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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Minutes of the meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 28 October 2010 at City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London, SE1 2AA.



  • Kit Malthouse (Chairman)
  • Reshard Auladin (Vice Chairman)
  • Tony Arbour
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Faith Boardman
  • John Biggs
  • Victoria Borwick
  • Valerie Brasse
  • James Cleverly (items 2-5)
  • Dee Doocey
  • Toby Harris
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Jenny Jones
  • Clive Lawton
  • Joanne McCartney
  • Steve O’Connell
  • Caroline Pidgeon
  • Amanda Sater
  • Valerie Shawcross

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive)
  • Jane Harwood (Deputy Chief Executive)
  • Bob Atkins (Treasurer)

MPS officers

  • Sir Paul Stephenson (Commissioner)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Lynne Owens (Deputy Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing)

34. Apologies for absence and announcements

(Agenda item 1)

34.1 Apologies for absence were received from Christopher Boothman, Graham Speed, Cindy Butts, Neil Johnson and Tim Godwin (Deputy Commissioner),

35. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

35.1 No declarations of interest were made.

Resolved – That

  1. the list of memberships of functional bodies and London Borough Councils, as set out in the table above, be noted;
  2. the gifts and hospitality received by members, as set out on the Authority’s gifts and hospitality register, be noted; and
  3. all members declare any other personal or personal prejudicial interests in specific items listed on the agenda over and above items listed in the table above and including any interest arising from gifts or hospitality received in the last 3 years or which are not at the time of this meeting reflected on the Authority’s register of gifts and hospitality.

36. Minutes: 30 September 2010

(Agenda item 3)

36.1 Members considered the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 30 September 2010.

36.2 As the second iteration of the Civil Liberties Panel report on G20 was still outstanding, members requested the Chairman intervene to ensure this is published as soon as possible. It was agreed that in future reports of this nature would be completed within a set, pre-agreed timescale.

Resolved – That, the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 30 September 2010 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

37. Chairman’s update

(Agenda item 4)

37.1 The Chairman began by congratulating the MPS, the Commissioner and his team on a number of recent successes.

37.2 He congratulated Denise Milani, Director of Diversity and Citizen focus, who won the Woman of the Year 2010 at the GG2 Diversity and Leadership Awards.

37.3 The Chairman also highlighted the success of the first MPS Diversity Excellence Award ceremony, which was held by the Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate. Awards were presented by Deputy Commissioner Tim Godwin in five categories relating to all areas of diversity.

37.4 The Special constables award ceremony was highlighted by the Chairman. Specials with long periods of service were recognised and the MSC Team of the Year Award went to Enfield Borough "Monday On Traffic" Team.

37.5 The life of PC Keith Blakelock was honoured by the MPS on 6 October, 25 years on from his murder during the Broadwater Farm riots in Tottenham.

37.6 The Chairman highlighted the small team of officers from Tower Hamlets who were presented an award by the Association of British Hujjaj (Pilgrims) UK in recognition of a fraud investigation involving a rogue travel agent who had purported to offer travel packages to the 2008 Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

37.7 The Chairman also congratulated the MPS for involvement in the Commonwealth Games. A team of officers were deployed to protect VIPs and provide safety advice to British nationals who were attending. A large slice of the cost was met by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office so it was an efficient, as well as successful, trip.

37.8 Officers from the Met Police Central e-Crime Unit were also commended by the Chairman for their work with internet service providers to close over 180 websites advertising counterfeit and illegal medicines for sale.

37.9 The good work of the Safer Transport Command in tackling illegal cab drivers and helping people get home safely through Operation Safer Transport at Night was also praised by the Chairman.

37.10 National Identity Fraud Prevention Week, during which Operation Sterling launched an offer of advice to businesses and residents about how best to protect their identities, was highlighted. Officers made a number of targeted arrests that week.

37.11 The Chairman then spoke about Operation Golf, which was set up to safeguard vulnerable potential victims. Forty-one children were seen at a specifically set up assessment centre staffed by SCD5, Redbridge social workers and NHS Trust staff. Eight people were arrested of a variety of offences, although none for trafficking.

