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Report 7 of the 1 March 2010 meeting of the Resources and Productivity Sub-committee, seeks to acquire the freehold of a building in Richmond for use as a multi purpose corporate facility.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Request for authority to acquire a freehold building in Richmond

Report: 7
Date: 1 March 2010
By: Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


.Authority is sought to acquire the freehold of a building in Richmond for use as a multi purpose corporate facility.

A. Recommendations

Members are requested to:

  1. Note the proposals developed in regard to the provision of corporate training facilities to support the MPS, and the proposals to support Richmond Borough in regard to the provision of specific Safer Neighbourhood facilities and future front counter facilities in Richmond Town Centre;
  2. Approve the acquisition by the Metropolitan Police Authority of a freehold property in Richmond, the location and the terms of which are detailed in Exempt Appendix 2;
  3. Approve the estimated expenditure detailed in Exempt Appendix 3 for contract works and professional fees in connection with the fit out works of these premises;
  4. Approve an amendment to the capital programme for the acquisition of, and works to, a freehold building in Richmond and the anticipated additional receipts;
  5. Approval to a revenue contribution to capital from the Service Improvement Fund totalling up to £7m to support this proposal;
  6. Approve in principle the disposal of the two freehold properties referred to in Exempt Appendix 2; both non- public facing properties.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS have identified through the business planning processes, the need to improve resources at the MPS’s disposal. Through the business planning and Service Improvement Programme there is now a focus on the need to improve estate utilisation. This will be achieved through the implementation of a corporate real estate approach to the allocation of accommodation and use of real estate assets. Separately, work is also underway to improve the efficiency of training throughout the MPS. The corporate real estate approach will support this through the provision of pan London, Corporate Training facilities.

2. At this stage, it is envisaged that there will be up to five pan London locations providing corporate Training Facilities. The first in Central London (Buckingham Palace Road) was developed as a Central London Training Centre to support specific TP and HR (IPLDP) needs. It is intended that the use of these facilities, coupled with future facilities at Empress State Building, are extended to pan-MPS use.

3. The second facility, which is the topic of this report, is to provide a facility supporting South-West London, based in Richmond. The third facility is being developed for South-East London, based at Marlowe House, Sidcup and a fourth will be developed as part of the Hendon strategy. Provision/need for North-East London facilities will be considered further in due course.

4. At present training is devolved to Business Groups / OCUs leading to duplication of both roles and facilities. Devolved room booking and allocation to Business Groups / OCUs leads to a lack of visibility of other available facilities across the estate and a subsequent over provision of rooms which are often poorly utilised. The hiring of external facilities is extensive and an unnecessary revenue cost.

5. Coupled with the change in the delivery of Police recruit foundation training in line with the national Police Constable Foundation Training Programme (“PCFTP”) (formerly known as Initial Probationer Learning and Development Programme “IPLDP”), opportunities exist to meld locations for PCFTP training with other MPS training requirements and provide suitable facilities supported by room booking arrangements to maximise the use of accommodation. The training facilities will be designed in such a way that the rooms may be used by any business group wishing to carry out training in south west London.

6. Previously and as part of the original IPLDP business case building B was identified and utilised as one of the eight regional centres supporting IPLDP training in the boroughs of Richmond-upon-Thames, Kingston, Hounslow and Sutton.

7. The IPLDP business case envisaged either the retention of this training facility or the acquisition of a replacement facility. The proposed acquisition of the property in Richmond would enable the training provision at Building B to be relocated to Richmond.

8. The occupiers of building A referred to in Exempt Appendix 2 are in occupation on a temporary basis pending relocation. Alternative accommodation within the existing estate has been identified and agreed in principle with relevant business groups. Options to refurbish the property have been considered previously by Property Services. The costs, in excess of £3.3m, are not supported, further there is no funding allocated for such a refurbishment project within the approved capital programme.

