a joint custody centre / patrol base are under development. A wide range of benefits and efficiencies of a patrol base have been identified by Borough Operational Command Units albeit that, to date, these have proved difficult to quantify. The Acting Borough Commander for Waltham Forest attended and provided an overview of the operation of the patrol base in that borough (one of the initial bases) since it opened in 2005.

Members expressed some reservations at the current patrol base programme and questioned whether one base per borough was appropriate in all cases and felt that in the boroughs which covered a larger geographical areas this could lead to longer response times especially if the base was sited at some distance from where it was known that incidents were likely to occur and there was also arguments in favour of having a multi- function building. The Committee noted an assurance that the policing model did not reflect one base per borough without regard to size and need.

Transforming HR (exempt)

The Committee received a report which gave details of the new anticipated go live date for this programme.

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 5 November 2009

Members present: Reshard Auladin, Jennette Arnold (items 1 to 10), Chris Boothman (items 4 to 7), Cindy Butts (items 1 to 8), Neil Johnson (item 1 to 11, Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney, Caroline Pidgeon and Deborah Regal (item 4 to 10).

Urgent actions (if any) and urgent operational issues - oral report (if any)

The committee received a late report asking it to note the appointments to its three sub committees – Counter Terrorism (CT) and Protective Services Sub-Committee, Olympic/Paralympic Sub-Committee and Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee made by the full Authority on 29 October 2009 and confirm the appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs to those committees as follows.

CT and Protective Services Sub-Committee

Toby Harris (Chair) Reshard Auladin (Vice Chair)

Olympic/Paralympic Sub-Committee

Dee Doocey (Chair) Jennette Arnold (Vice Chair)

Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Reshard Auladin (Chair) James Cleverly (Vice Chair)

Headline performance report 6 months to September 2009

This report provided the Committee with an overview of progress against targets set for Critical Performance Areas and other corporate measures featured in the Policing London Business Plan 2009–12.

TP thematic performance report from a business group - Community Safety Unit

This report provided an overview concerning the MPS performance trends in relation to hate crime and the resourcing of borough based Community Safety Units.

Specialist Crime Directorate - thematic performance report

This report provided members with an overview of Specialist Crime Directorate’s performance against its headline measures and targets with commentary on any significantly under or over performing areas. The Cdr, SCD, noted that there had been 37% fewer homicides than the same reporting period last year and that the Homicide and Serious Crime Command had achieved a detection rate of 100%. He stated that Trident continued to generate significant arrests and gun seizures, but a worrying trend was increasing arrests of young women for storing and carrying guns on behalf of partners and friends. Members discussed gun crime in detail and at length and it was requested that a report on the mediation project be received in three months time.

Multi perpetrator rape and youth violence

Members received a report on the issue of offences of rape committed by multiple offenders. It outlined current recorded crime statistics and our operational and partnership responses to supporting victims and encouraging reporting. This report again stimulated a lot of discussion. The Chair stated that this report had been requested so that a public debate on this difficult area could be initiated and more investigation made into the cause of such crimes. Now the first steps had been taken, he hoped there would be less sensitivity about the subject and he requested that the MPS come back with a further report when more research had been completed. Members requested that they have a briefing session and discussion on the subject before the report was commissioned. This was agreed.

MPS progress update on response to laming 2

A report was introduced by the Cdr, SCD5, providing:

  • An update to the report provided on 6 June 2009 on the MPS response to the recommendations in the Lord Laming review; ‘The Protection of Children in England A progress Report, following the death of Baby P’.
  • An update on the progress of the MPS action plan also outlined in the same report
  • An update on the Ofsted led Joint Agency Review (JAR) in June 2009 of progress made in Haringey

Appendix 1 was the report ‘Inspection of progress made in the provision of safeguarding services in the London Borough of Haringey’, published 3 July 2009 and a background update was provided of the criminal prosecutions, serious case reviews (SCR) and other relevant inspections affecting the MPS since the last report received by the committee.

Metropolitan Police Service response to Stockwell

This report highlighted how the MPS was responding to the findings of the latest HMIC review of the MPS response to Stockwell (published in June 09), and outlined how the MPS is going to action the issues raised in that report. This report was considered in tandem with the complementary report at agenda item 9 and the discussion is summarised under agenda item 10.

MPA Stockwell Scrutiny 2009

This report outlined the activity of the Stockwell Panel since February 2009. It made recommendations on how the MPA should continue to monitor the action plan in place to address its recommendations and highlighted a number of key concerns arising out of the HMIC Stockwell Inspection published in June 2009. Members felt it was unacceptable that recommendations 19 to 22 (in relation to the practice of officers writing up their notes together after an incident) had not been employed. The AC, SO, said there were legal and financial reasons why they had not been implemented and that, in his view, recommendations were recommendations not obligations. The Cdr, SO1, stated that the IPCC was content with the current arrangements, but added that the Commissioner had commissioned academic research on the subject of conferring the results of which would be published soon. The Chair asked if the MPS would change its position in relation to the recommendations if the academic research suggested that it should do so. The AC, SO, said that the results of the study would be shared with ACPO which had responsibility for maintaining the policy. The Chair felt this attitude was disingenuous as the MPS had gone against ACPO policy in the regard to vetting (agenda item 11). It was resolved that the Stockwell Panel be wound up and that this Committee commissions reports on a quarterly basis on the progress being made in implementing the action plan.

Vetting within the MPS

This report provided a briefing on vetting within the MPS. Members noted that the Internal Audit report on MPS vetting had been very critical of the MPS’s performance in this area, and noted the report did not say anything about the quality of decision making made under the current arrangements. Members asked which police officers and staff roles would be required to register with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA), it was agreed a further report would be commissioned on vetting performance and would seek assurance on decision making. In the interim a briefing note should be circulated to answer members’ questions about ISA registration.

Copies of reports and minutes from the Authority and its Committees are available from the MPA website. If you require any further information regarding MPA Committee please contact the MPA Committee Services team.

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