37.12 The Chairman then informed the Authority of a number of meetings and events that he had attended since the last meeting of the Authority.

37.13 He explained that he had been interviewed by the Home Affairs Select Committee as part of their policing inquiry focusing on the introduction of directly elected Police and Crime Commissioners. The Authority had also submitted written evidence to the inquiry based on the member response to the Policing in the 21st Century consultation. The legislation is due to be published on 29 November.

37.14 The Chairman highlighted the recent CSR announcement, stating that although the settlement is challenging for the MPA, it is not quite as challenging as had been thought. However, the ‘fog is still on the battlefield’ and the full picture will not become clear until December, because the national allocation has to be sorted out. He stated that we would proceed with formal budget scrutiny and that the informal process that has been ongoing since the summer has been going extremely well.

37.15 The JEMs continue to progress well, with Southwark, Lambeth and Enfield boroughs have taken place this month.

37.16 The Chairman had spoken at the Met Black Police Association annual general meeting and attended the MetBPA Celebration of Life concert. Sadly, he explained that as they were celebrating the good news about young people in London, an incident that resulted in the death of a young man was starting to brew in Plaistow.

37.17 Lastly, the Chairman referred to the GLA proposals for a compulsory sobriety programme in London based on a successful scheme in South Dakota.

37.18 Some members then questioned the Chairman on these proposals. They asked what in particular the impact implementation would have on the time of MPS officers and why members had not been informed and consulted prior to announcement in the media. The Chairman clarified that the proposals were a GLA/ Mayoral, rather than MPA, initiative and that, in South Dakota, where this has been implemented, young people staff centres for testing, rather than police. There is a 99.6% compliance rate, so the impact on police time, when tests are positive, is very small. The Chairman agreed to bring a report back to the Authority in January 2011 with further details and confirmed that an equality impact assessment was being carried out.

37.19 The Chairman also, upon members’ request, agreed to provide a written Chairman’s update in future and to extend the recognition of commendations to those given to all officers, including borough commanders’ commendations.

Resolved – That the report be received.

38. Commissioner’s report

(Agenda item 5)

Performance issues

38.1 The Commissioner presented a report summarising recent performance in the MPS, as well as operational and initiatives designed to tackle crime and make London safer.

38.2 In relation to performance, the figures referred to in the report were those for April to August 2010. The Commissioner also provided members with an update of September performance data at the meeting.

38.3 The Commissioner in presenting performance figures informed members that since the last meeting, the Home Office has released the quarterly crime figures for England and Wales covering the first three months of this financial year.

38.4 The Commissioner explained that Total Notifiable Offences continues to be down, with a total of 422,822 offences for the first six months of this financial year, 1,262 fewer offences (-0.3%) than at this time last year. This continues to be the lowest level of total offences since 1998.

38.5 He reported that residential burglary offences were down by -8.7%, Motor vehicle crime is up slightly, by +1.3% and Most Serious Violence (MSV) combined with assault with injury (AWI) is showing a reduction of -4.4%. He highlighted that overall gun crime is down by -14.8% but this remains a challenge.

38.6 The Commissioner reported hate crime has fallen, but significant underreporting remains and, lastly, that 32 fewer people have died from road accidents this period compared to last year, which is a significant reduction.

38.7 The Commissioner then went on to outline the key challenging areas for the MPS.

38.8 For the first six months of this financial year, there have been 80 additional offences of serious youth violence, an increase of 2.4%, and two additional teenage homicides in London the past month, which brings the total to 17 for London for the calendar year 2010. Operation Verano continues to bring together tactics to meet this challenge.

38.9 Knife crime is up by 2.9%, although the increase has been lower in the second quarter of 2010/11 than the first and instances where a knife is used to injure are down, by -3.6%. The main driver behind the rise in knife crime is related to robbery, which continues to be of concern. Knife enabled robberies are up, but robberies were knives are used to injure is down. Operation Autumn Nights is being relaunched, supported by covert activity and Blunt resources. Work to suppress is ongoing, but long term preventative work with families and schooling is needed.

