Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Resources and Productivity Sub-committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 13 September 2010 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Faith Boardman (Chairman)
  • John Biggs
  • Valerie Brasse
  • Graham Speed (Vice Chairman)

MPA officers

  • Annabel Adams (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Julie Norgrove (Director of Audit, Risk and Assurance)
  • John Crompton (Treasury Team)

MPS officers

  • Ailsa Beaton (Director of Information)
  • Gordon Carey-Yard (DLS team leader)
  • Paul Daly (Director of Exchequer Services)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Franca Oliffe (Assistant Director DLS)
  • David Woosey (Acting Director of Procurement Services)

Also in attendance: Phiroza Katrack from Arlingclose attended for consideration of agenda item 4.

19. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

There were none.

20. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations were made.

21. Minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2010

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved - That the minutes of the Resources and Productivity Sub-committee held on 5 July 2010 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

22. Treasury Management quarterly report

(Agenda item 4)

A report was submitted which invited members to review Treasury Management activity for the period 1 April 2010 to 30 June 2010. A statement of assurance from the Treasurer and Director of Finance was provided.

Phiroza Katrack from Arlingclose attended for consideration of this report. She provided members with a summary of activity since the last quarterly report. In particular she asked the Sub-committee to note that the expansion of the counterparty list has achieved the objective of redirecting funds from the Debt Management Office to other sectors with opportunities to achieve a better return.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

23. Capital Programme quarterly monitoring report quarter 1

(Agenda item 5)

A report was submitted which provided members with information on the capital programme 2010/11 as at the end of the first quarter of the financial year.

Members welcomed details of the monitoring process and further discussion on this aspect would take place outside the meeting. There also needed to be a discussion about the impact of reduced funding going forward and the balance between capital and revenue savings.

It was noted that the MPA had recently announced that an IT Panel was to be established and that it was the intention that it would consider the DoI capital programme as part of its remit.

In response to points raised the Director of Resources confirmed that given the challenging financial position careful consideration will need to be given to ensuring that there will be sufficient revenue funds to support the implementation and in-service costs of all the schemes in the programme.

Resolved - That the position with regard to capital expenditure incurred during 2010/11 as at the end of the first quarter be noted.

24. Update on the implementation of early payment initiatives to Small and Medium Enterprises

(Agenda item 6)

A report was submitted which updated members on the status of the previously approved actions in support of the Mayor’ s early payment to SMEs initiative and the current payment profile for such suppliers .
The Director of Exchequer Services to investigate the reasons for the increase in the number of payments which were taking more than 30 days to process.

Members noted that it remained the ambition to move beyond 80% of invoices being paid within 10 days.

Resolved - That the actions taken to date to improve the time to make payment on undisputed invoices to SMEs with the ultimate aim being payment within 10 working days of the receipt of a valid invoice and the current payment profile for SMEs be noted.

25. Overtime costs quarterly monitoring report quarter 1 strategy - action plan

(Agenda item 7)

This report provided analysis on overtime paid to Police Officers, Police Staff and Police Community Support Officers during the quarter to 30 June 2010.

The Chair said it was clear that the somewhat complex raft of terms and conditions relating to the payment of overtime, particularly those relating to public holidays, restrict the ability for the police service to make significant further progress in reducing the total amount spent on overtime. The Sub-committee asked that a report be commissioned for the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee which explored these aspects further in the context of the wider reform work which the Home Office was due to carry out. This in turn would be of assistance to her in her capacity as the MPA representative on the Police Negotiating Board.

Resolved - That

  1. The position regarding the overtime costs in the first quarter of 2010/11 be noted.
  2. a joint meeting with the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee be held and a report be commissioned for the joint meeting on the scope for reform of terms and conditions.

(Note: the meeting was subsequently arranged for 20 December 2010 at 2.00 pm)

26. Procurement Strategy action plan update

(Agenda item 8)

A report was submitted which provided an update on progress against the action plan in the quarter ended 30 June 2010.

Resolved - That

  1. the update as provided in the exempt Appendices be noted; and
  2. it be noted that further quarterly updates will continue to be provided to the Sub-committee.

27. Requests for contract action

(Agenda item 9)

This report set out the summary of requests for contract action received in Procurement Services within the last quarter (April to June 2010), with a particular focus on the requests that fall under the remit of Single Tender Actions (STA) and submitted via the associated form 1049. The report provides details of compliance with EU Procurement law.

Resolved - That

  1. the summary of competed tenders received in the first quarter of 2010/11 and the control of single tender exemptions through Procurement Services and the MPA be noted; and
  2. it be noted that further quarterly updates will continue to be provided to the Sub-committee.

28. Award of contract for boarding up properties and related services

(Agenda item 10)

A report was submitted which sought authority to award a contract for a service to cover the provision of boarding up and related services following instances of police forced entry to premises/property and certain warrant supported or welfare related entries.

Resolved - That approval be given to the award of a contract to the firm identified in the exempt appendix for three years, based upon a three year framework agreement put in place by Thames Valley Police. The total value for the full three years is estimated to be £5.55m.

29. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 11)

Resolved - That under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.

Summary of decisions made on exempt items

30. Exempt appendices to overtime report

(Agenda item 12)

Information noted.

31. Exempt appendices to procurement strategy action plan update

(Agenda item 13)

Information noted.

32. Requests for contract information – management information

(Agenda item 14)

Information noted.

33. Exempt Appendices to contract for boarding up properties

(Agenda item 15)

34. Quarterly update on the variations to the CapGemini contract

(Agenda item 16)

Information noted.

35. Exempt minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2010

(Agenda item 17)

Confirmed and signed.

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