9. In developing this opportunity, Property Services have worked with TPHQ and locally Richmond BOCU to identify solutions in support of the asset management plans for Richmond Borough. There is also an operational requirement to acquire suitable accommodation for three BOCU Safer Neighbourhood Teams within Richmond town centre. The proposed acquisition is large enough for three SN teams to be accommodated.

10. In addition to the SN facilities it is proposed that a public front counter facility will also be provided. Consultation around this element will be undertaken once the facility is available for use.

11. The building will be refurbished in line with the MPS’s corporate real estate standards (to be presented separately to Governance Board), to a modern generic standard providing flexible training accommodation (including a Hydra suite), some open plan office space and the SN facility including a front counter.

12. Consultation has taken place with both Transport for London and the London Borough of Richmond regarding any possible facilities within their portfolios that could be utilised as an alternative to this proposal. In both cases they have confirmed that they have no suitable property available.

Environmental implications

13 The building in Richmond is already double glazed and the thermal efficiency of the whole will be enhanced during the refurbishment works to comply with present day standards. By contract both building A and building B are single glazed and the cost of upgrading to present day standards would not be economically justifiable.

14. Due to its age and construction on-going maintenance costs are high, and building B is not efficient in terms of energy use. Local facilities are very limited. The closest railway station is one mile away offering a limited service of two trains per hour. Local bus services are extremely limited. As a consequence the majority of staff and trainees commute by car or motorbike. As a location it is not considered to be sustainable. It is also located outside the Metropolitan Police area.

15. By way of contrast the proposed building in Richmond is located very near to the combined railway / tube station with a very high frequency service on both rail and tube. Bus routes are numerous in the area. The multiple public transport routes make the building easily accessible for both training staff and recruits from the four boroughs to be trained there. Local facilities are extensive and the proposed facilities will only require limited catering facilities ie drinks and vending machines:

The table below indicates the expected effect of the recommended actions

  Higher  Lower No impact Mitigation/ management of any higher impact
Level of energy use and associated carbon dioxide emissions   Tick   Reduced impact, building compliant to current standards. Disposal of older accommodation.
Level of water consumption   Tick    Building compliant to modern standards will use less water.
Level of waste generation/waste requiring disposal   Tick   A Sustainable Waste Management Plan is in place to manage, minimise and recycle construction site waste. An office recycling system will be implemented.
Level of travel and transport and associated emissions   Tick   The site offers excellent links to public transport.
Raw material use and finite resources (use of recycled materials and sustainable alternatives) Tick     Construction works will be undertaken.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The property will provide a modern compliant training environment that is accessible to staff and recruits, with excellent public transport links as well as front-counter facilities and facilities for three Safer Neighbourhood teams which support the implementation of the Borough Asset Plan. The new front counter will be fully DDA compliant.

D. Financial implications

1. The financial implications are set out in exempt Appendix 1.

E. Legal implications

1. By virtue of s146A of the Local Government Act 1972, the MPA has the power to purchase property for the purpose of any of its functions under S120 of the Act, and also dispose of any land held by the MPA in any manner it wishes under S123 of the Act as it if were a “principal council”.

2. The MPA must in exercising its discretion to purchase or dispose of land have regard to its obligation to do so fairly having regard to established policy and procedure and the requirements contained in the MPA’s standing orders, in particular, Part F.

3. The proposed refurbishment works will need to be procured in accordance with Part E (The Contract Regulations) of the MPA standing orders, and the Public Contract Regulations 2006. Procurement Services will be engaged to ensure compliance with the above procurement regime.

4. The recommendations set out in the report are subject to contract. External lawyers have been instructed through MetLaw (DLS) to complete the conveyance and ensure the MPA’s interests are protected.

F. Background papers

  • MPS Investment Board - IPLDP Implementation (ref IB(06)89) - 19 September 2006
  • Update On The Central London Estate Strategy - Finance Committee 19 July 2007
  • Process For Agreeing Changes To The TP Estate - Finance & Resources Committee 21 January 2010

G. Contact details

Report authors: Jane Bond, Director Property Services and David Taylor, Deputy Director Asset Management, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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