38.10 Rape offences continue to be of concern. A report providing a one year update on the operation of the SCD Sapphire Command will be presented to SOP committee in December. Some longer term research is also being conducted around rape and is due to report back to the MPA in March 2011.


38.11 The Commissioner then gave a summary of the current position in relation to the budget. The Comprehensive Spending Review announcement has provided some clarity, but further information on the level of policing grant, specific Government grants for the Service and precept funding are required before decisions can be taken. It is a challenging time for the MPS and the Commissioner highlighted the fact that we live in the real world and we have to continue to reduce costs as much as we can, providing better policing for less.

38.12 Under the MPS Service Improvement Programme, total accumulated savings up to the end of 2013/14 are planned to be delivered as follows:

  • Catering Modernisation - £34m
  • Training Modernisation - £98m
  • Transforming HR - £58m
  • Rationalisation of Property Estate - £93m
  • PSD Modernisation and Contract Rationalisation - £73m
  • Forensics - £51m

38.13 The Commissioner stated that he plans to protect operational capability as far as possible and ensure balanced policing between visible presence on the streets and specialist and protective services.

Safer Neighbourhoods

38.14 The Commissioner explained that earlier that week he and the Chairman of the Authority had written to all Borough Leaders and Chief Executives, making clear that Safer Neighbourhoods will remain the cornerstone of policing in London. The benefits they bring, including increasing confidence and reducing anti social behaviour, are clear. He clarified that no major changes to the policy are being proposed, but the model is being considered and partners’ and communities’ views sought, in light of the different times we are now in.

Issues raised by members

38.15 Members had submitted a number of questions in advance of the meeting.

38.16 Some members had submitted question in advance of the meeting and were content to receive a written response to those questions. These included the submitted questions on:

  • Two-tiered crime reporting
  • Police Training

Safer Neighbourhood Teams

38.17 Members questioned the Commissioner on the current consultation being undertaken regarding safer neighbourhoods. They asked when ring-fencing had been removed and whether budget reductions would impact. They also questioned why prior discussions had not occurred with members before borough commanders had started consulting with communities over the future of safer neighbourhood teams. A letter that was sent by the Barnet borough commander was referred to.

38.18 The Commissioner accepted that some wording used in the letter was contradictory, but stated that this was a consultation that is part of the ongoing TP Development programme, there has been no policy change and there would not be without discussion with the Authority. The MPS is still maintaining a 5% abstraction rate and the letter sent from the Commissioner and Chairman of the Authority that week was to clarify the consultation process to borough commanders.

38.19 The Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Territorial Policing would be sending out a consultation framework that week and would circulate to members. The Commissioner emphasised that the MPS is passionate about safer neighbourhoods and he would do everything he could do maintain, modernise and improve the model.


38.20 The Commissioner was then probed further regarding the impact of the comprehensive spending review and how confident he was about being able to maintain operational capability.

38.21 The Commissioner restated that he was determined to do everything he could to maintain operational capability but it would be a challenging period. He would look to minimise cost, particularly on inanimate objects, and maximise resources on operational delivery.

38.22 The Commissioner was asked by a member if police headcount is an operational matter that the MPA does not control. He replied that he would come back with an answer, but that even if operational, he would still wish to discuss this with the Authority.

Fire arms procedure

38.23 The Commissioner was asked that in light of the criticism of the MPS from the coroner in the inquest of Mark Saunders, could he update the Authority on any action that has been taken since May 2008 to update firearms procedures in the MPS

38.24 The Commissioner said first and foremost that his thoughts were with the family of Mr Saunders. He explained the MPS consideration of each point raised by the coroner and that details of this would be contained in a report coming to SOP Committee in January 2011.


