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This report 7 of the 05 October 2006 meeting of the Standards Committee and gives some guidance recently considered by the GLA and invites the MPA’s Standards Committee to agree to the production of similar advice for MPA members.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Guidance on behaviour and use of language

Report: 7
Date: 05 October 2006
By: the Chief Executive and Clerk


This report attaches some guidance recently considered by the Greater London Authority’s Standards Committee and invites the MPA’s Standards Committee to agree to the production of similar advice for MPA members.

A. Recommendation

That the Committee agrees the production of guidance for MPA members and indicates any particular issues that it would wish to see covered in this guidance.

B. Supporting information

1. A browse through the case summaries on the Standards Board for England website shows the prevalence of allegations against members on the grounds of what is considered unacceptable language or behaviour towards others.

2. The relevant paragraphs of the MPA Code of Conduct are paras 2 and 4:

“2. A member must –

  1. promote equality by not discriminating unlawfully against any person;
  2. treat others with respect; and
  3. not do anything which compromises or which is likely to compromise the impartiality of a police officer or those who work for, or on behalf of, the Authority.

With regard to (a) above, a member will take account of the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act and the requirements of the MPA’s equality policy to:

  • Eliminate discrimination
  • Promote equality of opportunity; and
  • Promote good relations between persons of different groups

4. A member must not in his official capacity, or any other circumstance, conduct himself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing his office or authority into disrepute.”

3. The Greater London Authority’s Standards Committee has recently considered guidance for Assembly Members on the use of language and behaviour – attached as Appendix 1. The MPA already addresses many of the principles in its protocol on member/officer relations. However, the Committee may feel that specific guidance along the lines of the GLA’s guidance should be developed. There will be other aspects that will need to be addressed in MPA guidance. For instance, the different membership categories – Assembly Members, Independents and Magistrates – may require more explicit advice as, arguably, someone who operates in a political environment may have a different understanding from an Independent member as to where the boundary is between robust debate and personal attack. There are also special issues for a Police Authority - for example any stated freedom to criticise officers must be defined having regard to the need for sensitivity in relation to ongoing investigations or operations.

4. The Committee is invited to approve the production of such guidance and to indicate any particular areas it would wish to see covered. If agreed, once the guidance is produced it will be copied to Standards Committee members. If it is acceptable it can then be issued; if Committee members have any concerns it could be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration

C. Race and equality impact

The MPA’s Code of Conduct specifically makes reference to the need to take account of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act and the Authority’s equality policy. The guidance will similarly need to address equality and diversity issues.

D. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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