38.25 Members noted that the Commissioner had written to the Home Office to consider options to reduce the number of legal claims against the MPS due to their high costs. Members asked the Commissioner if he thought it would be worth the MPS investing in body cameras as these had been proven in all trials to reduce the number of complaints against the police.

38.26 The Commissioner clarified that he had written to draw attention to the disproportionate legal costs and to suggest instead an ombudsman process be implemented. Regarding body worn cameras there was not a business case to roll these out due to the significant cost outweighing the benefits. It was acknowledged that if the technology cost reduces in future this may be worth reconsidering.


38.27 Members asked the Commissioner if he could provide them with the figures of how many targets are being abolished in the MPS and how many are being introduced. Members also asked for details of how much office time has or would be saved as a result of the abolition of targets?

38.28 The Commissioner stated that he was supportive of decreasing the number of targets, to allow an increase in flexibility and professionalism. He will be asking the Authority to consider a reduced number of targets in next year’s Policing London Business Plan.

Data accuracy

38.29 In noting that the MPS is working to establish data accuracy levels across the organisation members asked if some boroughs’ data had been found to be consistently inaccurate and how was the information received reliable general information from the MPS on crime?”

38.30 The Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Territorial Policing responded, stating that it was right to have reliable figures for the public to judge performance, however work is currently underway to review the rigid crime recording standards, as they are felt to be overcomplicated. A report of the review will be provided to the MPA in due course. She agreed with the member suggestion that crime recording be carried out centrally, stating that this is already planned under the TP programme.

Notifiable offences in Harrow

38.31 A member drew attention to the fact that in the last seven months the total notifiable offences in Harrow rose by 4%; and gave the example of robbery rising by 16% and serious violence by 10%. The Commissioner was asked what reasons could be attributed to the disappointing rise in crime in Harrow since May, in contrast with the falling figures in London as a whole?

38.32 The Commissioner explained that the increase in notifiable offences in Harrow was a problem born out of success in driving down crime in previous years to low levels. He highlighted that the partnership in Harrow between the police and local authority was particularly good.

Child protection training

38.33 The Commissioner was asked what decisions, if any, have been taken or are in the pipeline relating to the future delivery of specialist training for MPS child protection CAITs, SCD2 sapphire teams and other SCD specialist units.

38.34 The Commissioner clarified that the MPS Management Board discussion regarding this training is ongoing. A reduction in cost is being sought, but there is no intention for the training to be delivered by generalists rather than specialists in future.

Catering Costs

38.35 Members asked the Commissioner why the MPS still provided its own in-house catering rather than have contracted providers. Some members felt that this was a wasteful, inefficient and old fashioned approach.

38.36 The Commissioner stated that changes to the way in which catering would be delivered would be implemented as part of the Service Improvement Programme. The MPS is looking to drive down costs internally first before considering whether to outsource this function.

London resilience

38.37 The Commissioner was asked to comment on the new arrangements for the co-ordination of London Resilience. Members asked if he was content that the London Resilience Forum which was formerly co-chaired by a Minister and the Mayor would be chaired solely by the Deputy Mayor. He was also asked if this provided enough leverage over utilities and central government bodies which need to be actively involved and had the MPS been consulted on these proposals. In addition members asked how would the decision be taken to escalate an incident from the London level to national emergency status co-ordinated by COBR?

38.38 The Commissioner responded that he was content with the arrangements, that the Government liaison role remained unchanged and that escalation up to COBR would continue to occur if necessary, as it had previously.

38.39 The Commissioner was then questioned about the contingencies that had been put in place for the London Fire Brigade strike, particularly over the weekend of Bonfire Night and Diwali. He stated that the job of the MPS is to remain impartial and uphold the law, but contingencies were in place and additional staff would be available to attend incidents if required.

MPA scrutiny reports

38.40 Members asked the Commissioner if he valued the recommendations from MPA scrutiny reports. A recommendation from the Stockwell report for some research to be undertaken was referred to.

38.41 The Commissioner said he does value recommendations and that approximately 85% of the recommendations made in the G20 Report had been implemented, with a rationale provided to the MPA for those not implemented. He agreed to provide an update on the recommendation for research to be undertaken by Portsmouth University, a recommendation from the Stockwell inquiry.

Rape - extra officers

38.42 Following a recent report in the Evening Standard on 15 October that the number of Sapphire Officers would increase to 470 from April 2011. Members asked the Commissioner if he could confirm any increase that is planned in officer and staff numbers and the planned budget increase for SCD2 Sapphire.

38.43 The Commissioner confirmed that the SCD2 Sapphire command has increased by 117 officers to a total of 477. Recruitment to fill all those posts is ongoing. In December, a detailed 12 month SCD2 update report will be coming to SOP committee.

Section 60 Stop and Search powers

38.44 It has been reported that new draft Home Office guidance will allow police to stop and search on the basis of ethnic origin under Section 60. Members asked the Commissioner if he had or would be consulted on this guidance and what was his view on this proposal.

38.45 The Commissioner stated that he had received the draft proposal and clarified that grounds to search are still needed. A search cannot be conducted based on an individual’s ethnic origin alone. The MPS is taking part in the ongoing review.

38.46 A member congratulated the MPS on being ‘world class’ following feedback he had received in other countries he had recently visited.

38.47 The Commissioner was asked for an update on what the MPS does to monitor dangerous offenders, following recent press stories. The Commissioner clarified that release of prisoners is not a police decision, but is part of the MAPPA process, which the MPS is a part of. MAPPA is not risk free, but does aim to mitigate risk.

38.48 A member asked the Commissioner whether Operation Verano will continue as a standard force to tackle youth violence and knife crime. The Commissioner clarified that this is an area that the MPS is putting significant resource into, but to stop it happening in the first place, long-term social policy change is required.

38.49 Those issues that the Commissioner undertook to report back on to members have been circulated in the form of an addendum report and are appended to these minutes at Appendix 1.

Resolved – That the report be received.

39. Reports from the committees

(Agenda item 6)

39.1 The Authority received a report outlining key issues that had been considered at recent Authority Committee meetings. The report covered the following meetings:

  • Joint Strategic and Operational Policing and Finance and Resources Committee – 23 September 2010
  • Finance and Resources Committee – 23 September 2010

Resolved – That the report be received

40. Any other business

(Agenda item 9)

40.1 There were no items of urgent business.

The meeting closed at 12:09 p.m. 

Appendix 1

Addendum to the Commissioner’s report

Report by the Commissioner

This report follows up on the actions and commitments made verbally by the Commissioner at the Authority meeting on 28 October 2010.

The Commissioner committed to provide an update to Members on the following issues:

  • Review of Safer Neighbourhood Teams
  • Responsibility for total police head count
  • Actions since May 2008 regarding firearms procedures
  • Update regarding a recommendation from the Stockwell Scrutiny Report

Review of Safer Neighbourhood Teams

1. The Commissioner agreed to circulate the Safer Neighbourhood Teams Consultation Framework to Members. This will be sent to the MPA by 19 November

Responsibility for total police head count

2. John Biggs asked for clarification on whether the total police head count was an operational matter for the MPS or whether this is an MPA responsibility. The Commissioner agreed to provide clarification. A response letter will be sent to John Biggs by 19 November; this will also be sent to the MPA for circulation to Members.

Action since May 2008 regarding firearms procedures

3. Dee Doocey asked what action had been taken since May 2008 regarding firearms procedures and how these related to the criticisms of the Coroner at the inquest of Mark Saunders. The Commissioner agreed to provide the list of specific actions. A briefing note will be provided to the MPA by 23rd November.

Update regarding a recommendation from the Stockwell Scrutiny Report.

4. Caroline Pidgeon asked for an update regarding the Portsmouth Research recommendation from the Stockwell Scrutiny Report. A briefing note will be provided to the MPA by 30 November.

Report author: Zara Ryder, Strategic Relationships, MPS

Background papers None

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